Would you consider making your mod Exerelin compatible? I'd love to see it plugged in to the stuff they're got going on.
I have done a release with Exerelin compatibility will need some play testing
Uthilian, I'm happy to help out if you want
You'll want to define your exerelin<type>Fleet's like the vanilla faction ones in the latest version of Exerelin. You will need only these fleets:
- exerelinGenericFleet (full list of all variants you want available. This dictates AI fleet composition, ships available for sale and weapons lists. Set all to 0 minimum.)
- exerelinInSystemSupplyConvoy (three freighter-equivalents)
- exerelinInSystemStationAttackFleet (a valid superfreighter and valid troop transport or equivalent)
- exerelinAsteroidMiningFleet (at least one mining drone wing and at least one other ship, preferably freighter)
- exerelinGasMiningFleet (at least one mining drone wing and at least one other ship, preferably fuel transport)
- exerelinEliteFleet (any unbalanced ships not for sale but still possible to spawn in AI fleets, or if none then just the most powerful ship/variant in faction)
Valid ships for superfreighter, troop transport and mining drones are stored in arrays at the top of data/scripts/world/ExerelinData.java. These dictate whether a specific fleet composition can perform the role of boarding or mining. If you have your own versions of these then we'll need to add them to those arrays so they count as valid ships.
We'll also need to add the following to ExerelinData.java - addModdedFactionsToList method:
// Test for Hawken Fleet
if(isFactionInstalled("hawkenfleet", "data.scripts.world.HawkenModPlugin"))
// Test for Orthin Expansion
if(isFactionInstalled("Orthin", "data.scripts.world.HawkenModPlugin"))
(I really should write that down somewhere obvious so sorry for that)
Anyway feel free to PM me with any questions etc.