So ive been thinking about SS and came up with the idea about buying stations.
Lets say small station costs around 80k has the ability to repair your ships and ability to put in cargo. ( just like the one has now, non controled station )
120k middle ^ + ability to buy and trade with other ships only important cargo ( fuel, supplies and crew )
220k large ^ + ability to buy / trade weapons, marines, maybe even ships.
Each of these has also a shield generator and ability to loudout in case of attack ( unique defense weapons for outposts only ?? ). Consider also posibility to have few ships defending it. ( smaller ones have less fleet points that can support that outpost )
In case of attack on that outpost you recive a message: your outpost -name here- is being attacked would you like to take dirrect control or pass defense to officer ( which you place in that position before ). Maybe it would give you abilit to warp into the battlefield.
So my biggest enjoyment would be to equip these outposts which could also have additional defense platforms...
It would be also nice if you could set up your own prices for items... maybe even have a pointed mining crew to go and retrieve minerals for your station which could then be sold.
I mean there are sooooooo many great ideas and things that could be done with this game so please as a gamer that spended at least 30h playing this game my only advice is ...
Sorry for bad english and maybe this post should be in ideas section but the last sentence was the most important