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Author Topic: The Lore Corner  (Read 277441 times)


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Re: The Lore Corner
« Reply #90 on: October 09, 2012, 03:24:12 PM »

Alex is russian?... I have even more proof to my theory that russians make the best video games. :)

On which games do you base that theory?
Metro 2033 wich was so immersive,
The precursors (you can walk around on planets, fly ships and walk around in ships),Parkan II the same idea as the precursors but with better FPS combat inside ships, IL2 because I love flight sims.

Oh, ok. I thought I missed something. Metro the novel was written by a Russian, but the Videogame was made in the Ukraine. Precursors was also made in the Ukraine.
So, I would not say Russia, but Eastern Europe makes some pretty amazing games, especially because that includes ARMA and STALKER.

The game was completed 8 years ago and we get a free expansion every year.

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Re: The Lore Corner
« Reply #91 on: October 18, 2012, 05:04:50 PM »

with a more on top idea, What would  a guard (prison variety asuming there are prisons) carry as a meele weapon? further more are there prisons? or is it just anyone you capture you execute/ interroate?

 E: would women be allowed to serve in hegemony military? in some cultures on earth there not so i am not sure.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2012, 05:13:18 PM by ArkAngel »
"Yes... Yes I -am- sending you, alone, unarmed, against the might of the Hegemony defense fleet.  Not to worry - watching how they obliterate your puny frigate will be most... enlightening.  I shall dissect their tactics and emerge victorious!  Any questions? Then get to your ship, you launch in 5."


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Re: The Lore Corner
« Reply #92 on: January 08, 2013, 12:17:36 PM »

What kind of government does the Hegemony have?  It it akin to a democracy/republic, or more like a monarchy like it's shown in Hope and Duty?
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Re: The Lore Corner
« Reply #93 on: January 08, 2013, 02:07:47 PM »

What kind of government does the Hegemony have?  It it akin to a democracy/republic, or more like a monarchy like it's shown in Hope and Duty?

I haven't gone too much into the government system other than the Admiralty in Hope and Duty but though I have presented a pseudo Feudal system I never envisioned the Hegemony as a monarchy. I view it more as a sort of military republic with a ruling parliament/council made up of the most powerful admirals and generals. That seemed the most natural, stable governmental progression from what was essentially a military coup by the 200th Legion and is something that I'm going to be expanding on in coming chapters.


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Re: The Lore Corner
« Reply #94 on: January 08, 2013, 06:42:25 PM »

E: would women be allowed to serve in hegemony military? in some cultures on earth there not so i am not sure.

considering sometimes female portraits are seen on hegemony fleets (iirc), I'm gonna say yes
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Re: The Lore Corner
« Reply #95 on: January 08, 2013, 08:25:26 PM »

Didn't think about that, thanks!
"Yes... Yes I -am- sending you, alone, unarmed, against the might of the Hegemony defense fleet.  Not to worry - watching how they obliterate your puny frigate will be most... enlightening.  I shall dissect their tactics and emerge victorious!  Any questions? Then get to your ship, you launch in 5."


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Re: The Lore Corner
« Reply #96 on: January 15, 2013, 01:53:07 PM »

Actually in some cultures (like in Israel I believe), compulsory military service is required of both genders.
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Re: The Lore Corner
« Reply #97 on: January 17, 2013, 02:58:03 PM »

how do the factions glass planets? planets are pretty big, and from the discussion on scale, the ships are not much bigger than most ships today.

For ships above frigate size 1 pixel = 1 meter works pretty well. It corresponds with docking fighter sizes and the windows you see. I say docking fighter because they usually are above the battlefield, you only see the real size the moment they dock on/launch from a carrier, it's about half as big.

e/ That makes the Paragon ~360m long. Fighters 12-21 m.

do they use some sort of special missiles or bombs?


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Re: The Lore Corner
« Reply #98 on: January 17, 2013, 04:40:57 PM »

how do the factions glass planets? planets are pretty big, and from the discussion on scale, the ships are not much bigger than most ships today.

do they use some sort of special missiles or bombs?

I imagine that planetary bombardment would make use of some sort of WMD but I also don't think that any faction is actually going to want to do anything to a viable planet that might harm its long term ability to support life. Since the fall actual, viable worlds capable of sustaining an eco-system that will support crops and human habitation are few and far between so I doubt any planet has been "glassed" since the fall. It would be an act of lunacy, permanently harming all of humanity in the sector including the faction doing the bombardment. It's much more likely that any sort of bombardment would be targeted at specific installations like arms factories, garrisons, etc.

"Glassing" may have happened during the days before the fall when there was no concern over resources. If someone was determined to do it though its not beyond reason to think that a powerful fleet would be able to accomplish it. Think of a typical nuclear armed submarine these days. With its armament of nukes it's perfectly capable of leveling if not exactly glassing a reasonably sized country. With an extra thousand years of development behind them the Domain of Man probably had WMDs that made a nuke look like a firecracker. Its likely that the major factions each have a UAC with the blueprints secreted away somewhere but don't want to risk escalation of the conflict by producing and using them.


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Re: The Lore Corner
« Reply #99 on: January 17, 2013, 05:21:00 PM »

aah, thank you.

here is the source of my curiosity,

-How are "independent" systems governed (like Exar, I mean). Do they have things under control? Are pirates particularly rampant in worlds not controlled by hegemony or tri-tachyon? Is the hegemony actually doing Exar a favor by taking it out of the incompetent hands of the Exar High Command (Does Exar High Command even exist?)

They have things under control, as much as anyone else. The Hegemony isn't doing Exar any favors, though - the government in that world has collapsed, and restoring it to order is something beyond the power of anyone in the Sector to do. The Hegemony fleet is coming to glass the decivilized world, to remove it as a destabilizing influence - otherwise its industrial facilities/tech may fall into the hands of undesirable elements, it'll serve as a source of manpower for pirates and such, refugees will flood nearby worlds, etc.

follow up question:
The ship designs we have seen so far are generally geared towards space combat, but there are some (Valkyrie, Atlas) that are suited for other roles. Are there ships that are specifically suited to bombing planets and asteroids, or would they just sort of rig up a Dominator with a bunch of Reapers?


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Re: The Lore Corner
« Reply #100 on: January 17, 2013, 05:56:10 PM »

They have things under control, as much as anyone else. The Hegemony isn't doing Exar any favors, though - the government in that world has collapsed, and restoring it to order is something beyond the power of anyone in the Sector to do. The Hegemony fleet is coming to glass the decivilized world, to remove it as a destabilizing influence - otherwise its industrial facilities/tech may fall into the hands of undesirable elements, it'll serve as a source of manpower for pirates and such, refugees will flood nearby worlds, etc.

follow up question:
The ship designs we have seen so far are generally geared towards space combat, but there are some (Valkyrie, Atlas) that are suited for other roles. Are there ships that are specifically suited to bombing planets and asteroids, or would they just sort of rig up a Dominator with a bunch of Reapers?

Well I'll be, I hadn't actually seen that. I guess it does still happen from time to time. With regards to the ships I really don't know. I think that's something that will be decided as the universe of Starsector develops. I imagine that if ground bombardment is a common practice in warfare then there would be ships dedicated to it. If it is more of an exception rather than a rule then I think they would likely just use ordinary ships fitted with WMDs designed for ground deployment like the afore-mentioned super-nukes.


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Re: The Lore Corner
« Reply #101 on: January 17, 2013, 06:46:26 PM »

Is there any info on the "non-human race" the Domain of Man supposedly  had a war with? (this is not suggesting that they be added to Starsector, as I think an alien race would ruin the feel of the game)
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Re: The Lore Corner
« Reply #102 on: January 18, 2013, 07:46:14 AM »

How/when/why did the tri tach. Seperate from the hegemony? And if try we're never part if the hegemony where do the come from?


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Re: The Lore Corner
« Reply #103 on: January 18, 2013, 11:45:54 AM »

I think the Tri-Tachyon was basically a real company before the collapse.  As it, they bought and sold stuff for a profit.  I'd bet at the time of the collapse, the TT had a particularily large contract with the Domain, producing war materials.  When the gates shut down, they decided to use those supplies to their own advantage.
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Re: The Lore Corner
« Reply #104 on: January 18, 2013, 06:44:23 PM »

how do the factions glass planets? planets are pretty big, and from the discussion on scale, the ships are not much bigger than most ships today.

For ships above frigate size 1 pixel = 1 meter works pretty well. It corresponds with docking fighter sizes and the windows you see. I say docking fighter because they usually are above the battlefield, you only see the real size the moment they dock on/launch from a carrier, it's about half as big.

e/ That makes the Paragon ~360m long. Fighters 12-21 m.

do they use some sort of special missiles or bombs?

There was a thread a while back where I calculated that the kinetic energy of a Gauss Cannon would have the explosive yield of a fairly large nuke (and all that force would be directed at the target, not have a mostly spherical explosion like a traditional nuke). Also, the Gauss Cannon does something like 700 damage. From that, we can infer that most weapons in the game have the destructive potential of at least a small nuke.

So. Many, if not most, guns in the game could conceivably destroy a planet, or at least devastate the infrastructure. It seems to me that a single Onslaught with its Thermal Pulse Cannons, which have effectively unlimited ammo, would be well-suited for orbital bombardment.
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