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Author Topic: "Tactical" firing mode  (Read 1927 times)


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"Tactical" firing mode
« on: March 08, 2013, 11:21:16 AM »

A firing mode that I would really appreciate, in addition to "Linked" and "Alternating", is what I call the "Tactical" firing mode. It is a variation on "Alternating" with emphasis on ammunition conservation and accuracy.

* Weapons will attempt to track the cursor as normal
* If the targetting cursor is in the firing arc of the currently selected weapon within the group, the currently selected weapon will fire by itself at the cursor when the trigger is pulled (similar to "Alternating")
* The targetting cursor must be within firing arc for that group -- no shots will be fired if the cursor is outside of any available firing arcs or if no weapons have a reasonable firing solution (similar to "Linked" except for firing solution)
* If the targetting cursor is not within the firing arc for the currently selected weapon when the trigger is pulled, an available weapon which is in the same group and within the firing arc, if any, is automatically selected and fired instead
* If multiple weapons are available to fire in that firing arc against the targetting cursor, the next weapon within that arc is selected after releasing the trigger (similar to "Alternating", but will ignore invalid weapons)
* If the trigger is held, weapons will alternate within the same firing arc automatically similar to "Alternating"
* If no weapons can be fired due to being out of arc, the trigger does nothing (and if the trigger is held, weapons will not automatically begin firing when the target enters the firing arc)
* If no weapons can be fired due to no firing solution, the trigger does nothing (but if the trigger is held, the first weapon that achieves a reasonable firing solution will begin firing)

"Within firing arc" uses the same conditions as a "Linked" weapon for determining whether a target is within the arc or is nearly within the arc.

"Reasonable firing solution" is similar and simply means that if the gun has tracked to within +/- 5 degrees (or so) of the cursor, it can fire -- otherwise it will hold fire and continue to track until it satisfies this condition. A fixed-mount weapon pointing forward would still fire if the targetting cursor was (say) 4 degrees outside of the arc such that the gun could never track enough to point directly at the cursor, to allow the player to attempt to lead targets with fixed-mount weapons and to reduce the sensitivity of where the mouse must be pointed for gameplay purposes.

In general, a Tactical setting of a fixed-mount weapon that is not a beam weapon is far inferior to simple Linked fixed-mounts if volume of fire is a priority. For fixed-mount weapons, it would be inferior to "Alternating" for such things as missile racks, but superior to "Alternating" for such things as broadside cannon -- any slow-firing high-power weapon that should only fire one at a time (due to flux cost) and only if the alignment is precise with the cursor (due to the need to conserve ammunition), but if the player wanted he could still rapid-click the trigger to unleash Hell's hot fury.

In plainer terms, the Tactical firing mode is intended for those weapons for which you only want one to fire at a time, such as for flux purposes, but also to ensure that unavailable weapons are not needlessly selected or fired. If your ship has Star Trek phasers with overlapping arcs, this ensures that only one phaser fires at any given moment even if two or more phasers arc within arc.

[edit] Clarified that it is dependent on the targetting cursor/mouse pointer, not on the actual locked target. Some additional clarifications on the logic.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2013, 02:11:35 AM by JT »


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Re: "Tactical" firing mode
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2013, 03:06:04 PM »

I see what you mean. I think its a good idea although it would only work on turret mounts. There might be an option to turn on different ypes of weapons, like for shields, you turn on kinetic and the ship's turrets will only use kinetic weapons.
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