I also love mining. There is something really cool and immersive about it. Starfarer aims to be both an immersive and an action oriented game, among other things.
The question for a designer becomes, how do you balance elements that are immersive with the action elements. The thing that's tough about mining in particular is that in every game I have seen it implemented, it is excruciatingly boring. EVE Online, Spaz, etc. It sort of needs to be, because its a relaxing, the static environment plays a big role in mining. Mining is somewhat more fun in games like Minecraft and Terraria because it is much more closely tied with the exploration elements in those games.
Starfarer is a game about space naval combat, and changing the fate of the entire Sector through economic and diplomatic means. The only real mining that we have talked about so far is the mining done by installations on planets, which does not require direct player control to work. In order to have a space mining game system designed and in place, we would have to divert from looking at the previously mentioned systems, which are not yet done.
Trade, on the other hand, is sure to play a central role in shaping the Sector, and thus will play a large part of the Starfarer meta-game. After all economics and diplomacy are linked, and the sinew is trade. While these systems are not fully designed yet, we have envisioned scenarios where you not only buy your way out of a conflict but buy yourself IN. And when I said yourself, I really meant whoever you want, like the Hegemony, or the Space Pirates, or whoever.
To give a more concrete example, ask yourself, what happens when you sell a whole lot of weapons to an economically poor, fringe colony? The answer, sir, is a crime wave and possibly a revolution. On the flip side, what pirate will go out to pillage the space lanes if his personal consumer needs are taken care of?