Sorry, I was kind of in holday mode and not checking this thread. Happy new year, everyone!
how do i make an npc skill that runs everyframe script during combat? is that even possible?
i guess i could have a general everyframe script that iterates through all ships and checks if captain has the skill, but i was hoping there is a more straightforward way?
Hmm, I think that might be your best bet, actually. Either that or a hidden hullmod, if you know what types of ships this skill would be on.
also, is there a way to completely hide ui indicator for a specific ship? i mean the whole target thing, dinstance, hull, armor, weapons, etc
I don't believe so, not without making the ship non-targetable by making its hull damage taken multiplier zero. Station armor modules get a tag that hides everything except for the hull bar, though.
Anyway, another question. How do I modify or create planet_gen_data.csv without accidentally breaking the whole system? Every time try it causes all planets to generate with no conditions
Um, do it more carefully? I know you know this isn't nearly enough information for any kind of useful answer

Well, I'll try: compare your file with the vanilla one and see what's messed up. Probably the columns don't match up for some reason.
Also, how do I rename the corona of a star? I want to make a black hole system, but the star's punishment radius is called a corona instead of event horizon
.setTerrainName() on the terrain plugin might do it.
can't figure out how to make a true binary system in which both stars orbit around an invisible entity. I could fool around creating something invisible to the player. But I was thinking that there might be something more logical to do...
IIRC that's how it works in vanilla already so you can have a look at the StarSystemGenerator class for an example of that.
If two mods add the same portrait to the same faction, does that make the portrait double as likely to spawn in that faction? I don't think any mods do this but I was thinking about it anyways lol
I *think* so, but not 100% sure.
Second question, if I make a portrait pack and I want to apply its portraits to modded factions, can I make a world file for those faction and will it apply to the modded faction? I've been hand copy pasting the portraits into the modded factions folders one by one for years but it only just occurred to me there might be an easier way
Not sure what you mean by "world" file, but I think the only easier way would be to do it with code, possibly. I don't remember if the FactionSpecAPI class has the right methods to let you do that. ... or if that interface is in the current release, actually, or is just an in-dev thing

If I make it 0.975 then we lose only 2.5%?
That seems right, yeah, from what I remember about how it works.