Thanks for your feedback!
Well... there's nowhere near enough room on that screen for all that info - try it out with an Onslaught or a Conquest, zoom in, and see how much space is left. The upper left - which looks empty now - is also being reserved for some
future stuff.
I readily grant that mousing over the OP bar is unintuitive. However, most of the stats there (that aren't already directly on the refit screen) hardly change - the main ones that come to mind are shield arc and shield efficiency. I'll see about adding the efficiency and maybe shield arc to that screen, but aside from that, there's just no way to fit it all without creating so much clutter (and/or going down in font size a lot) that it'd be counter-productive.
Imagine you are a new player, you have just captured your first ship, but it is badly damaged. There are a bunch of weapons that you can see on the model of the ship in the refit screen, but what are they? ... Oh, you conclude after some experimenting that you have to hover over each weapon individually to find out what they are and their stats.
Honestly, if that's how it happens, I'm perfectly happy - the player experimented with the UI and learned how to use it to do what they want. That means the UI is working as intended.
The other part is that they already show you some information on the screen without having to do anything, why not all of the relevant information?
I think I more or less answered this above, but just to be perfectly clear - because it doesn't fit. Not nicely, and not without adding a lot of clutter. And there are quite a few pieces of information that just don't matter that much when you're refitting - certainly not enough to see in real time - so they didn't make the cut. (Again, shield efficiency and arc probably
should have made it, and the tooltip should probably go on something a lot more obvious - maybe a nice big question mark in the upper right corner, or some such.)
You really just can't display absolutely everything - there's always that one more bit of info you could add. Ultimately, the UI has to make some decisions about what's most important when, and only so many things can be given prime screen real estate at the same time before they all get lost in the clutter - which is a big issue for someone learning the UI.
That's another aspect of this - for a new player, it's easy to be overwhelmed by too much information. (Yes, you get all of it on a tooltip - but that's the tooltip being overwhelming, not the refit UI that they have to use. If it's too much to take in, they just close the tooltip and trust the simpler refit UI to call out what's actually important. As they gain expertise in using the UI, they both need the info in the tooltip less
and are capable of finding that info when they do need it.
On the flip side, if the data is displayed all at once, the new player is overwhelmed, while the expert suffers from unneeded clutter. That's really a larger point that I think applies to UI design in general. Anyway, I think I'm starting to ramble a bit, so I'll stop