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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: [0.95.1a] Scy V1.66rc3 (2023/03/19)  (Read 1161129 times)


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Re: [0.9.0a] Scy V1.54 (2019/03/19)
« Reply #1170 on: March 19, 2019, 12:46:08 AM »

Would you look at that, an update!

It's been a while but here are a few new things to play with. Fist, three new weapons, now that the chaff is gone I can add some new things that are not a vanilla reskins:
A small Arc Missile variant.
The Grenade Launcher that fires eight bomblets to an enemy at very close range.
And the Interception Gun, a premium PD solution with very limited ammo but high damage, ideal to stop torperdoes and unshielded fighters.

The Keto main weapon has also been significantly reworked, with higher yield, vastly easier to handle, but also a much longer cooldown.

Projectile trails are now a thing too.

And obviously a bunch of small bug fixes and stuff.


 - Added Vesperon Combine compatibility.
 - Added Grenade Launcher small missile weapon.
 - Added small Arc Missile Rack.
 - Added Interception Gun small pd weapon.

 - Keto main gun significantly reworked:
   . Now warmed-up beforehand (takes up to 10s).
   . Chargeup reduced to 1s from 5.
   . Cooldown increased to 20s from 10 when counting the warmup phase.
   . Cooldown reset to 10s after venting or overloading.
   . Splash damage significantly raised both in EMP damage and radius.

 - Fixed most cases of the module retreat bug.
 - Added trails to a few relevant projectiles.
 - Added UI feedback for the Kalkotauroi beam and the Stymphalian Bird system.
 - Siren teleporting system now consume its ammo each time it is fired instead of each time it teleports.
 - Laser Torpedoes should be a LOT more reliable.

This update shouldn't break saves, download link in the OP as usual.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2019, 12:49:14 AM by Tartiflette »


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Re: [0.9.0a] Scy V1.54 (2019/03/19)
« Reply #1171 on: March 22, 2019, 06:30:45 AM »

I would like to request a Scy specific Trooper Carrier as well as Salvage Ship, please.

Thanks for the update.


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Re: [0.9.0a] Scy V1.54 (2019/03/19)
« Reply #1172 on: March 28, 2019, 10:52:09 PM »

Tartiflette, SCY-vets, tell me about the Nemean Lion: what are it's strengths, weaknesses, and designed-for tactics?

Pollie if you're still here: I've had some luck keeping my frigates alive by tying them to faster ships. A 'fast' combat freighter like a Mule-P or a Solidarity from Shadowyards or a Tereshkova from Dassault-Mik work reasonably well as frigate anchors since they can get in & get out when the frigates themselves would want to, or better yet a buddy frigate. Especially with the buddy-frig system, the AI's smart enough to notice when there's an opening, or when its friend needs assistance, and can capitalize or support as needed.
They can no longer achieve the juicy 180*-flanks on slower vessels, but their combined firepower is usually enough to go toe-toe with heavy destroyers, they're much harder for the AI to isolate/pick off, & they're much more effective at hunting/killing other frigates when left to their own devices.
At least that's my experience.
I recommend using reinforced bulkheads if they're being tied to larger ships- they will suicide at some point, that's their safety-net.

I would like to request a Scy specific Trooper Carrier as well as Salvage Ship, please.

Thanks for the update.
Heheyy, speaking of ground support suggestions clicky!
« Last Edit: March 28, 2019, 11:40:32 PM by Grizzlyadamz »


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Re: [0.9.0a] Scy V1.54 (2019/03/19)
« Reply #1173 on: March 28, 2019, 11:39:53 PM »

The Nemean Lion is a duellist supreme. Three front-facing large universals is no joke, with the flux pool to back them up. It also has nothing else and will be flanked like crazy if left without an escort.


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Re: [0.9.0a] Scy V1.54 (2019/03/19)
« Reply #1174 on: March 29, 2019, 02:18:48 PM »

Hmmmm, are you planning to add SCY specific station, that you can build in the future ?  ???


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Re: [0.9.0a] Scy V1.54 (2019/03/19)
« Reply #1175 on: April 05, 2019, 01:25:40 PM »

java.lang.RuntimeException: Texture [base_trail_smooth] from category [fx] not found

Played about a week, have never seen SCY ships in combat. But when it happened got this crash message...

Happens only with SCY ships.

So what exactly uses this FX?


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Re: [0.9.0a] Scy V1.54 (2019/03/19)
« Reply #1176 on: April 05, 2019, 03:06:57 PM »



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Re: [0.9.0a] Scy V1.54 (2019/03/19)
« Reply #1177 on: April 09, 2019, 09:35:13 PM »

So uh, I just found out if you brush aside Prism Freeport's defenses it's an easy 3mil/month.

I'm uh, I'm going to enjoy that while it lasts, but I gotta say it seems a little imba.


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Re: [0.9.0a] Scy V1.54 (2019/03/19)
« Reply #1178 on: April 09, 2019, 10:50:04 PM »

Colony skills are imba...


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Re: [0.9.1a] Scy V1.55 (2019/05/19)
« Reply #1179 on: May 19, 2019, 03:18:56 AM »

0.9.1a update, with some Interception Gun improvements and an overall reduction in deployment cost for the Scyan ships.


 - Ship prices raised to 0.9.1 levels, some fleet points and deployment costs reductions.
 - Deployment and Maintenance costs normalized to each-other.
 - Scyan ships now have their monthly maintenance halved when flying under burn 3 instead.
 - Industries shuffled around according to 0.9.1 rules.
 - Custom industries prices and maintenances adjusted for 0.9.1.
 - Prism's Ship Market heavily nerfed as an industry all around.
 - Interception Gun:
   . Now can reliably hit ships and fighters too.
   . Added 50 EMP damage (25 sustained dps).
 - Scyan blueprint packages prices lowered to vanilla levels.

 - Acheron system moved a bit away from the core.
 - Astrapios:
   . Trail now renders below the explosion.
   . Projectile now passes through missiles.
 - Anaplekte CIWS drones now use Interception Guns instead of Miniguns.
 - Akhlys escort fighter Micro Flak replaced with Active Flare system.
 - Nemean Lion large mounts now turrets instead of hardpoints.
 - Keto modules now equipped with Interception Guns instead of Vulcans.

Download available in the Original Post


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Re: [0.9.1a] Scy V1.55 (2019/05/19)
« Reply #1180 on: May 20, 2019, 10:25:01 AM »

I don’t understand this mod, I guess it can be given such a place as the weakest ships in the sector. Pirate trash is stronger than these ships.
I really respect the work of the author. He made beautiful sprites, and unusual ships with different abilities and joyous parts. But balance is not his forte.
These ships have the worst shields in the sector. The worst armor in the sector. During the battle, they get big debuffs. Well, there are many masochists I noticed.

Kittah Khan

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Re: [0.9.1a] Scy V1.55 (2019/05/19)
« Reply #1181 on: May 21, 2019, 02:54:55 AM »

Scyan ships have very large flux pools, superior venting and above average base mobility, allowing for some pretty heavy alpha strikes. The downside is that they have relatively few weapon slots, low armor and very inefficient shields.

Mount the hungriest and shootiest weapons you can find (even 2.0 flux/damage is acceptable) and spend your flux attacking instead of shielding. They can't hit your paper defences if they are overloaded.

Scy also have a few anvil ships with improved shield efficiency, use these to hold the line.

Take what I'm saying with a grain of salt though, I have trouble making it work, myself. Feels like there's not enough burst movement? In addition, the ai is not the best with these constraints.

Besides all this, the faction is designed to be a bit underpowered, according to a post by Tartiflette in december 2014, I do not know if that still holds true.


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Re: [0.9.1a] Scy V1.55 (2019/05/19)
« Reply #1182 on: May 23, 2019, 03:57:07 PM »

I've yet to play with the ships, but the weapons are very strong.

The new interceptor gun is significantly better than every other PD weapon I've tried using, the scatter beam is arguably a better phase lance - the extra 100su range for virtually equivalent damage is nothing to scoff at. The Orion artillery gun does significant shield damage despite apparently being HE, and has the kind of range that allows anything mounting it to dictate every engagement safely (with some range bonuses, and ECM debuffs on the enemy you can potentially triple your range advantage and the orion's damage by itself is already enough to single-handedly kill most destroyer-down ships without any other supporting fire).

I like the weapons, but from what I've seen they could probably be scaled back a little bit in performance. Each weapon I've used has generally outclassed any other weapon in its niche/category with few tradeoffs.


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Re: [0.9.1a] Scy V1.55 (2019/05/19)
« Reply #1183 on: May 23, 2019, 10:36:00 PM »

... the scatter beam is arguably a better phase lance - the extra 100su range for virtually equivalent damage is nothing to scoff at....

Its damage is spread across multiple beams though? So it should be less effective against armour.

... The Orion artillery gun does significant shield damage despite apparently being HE...

I was pretty sure the Orion Artillery's projectile changes from HE to Kinetic damage (and accelerates) as it travels further from its firing point. Either that or it does bonus kinetic damage based on how far it's traveled.


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Re: [0.9.1a] Scy V1.55 (2019/05/19)
« Reply #1184 on: May 24, 2019, 03:23:31 PM »

I have a strange AI related bug to report:

I pitted a vapor against a caracotta (armor) class
The vapor engages normally while the carocotta still has its armored bow
As soon as the frontal armor is destroyed, the vapor refuses to close range and engage, instead staying perpetually at ~1500 - 2000 su and never even attempting to attack
In order to get the vapor to actually engage, I have to force it to close the distance with an eliminate order (harass, search and destroy, and engage orders do not work, the vapor will never engage the target)

I don't know if this is a bug with the vapor AI, or a bug with the scy ship and its armor.

Reproduction steps:

Vapor: 2x Banish Torpedo, 2x Scatter Beam; Safety Overrides, Hardened Subsystems; 11 Capacitor, 0 Vent
Carocotta (Armored) Class: (the standard version in the simulator)

Set the Vapor to autopilot enabled
Give an engage order on the Carocotta

Wait for the Vapor to eventually whittle down and destroy the Carocotta's bow armor
Once the vapor has accomplished this it will disengage to 1500 - 2000 su and never re-engage again
« Last Edit: May 24, 2019, 03:30:03 PM by Euripides »
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