Thanks for the feedback!
The Samaa-DSI can, when paired with the elite shield skill, maintain its fortress shield indefinitely even under heavy fire as the hard flux dissipates faster than the system builds it up. Yes, it has that vulnerable gap in its shield at the engines (if you use the frontal conversion) but the AI can't exploit that, dunno if that's because it doesn't know or because in a regular fleet battle that area tends to be covered by other ships. I've parked the Samaa in the face of a boss Remnant from either HMI or Seeker ("false omega", not sure which mod did that), tying it up for minutes while my fleet dealt with the rest of its retinue and I only took damage from the boss's huge fighter swarms occasionally shooting that shield gap.
Yes, this is a problem that is even more pronounced in my current unreleased beta version as I added commissioned crews which add a further 5% hard flux dissipation and 5% shield resistance. I have thought about simply lowering the 15% passive hard flux vent for the faction ships too but the 15% bonus stacking with shield modulation is not really a problem as heavily investing in specific high tier skills is rewarding for the player even if they kinda break many ship setups. In my own trial run I have shield modulation, P9 commissioned crews, accelerated shields, stabilized shields and hardened shields on my Kaala flagship, and I admit it's kinda ridiculous at shield tanking.
Aside from the flux dissipation I also agree that one of the main problems is the shield coverage. Too large shield coverage on large ships with good shield tanking leads to invincible ships. So limiting shield coverage, in part by removing frontal conversion is one way to do it. Another one is to limit accelerated shields which is also really fantastic on good shield tankers with Omni shields.
I have also had plans on adding a weaker version of the fortress shields to the Samaa ships, one which also increase ammo regeneration. Maybe I should just try to actually implement that now...
the Samaa-DSI is a wacky ship anyway with next to no weapons and that strange instant-overload beam (that doesn't seem to trigger consistently?).
In my experience this is due to the target ship lowering shields right before the beam reaches full charge or the beam drifting over to hull while firing. Also, I think I have forgotten to increase the flux cost of actually firing the beam.
Also I think the P9 freighters are considered combat ships by the game and the AI will happily send them into battle. I believe they don't show up in the Civilian filter in the construction menu either. Plus the Silverfish is still classified as a Phase ship in that menu.
The freighter issue is fixed in my current unreleased version, I had forgotten to place the civilian hullmod on all civilian tagged ships, only tagged them as civilian in the ship file.
The silverfish is classed as a phase ship because the right click speed boost is based on the phase system. I have no idea how to modify that classification to something else without breaking the ship.
Gotta say the P9 aesthetic is far too unique to go with a "Tri-Tachyon splinter group" background, they look more like a completely different tech lineage than most of the rest of the sector and their unusual ship configurations also suggest a far more alien origin (or at least a high degree of separation from the rest of the sector).
I agree, the lore was not even a tertiary concern when I made the mod, and the faction lore and aesthetics does not really gel that well with the current game lore. I guess I could add things about most of the weird designs being made by AIs as a solution for making ships compatible with pink glowing reactors or something.