Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Planet Search Overhaul (07/13/24)
"Improves repairs on the highest-priority ship in the fleet by 25/20/15/10 percent per day, depending on hull size. Only one repair gantry can be working on a ship at one time.Can not be used in combat."
The game was completed 8 years ago and we get a free expansion every year.
Arranging holidays in an embrace with the Starsector is priceless.
Which kinda doesn't make it worth it at the moment. Or is anyone running his fleet with rigs?
speaking of which... has anyone seen the emergency repair skill to make a difference? I never seen it change anything...Do we have to manually activate it somehow? Or is there a bug involved somewhere?
and the repair skill does the same thing, i suppose?