Couple of minor lore questions-
Is there stuff lying around that's actually considered too broken or old to fly, despite being technically functional?
Not like, 5 d-mod level, but like "This puppy can hit burn 2 in sustained burn, with a tailwind, and carry enough fuel and supplies to reach the nearest system one-way with like 5 tons of spare space".
What's the feasibility of an expedition to the Orion Arm and Sol, or a nearby, more civilized sector?
Assuming the Sector's in the Perseus arm from lore, Sol's within 20,000 to 30,000 LY, and I guarantee someone in the sector still has a physical map, even if it's useless (such as modern-day university star maps currently). Ships can push ~2 LY a day, and if you math 20,000 LY out, it comes out to...
27 years of hyperdrive travel.
Ignoring fuel, which would probably double that time, what with stopping and building facilities.
Well, I think I answered that one

Still, could be a decent endgame goal to get the resources to start that trip.
Can Tri-Tachyon control REDACTED if they dig up codes from the First AI war? (or would it just not attack them?)
Judging by lore snippets, my best guess is someone with Tri-Tachyon codes and a decent amount of charisma could probably get them to ignore him, or take them over with a SUPREME amount of charisma/diplomatic talk. Someone without the codes (me) could probably make them non-hostile with a good amount of diplomacy, but no more than that.
How much technology isn't dependent on autofacs?
For example, if someone wants to make a tractor, what's the chance that someone spends 2-7 days in a machine shop with lathes and *** rather than trying to print one 5 times and assembling parts from the misprints into one working one?
Atlas VS Atlas-2 discrepancy (over multiple saves).
I can buy twenty Atlas-2's, anywhere from 0 to FIVE, averaging 2 at every port, some even on the open market. There are open markets with CONQUESTS, for christ's sake! FOUR conquests, one market, not even black! One of them's even flawless!
There is one Atlas for sale. Hegemony Military Market, requires commission and the highest rep.
More of a suggestion, really, but can we get more Atlas's available for sale, or a conversion option to make an Atlas-2 back into a
cargo carrier?