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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Planet Search Overhaul (07/13/24)

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Author Topic: [0.97a] Supply Forging 1.5a  (Read 167828 times)


  • Ensign
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Re: [0.97a] Supply Forging 1.5a
« Reply #75 on: March 03, 2024, 12:17:40 AM »

theres a strange bug that causes the supply forging to turn off when i save, its really annoying and makes me unconsiously not save enough and wind up losing a ton of progress, any idea what could be causing it?


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Re: [0.97a] Supply Forging 1.5a
« Reply #76 on: March 08, 2024, 11:37:07 AM »

Changing the version from 0.96 to 0.97 seems to work fine from what I've tested.   

Here's what my settings.json file looks like. In case anybody wants supply production that costs food and is a little bit faster.   
"SF_MetalConversionRate": 4.0, #This equates to 3 Supplies!
#Just don't set those two above to zero or less. Because... you can't really set it to zero without the whole thing bamming and crashing.

#These determine how civilian ships are increasing the bonus of your supply forging, civilian frigate provide +5%!

"SF_Input":true, # Should the modifier affect the input? (Metal and Heavy Machinery Cost)
"SF_Output":true, # Should the modifier affect the output? (Supply)

"SupplyForgingSensorProfileIncreasePercent": 100,

#UseExtraCommodities can either be set from 0-whateverasmuchasyoulike. If it's, 0 it will not detect any extra commodity to convert.
"UseExtraCommodities": 1,

#Here's a list of all the commodities: organics,volatiles,ore,rare_ore,rare_metals,domestic_goods,organs,drugs,hand_weapons,luxury_goods,lobster,alpha_core,beta_core,gamma_core

#ExtraCommodities0, ExtraCommodities1, ExtraCommodities2, ExtraCommodities3, ExtraCommodities4 must then have text string that make sense or else it'll CTD!

#The cost should be more than zero

#Not to mention you need to also put a corresponding Cost as well like ExtraCommoditiesCost2, and so on.

#"SF_CorruptedMetal":0.10, UNUSED
#"SF_PristineMetal":0.30, UNUSED
#"SF_SalvageGantry":0.40, UNUSED
#This is like the modifier that messes with the... bonus modifiers.
TL;DR: Uses 100 metal, 4 heavy machinery and 4 food to produce 12 supply per day. This is about 3600 credits worth of products used to create 1200 credits worth of supplies. I think these are reasonable numbers. A lategame fleet with 8 civilian capitals can produce about 30 supplies per day.
Thanks! I'll post this as an example config of what users can configure it to!

theres a strange bug that causes the supply forging to turn off when i save, its really annoying and makes me unconsiously not save enough and wind up losing a ton of progress, any idea what could be causing it?
Intentional, this is how the mod can be removed out of a save (by removing the skill before the game saves which turns it off). A fix would be easy but it would make it not removable mid-save?


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Re: [0.97a] Supply Forging 1.5a
« Reply #77 on: March 09, 2024, 09:01:55 PM »

theres a strange bug that causes the supply forging to turn off when i save, its really annoying and makes me unconsiously not save enough and wind up losing a ton of progress, any idea what could be causing it?
Isn't that intentional?
I thought the moded skill usually automatical turns off when we save the game.


  • Ensign
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Re: [0.97a] Supply Forging 1.5a
« Reply #78 on: March 12, 2024, 09:17:20 PM »

Does this allow you to use either organics (3 units) OR food? (4 units)?
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