@ Alex: Is there a specific reason the middle mouse button is not used in the control scheme?
It seems like it would make sense to utilize such a central, easy to reach input option, for example as a pre-set autofire group toggle or as context specific combat/tactic UI toggle.
I don't 100% remember whether LWJGL supports this (it might not, it for sure doesn't support buttons beyond 3). That aside, I wouldn't want to default-bind something core to a button that's not universal on all mice. The one-button OS X mice don't count since they 1) seem pretty much gone and 2) ctrl-click is the right click there. I'm also not a fan of using the middle mouse button for anything (easy to scroll by accident, not super comfortable to press to begin with), but that's definitely nothing more than personal preference.
The game Gimbal (no longer developed ) had options for both a SS style camera and the kind discussed here. Personally I found that the camera orientation following the ship extremely confusing and unusable... Your experiences may differ.
Oh, that's a good demonstration, seems horrible at high turn speeds.
Yeah, surprising how hard it is to get a sense of your ships motion relative to things, isn't it? IIRC it was also worse for Starsector due to bigger ship sizes - stuff that's that big flying around all over the place was even more queasiness-inducing.
What if we just have it so that you can mousewheel click on the part of the targeted ship you want your autofire guns to aim at, and they'll prioritize shooting at that spot?
It's an interesting idea - something that'd have to be tried to say for sure either way. My gut feeling is it wouldn't quite work out, just due to the pacing of things and the number of circumstances where it'd actually be useful vs detrimental.
... all this does make me wonder about setting a "shield target" enemy ship, for omni shields. But, again, these sorts of things are adding complexity and can be fiddly to work around. The current system has the virtue of relative simplicity and predictability.