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Author Topic: The Lore Corner  (Read 276710 times)


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Re: The Lore Corner
« Reply #435 on: April 28, 2020, 06:02:58 PM »

In august's blog "A True and Accurate History of the Persean Sector" :
1- what are "sporeships" and what "seedships"?
2- what are "fusion lance"s?
3- "FTL technology" refers to space-hyperspace travel (or Gates or else)?
4- "KL Device" = gate?
5- How do the gates move ships? FTL-metro like(go in move inside subdimension, go out) or wormhole-like(gate1 connects to gate2, instant threshold/transfer)
6- Gates allow communications?
7- why did BG-XIV leave the "transfer point"? why did BG-VI leave without checking on BG-XIV, did they leave any ship/personel behind?
8- they took 48 years to reach the Sector, yet there weren't any trace of Domain authority?
9- Did Tri-Tachyon deploy the AI warfleets offensively? (like what jumped into theyr minds?)
10- Warlord Loke gets "former Domain military warships" is it so easy? what kind of ships?
11- What CP stands for in "CP-carbines", Capacitor Pulse?
12- What is the Player Character doing at the start of the game - in the Galatia system, low on suplies, and especially with the fleet pointing outward(from the center of the system) even from the debris field ?

p.s. if anybody answers please don't  :-X (or similar) to questions: better skip them

Thank you for your attention


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Re: The Lore Corner
« Reply #436 on: May 20, 2020, 08:38:55 AM »

In august's blog "A True and Accurate History of the Persean Sector" :
1- what are "sporeships" and what "seedships"?
2- what are "fusion lance"s?
3- "FTL technology" refers to space-hyperspace travel (or Gates or else)?
4- "KL Device" = gate?
5- How do the gates move ships? FTL-metro like(go in move inside subdimension, go out) or wormhole-like(gate1 connects to gate2, instant threshold/transfer)
6- Gates allow communications?
7- why did BG-XIV leave the "transfer point"? why did BG-VI leave without checking on BG-XIV, did they leave any ship/personel behind?
8- they took 48 years to reach the Sector, yet there weren't any trace of Domain authority?
9- Did Tri-Tachyon deploy the AI warfleets offensively? (like what jumped into theyr minds?)
10- Warlord Loke gets "former Domain military warships" is it so easy? what kind of ships?
11- What CP stands for in "CP-carbines", Capacitor Pulse?
12- What is the Player Character doing at the start of the game - in the Galatia system, low on suplies, and especially with the fleet pointing outward(from the center of the system) even from the debris field ?

p.s. if anybody answers please don't  :-X (or similar) to questions: better skip them

Thank you for your attention

I'll try to answer these as best I can, I'm not too savvy on the lore though.

1. Sporeships and Seedships refer to the terraforming and colonization fleets that the Domain sent out prior to the Collapse. From the names I'd guess that 'Sporeship' refers to some form of bacterial or fungal cargo that could be used in atmospheric improvements or setting the building blocks for a natural biosphere, while a 'Seedship' might carry the plant and animal life intended to inhabit a terraformed world.

2. Fusion Lance might just be a generic term for an energy weapon, if the context of the quote is anything to go by.

3. 'FTL' here refers to both the Gate System and Hyperspace drives, as the Domain used both to establish their empire.

4. 'KL device' seems to refer to Hyperspace drives, as it indicates that it was used to spread the gates further than possible prior. The Luddic quote refers to an 'Unholy Road' which had to be 'opened' which would most likely mean Jump points and Hyperspace as a whole.

5. No clear answer is given, but I'd put my money on it being a Wormhole-like point-to-point gateway. The artwork regarding gates mostly portrays it has fleets passing instantly from one system to another with no intervening steps.

6. Going off the answer in point 5, an active gate permits anything to pass through from one system to another instantaneously, which would include communication signals. There may be some lore not yet disclosed that explains that all gates could receive all signals transmitted to it at all times (which would explain how systems only have one gate and yet could connect to the wider Domain).

7. The 'Transfer point' might not have been inhabited, or it might not have had the industrial capacity to support an entire Battlegroup at one time. Domain standard procedure in the event of gate failure may been to immediately fall back to the nearest Naval Base and await further orders. Had they stayed in place the fleet might not have survived, especially considering we know the gates don't come back online. As for Battlegroup VI, their orders were to leave the Persean sector entirely, so they would have taken everything with them on the way out. There was also a lore blurb that BG XIV was being punished by their rotation to the Persean sector, so they might have had a poor reputation among the rest of the Domain military (thus, BG VI might not have wanted anything to do with XIV).

8. The Persean sector was a frontier on the Domain, so there may not have been any sort of 'Standard' Domain Authority present. In addition, with BG VI departing, any vestige of Domain authority may have gone with them.

9. Tri-Tachyon was originally a megacorporation, and might not have had the manpower that a more formalized faction could bring to bear in the event of conflict. In addition, their specialization was specifically the development and utilization of AI, so using them as a supplement to manned warships would have been a perfect force multiplier for an undermanned corporation trying to secure their space (in addition to the typical moral flexibility of corporate leadership).

10. Many of the early power-players in the sector were former Domain officials or Naval officers. Locke might just have been an officer who broke off from BG XIV and decided to use his forces for his own ends.

11. That I can't answer, your guess is as good as mine.

12. No specific lore reason, it helps set up the tutorial.

Hope that helps.


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Re: The Lore Corner
« Reply #437 on: June 19, 2020, 02:47:39 PM »

Couple of minor lore questions-

Is there stuff lying around that's actually considered too broken or old to fly, despite being technically functional?

Not like, 5 d-mod level, but like "This puppy can hit burn 2 in sustained burn, with a tailwind, and carry enough fuel and supplies to reach the nearest system one-way with like 5 tons of spare space".

What's the feasibility of an expedition to the Orion Arm and Sol, or a nearby, more civilized sector?

Assuming the Sector's in the Perseus arm from lore, Sol's within 20,000 to 30,000 LY, and I guarantee someone in the sector still has a physical map, even if it's useless (such as modern-day university star maps currently). Ships can push ~2 LY a day, and if you math 20,000 LY out, it comes out to...

27 years of hyperdrive travel.
Ignoring fuel, which would probably double that time, what with stopping and building facilities.
Well, I think I answered that one :P
Still, could be a decent endgame goal to get the resources to start that trip.

Can Tri-Tachyon control REDACTED if they dig up codes from the First AI war? (or would it just not attack them?)

Judging by lore snippets, my best guess is someone with Tri-Tachyon codes and a decent amount of charisma could probably get them to ignore him, or take them over with a SUPREME amount of charisma/diplomatic talk. Someone without the codes (me) could probably make them non-hostile with a good amount of diplomacy, but no more than that.

How much technology isn't dependent on autofacs?

For example, if someone wants to make a tractor, what's the chance that someone spends 2-7 days in a machine shop with lathes and *** rather than trying to print one 5 times and assembling parts from the misprints into one working one?

Atlas VS Atlas-2 discrepancy (over multiple saves).

I can buy twenty Atlas-2's, anywhere from 0 to FIVE, averaging 2 at every port, some even on the open market. There are open markets with CONQUESTS, for christ's sake! FOUR conquests, one market, not even black! One of them's even flawless!

There is one Atlas for sale. Hegemony Military Market, requires commission and the highest rep.
More of a suggestion, really, but can we get more Atlas's available for sale, or a conversion option to make an Atlas-2 back into a
cargo carrier?
« Last Edit: June 19, 2020, 02:54:23 PM by JPR »


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Re: The Lore Corner
« Reply #438 on: June 19, 2020, 11:59:44 PM »

8- they took 48 years to reach the Sector, yet there weren't any trace of Domain authority?
9- Did Tri-Tachyon deploy the AI warfleets offensively? (like what jumped into theyr minds?)
10- Warlord Loke gets "former Domain military warships" is it so easy? what kind of ships?
8. I'm not sure what do you mean by "there weren't any trace of Domain authority?". The blog post about it doesn't mention a total collapse. The way I understand it is that after 50 years, whatever pro-domain organisations were still there, they banded together under the banner of Hegemony. As far as everyone knew, the commander of the XIV Battlegroup was the highest ranking Domain leader present.
9. You must remember droneships aren't rabid dogs that attack everything they see. They did what they were ordered to, and they still do. Droneships won't attack Tri-Tachyon ships.
10. Domain was everything. Saying "Domain warships" was equivalent to saying "human warships". And the answer is probably something along the lines of, well, how hard was it to the player to acquire some? It's doable without much difficulty.

27 years of hyperdrive travel.
Ignoring fuel, which would probably double that time, what with stopping and building facilities.
Well, I think I answered that one :P
Still, could be a decent endgame goal to get the resources to start that trip.
Going by the game mechanics, it would be possible to do it, but the time it would take would still be quite big. 27 years of hyperspace travel assumed burn level 20, which may or may not be achievable for a prometheus & atlas expedition by riding hyperspace storms. Even then, after the expedition runs out of fuel, then they have to settle one system and make enough supplies and fuel to go on again. I assume no expedition from other places reached Persean Sector yet.
Can Tri-Tachyon control REDACTED if they dig up codes from the First AI war? (or would it just not attack them?)
Redacted don't attack Tri-Tachyon fleets in the first place.
How much technology isn't dependent on autofacs?

For example, if someone wants to make a tractor, what's the chance that someone spends 2-7 days in a machine shop with lathes and *** rather than trying to print one 5 times and assembling parts from the misprints into one working one?
At least for ships, it's almost all reliant on autofactories. It's possible to make things without, just ask luddics, but it's probably hard and impractical in comparison to 3D printers.


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Re: The Lore Corner
« Reply #439 on: June 21, 2020, 12:11:14 AM »

Do Battlestations have ultra-long range weapons for attacking fleets that aren't in close combat with them?
Or can they adjust orbit?

How to they prevent bombardment anyway??
I'm not going to check but you should feel bad :( - Alex


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Re: The Lore Corner
« Reply #440 on: June 21, 2020, 05:41:47 PM »

How to they prevent bombardment anyway??
Presumably, as you surmised, they could adjust their orbit, and although saturation bombardment only takes an instant for the player, I think it's fair to assume it might take a few days -- a long enough time in geostationary orbit over target locations that the orbital station could come disrupt the process.


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Re: The Lore Corner
« Reply #441 on: June 24, 2020, 11:21:47 AM »

Why are there so many failed terraforming projects that have completely stopped, when minor effort could make them viable again?

For instance, Mairaath's could probably be... mostly restarted by 3-4 tugs to track down and haul the existing shades back in, and minor upkeep (comparable to fielding a destroyer/cruiser).

Like, it'll cost money and won't be an instant fix, but most of them seem comparable to building a single capital once (or at most removing one from every fleet that spawns, and most factions can easily afford that).

Or is that just a gameplay/story segregation thing and it's considered much more expensive to build reflectors/shields/shipping infrastructure than capships?


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Re: The Lore Corner
« Reply #442 on: June 24, 2020, 05:10:11 PM »

Why are there so many failed terraforming projects that have completely stopped, when minor effort could make them viable again?
Or is that just a gameplay/story segregation thing and it's considered much more expensive to build reflectors/shields/shipping infrastructure than capships?
I think 1, it's more story conceit and that the massive fleets and oodles of credits the player can acquire, and the relative ease of creating size 8 colonies in just a decade or two of game time, are not really reflective of the lore -- the player is a superman.

But also, 2, why is the entire human civilization in 2020 paralyzed and unable to do anything about the changing global climate and other ecological problems, when (relatively) minor effort could solve them (regardless of your stance on their cause; geoengineering is eminently possible, if risky)? The answer is that everyone has their own different preferred solution, people refuse to compromise, and it's a coordination problem where each individual person/city/country/corporation is better off doing nothing and waiting for someone else to try to solve it, rather than working together selflessly and with compromise. And there's always the possibility with any given solution that you fail or somehow make things worse. Maybe there's a big debate in Mairaathi scientific circles around how many shades need to be pulled in, whether to repair and reuse the existing ones or try to build new ones, and how to coordinate which regions should be shaded and which shouldn't, meanwhile there is political debate about who controls the shades, who pays for them, etc., and so in the meantime, nothing gets done because humans suck at solving this kind of problem naturally.


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Re: The Lore Corner
« Reply #443 on: June 25, 2020, 05:02:02 PM »

Why are there so many failed terraforming projects that have completely stopped, when minor effort could make them viable again?

For instance, Mairaath's could probably be... mostly restarted by 3-4 tugs to track down and haul the existing shades back in, and minor upkeep (comparable to fielding a destroyer/cruiser).

Like, it'll cost money and won't be an instant fix, but most of them seem comparable to building a single capital once (or at most removing one from every fleet that spawns, and most factions can easily afford that).

Or is that just a gameplay/story segregation thing and it's considered much more expensive to build reflectors/shields/shipping infrastructure than capships?

Modern meteorologists with a massive support network (satellites, ground stations, radar, observers, and all the skilled personnel to support them), well-developed models and theories, and >100 years of continuous data can't even accurately predict the weather a week out. What makes you think some knuckleheads with an orbital shade could terraform a planet?


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Re: The Lore Corner
« Reply #444 on: June 25, 2020, 06:56:59 PM »

Why are there so many failed terraforming projects that have completely stopped, when minor effort could make them viable again?

For instance, Mairaath's could probably be... mostly restarted by 3-4 tugs to track down and haul the existing shades back in, and minor upkeep (comparable to fielding a destroyer/cruiser).

Like, it'll cost money and won't be an instant fix, but most of them seem comparable to building a single capital once (or at most removing one from every fleet that spawns, and most factions can easily afford that).

Or is that just a gameplay/story segregation thing and it's considered much more expensive to build reflectors/shields/shipping infrastructure than capships?

It's not that easy. Capships are far rarer in "canon" as well, thats why in one of the missions they recovered the hulk of an onslaught instead of just pooping another out of a nanoforge. Same reason TT was angry one of their commanders sacrificed a paragon in another mission as well

From what I gathered, the colonization/exploration aspect of the game is significantly simplified compared to the actual effort it would take which is why there hasn't been any real effort to expand, or fix the destroyed/wrecked/decivved core worlds


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Re: The Lore Corner
« Reply #445 on: June 26, 2020, 02:47:26 PM »

Why are there so many failed terraforming projects that have completely stopped, when minor effort could make them viable again?

For instance, Mairaath's could probably be... mostly restarted by 3-4 tugs to track down and haul the existing shades back in, and minor upkeep (comparable to fielding a destroyer/cruiser).

Like, it'll cost money and won't be an instant fix, but most of them seem comparable to building a single capital once (or at most removing one from every fleet that spawns, and most factions can easily afford that).

Or is that just a gameplay/story segregation thing and it's considered much more expensive to build reflectors/shields/shipping infrastructure than capships?

Modern meteorologists with a massive support network (satellites, ground stations, radar, observers, and all the skilled personnel to support them), well-developed models and theories, and >100 years of continuous data can't even accurately predict the weather a week out. What makes you think some knuckleheads with an orbital shade could terraform a planet?

Yes, but we aren't talking about getting things perfect. It's like the whole domain-era relays/improvised relays dichotomy.

Sure, they won't be able to make things perfect, but they have 2 BIG pieces of info available:

1)The current state of the planet and why it's bad (E.g. Desert world too hot and dry). This can be used to common-sense some stuff (block sunlight? Crash comets?)
2)Info on what the Domain was doing pre-Collapse to terraform (E.g. The libraries  at Mairath have some history books/files that touch on the pre-collapse terraforming. Sure, some info's lost and unavailable, and it may be very generic, but... consider just a photo-op of 3 sunshades on a magazine cover dated to pre-collapse tells you that at the last time of terraforming, three sunshades was considered the correct amount of shade.) Or even more basic (We used to have sunshades. Let's drag them back to position, can't be worse than desert hellhole?)


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Re: The Lore Corner
« Reply #446 on: June 26, 2020, 05:20:46 PM »

Plus if you are not the Hegemony, you can use an AI core to help you plan the fixing of Mairaath to at least a less hellish place.

You could in theory even tug the Lost Astropolis back into orbit to be part of the same 'population center', and then recolonize the abandoned one and now you have a world with two astropolis around it again. 
And to prevent a repeat, maybe have the stations have a kill switch if their systems detect their orbits are going down FAST.


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Re: The Lore Corner
« Reply #447 on: June 27, 2020, 12:21:59 AM »

Plus if you are not the Hegemony, you can use an AI core to help you plan the fixing of Mairaath to at least a less hellish place.

Cores are banned in the Persean League as well.


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Re: The Lore Corner
« Reply #448 on: June 27, 2020, 03:51:11 PM »

I guess a better point would be that we have a bunch of places where the terraforming was never interrupted and everything's going fine. We also have a bunch of places where the terraforming was interrupted, and it's a hellhole.

We don't have any places where the terraforming was interrupted, but someone in the last 200 years restarted it with inferior modern technology, and things are sorta better but it's costing us a significant amount of funds and isn't as good as the Domain-era process would be.

Maybe Maiirath will never be a Terran world. But what if it was an Arid world with some open water? I'd love to see either a single League or Hegemony world like that.


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Re: The Lore Corner
« Reply #449 on: June 27, 2020, 06:09:28 PM »

They are banned in the Hegemony too and that didnt stop them asking for a gamma in the tutorial. :P

And tbf the League is stated to be a loose grouping of planets with no real central government aside from a vague 'we hate the hegemony' common idea, so that one of them is less opposed to cores is not impossible.

And yeah, we dont see any 'restarted' terraforming, but then again, I get the feeling we arrive in the game when the sector is finally stabilizing to some degree, and that previously its all been chaotic and not really lending itself for big civilian projects like terraforming.

Otherwise it makes little sense why no faction has explored the ruins and stations we find, why no one has colonized nice world right next to the core we sometimes find (Even in Duzhak), or why we, a single person, can foster a planet/system to become larger and more powerful than the capital systems.

Either we are 'super special player' or the factions have been so busy fighting and making sure their current worlds dont crash and burn to do much so far and its now that there's even the consideration of looking past the core worlds.
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