where can you find the wolf ship I want to buy more
The Hegemony military and Tri-Tachyon military markets can carry them. Maybe also Knights of Ludd and Diktat military, but I hardly ever look at what they have. Hegemony has military markets in Corvus, Valhalla, and Arcadia, if I'm not mistaken; the only Tri-Tachyon military market is at Tibicena in the Magec system. You can additionally find Wolf-Ds on the black market and at pirate stations, and maybe a fully-functional Wolf will show up once in a while, but I wouldn't count on it as I cannot recall ever seeing one show up.
Hegemony Wolves are given a brown color scheme, while Tri-Tachyon has them in blue; both have the same turret mounts, statistics, and engine glows, if I'm not mistaken.
I think I heard somewhere around these parts that killing their enemies (not bounties, it has to be unpaid) in a system with one of their stations in it would make them (slowly) like you more.
I think that it's that completing bounties for a party that you've ticked off will result in a relations improvement but you won't be paid for the job, rather than that you have to kill targets that they don't have bounties out on to improve relations. I'm not sure, though, since I've not ticked off any of the factions that I want to have good relations with so far.
ok guys how do i unpiss off the independent
In addition to pirate hunting, you might be able to get a bit of a boost in relations by open market trade, if they are not too ticked off. If you can haul enough food around to end a food shortage on your own, you might also try that, as the text that comes up when you sell a world enough food to end a shortage suggests that the faction that owns the world will look more favorably upon you as a result of your actions (just try to avoid situations where you can be blamed for market manipulations that started the crisis - such as, say, buying all ~500 food on Sindria to sell to Volturn during a crisis, getting a notification just after you stopped at Volturn that Sindria is now in a food crisis, and deciding to go pick up a huge load of food at Tartessus to dump on Sindria for a significant profit). This can require a fairly considerable cargo capacity, as shortages can require thousands of food to terminate, and if you don't bring in a large enough fraction of that you'll only see something like "relief fleets captained by your character and other independent shippers ended the crisis" or "a relief fleet from _ arrived and ended the crisis" or even just "a combination of market conditions and independent shippers ended the crisis," which are not what you want - you want the "crisis ended due to the timely arrival of a relief fleet commanded by your character" message.