Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Anubis-class Cruiser (12/20/24)
Fractalsoftworks limited edition ban hammer.
Too bad that the events can't have unique portraits but a single shared . I'd love to add this collection to the character creation though!
Fantastic stuff, Etfaks, good to see you back around
i think some parts are a bit blurry and would imo look better if they were a little more harsh.for example within the hair ,cloth and the how they they call those things in english.... those lines in the neck.
also there is a small disorder in the right part of the neck (viewing at her) in the last picture.the neck just makes this strange turn where the neckless is.
frankly, i'm not a fan of the art style of the standard in-game portraits but I would use these in my game as they look fantastic.cant wait to see some more... or maybe do a full pack?
etfaks, in case you could be interested, could you help me out a bit here? See, i have no current portraits for the Caelus mod, which i so dearly need, and i haven't gotten anyone to draw them. Seeing as you're (damn!) good at drawing portraits, could you help me with this problem? If you're interested, send an PM my way!