I had another question, is there some way to modify the color/transparency of the special contrail omega mode engines have? The..line kinda thing?
I tried ShipEngineControllerAPI.getShipEngines().getEngineSlot().setContrailColor(), which doesn't seem to have any effect at all on these engines, and setColor changes the engine color as expected but also doesn't alter this contrail either. 
I don't think that's going to work for normal engines either, the color needs to be set before the ship/engines are created, iirc. So it should work if you set this via the hull style definition.
does changing officerQuality affect passive Remnant fleets?
I know bounty ones are hard-coded to have a swarm of Alpha Cores, so I'm asking about the ones you find roaming marked systems
I don't think that setting affects remnant fleets at all. But you can take a look at the code that generates cores for remnant fleets by searching the API for where "baseFPPerAICore" is used.
How can I make a custom smoke trail for missiles? I tried with default stuff and best I managed to get is the left pic in the attachment, and what I'm trying to do is the right pic
I.e. randomly rotated custom sprites being left by the engine, varying in both X and Y coordinates (otherwise it looks too patterned)
The sprite part is fine I can create it from scratch, I just don't know the code part :sob: but I will try to look into rift torpedo code, I think that one has what I'm looking for but hidden in the code
That - looking at the rift torpedo code - sounds like a good idea, yeah. The answer to this sort of question is - in all seriousness - "spending a bunch of time tweaking it until it looks right". Always takes me forever!
do TriStar mercenaries use Tri-Tachyon doctrine in specific cases? Or do they use the mercenary one?
I wanted to dump a bunch of ELITE variants that utilise the s-mod function to direct their s-mod spending a bit. But I'm unsure if they don't use the Tri-Tachyon doctrine instead. Thus making that kinda pointless.
Depends on the specific fleet in question. However, I don't think setting s-mods in goal variants is going to do anything, I don't *think* that the autofit plugin cares about that. At least, not as far as I can remember - but maybe I'm wrong about that.