Would you look at that, an update!
It's been a while but here are a few new things to play with. Fist, three new weapons, now that the chaff is gone I can add some new things that are not a vanilla reskins:
A small Arc Missile variant.
The Grenade Launcher that fires eight bomblets to an enemy at very close range.
And the Interception Gun, a premium PD solution with very limited ammo but high damage, ideal to stop torperdoes and unshielded fighters.

The Keto main weapon has also been significantly reworked, with higher yield, vastly easier to handle, but also a much longer cooldown.
Projectile trails are now a thing too.
And obviously a bunch of small bug fixes and stuff.
- Added Vesperon Combine compatibility.
- Added Grenade Launcher small missile weapon.
- Added small Arc Missile Rack.
- Added Interception Gun small pd weapon.
- Keto main gun significantly reworked:
. Now warmed-up beforehand (takes up to 10s).
. Chargeup reduced to 1s from 5.
. Cooldown increased to 20s from 10 when counting the warmup phase.
. Cooldown reset to 10s after venting or overloading.
. Splash damage significantly raised both in EMP damage and radius.
- Fixed most cases of the module retreat bug.
- Added trails to a few relevant projectiles.
- Added UI feedback for the Kalkotauroi beam and the Stymphalian Bird system.
- Siren teleporting system now consume its ammo each time it is fired instead of each time it teleports.
- Laser Torpedoes should be a LOT more reliable.
This update shouldn't break saves, download link in the OP as usual.