A few questions relevant to my current interests...
-How are "independent" systems governed (like Exar, I mean). Do they have things under control? Are pirates particularly rampant in worlds not controlled by hegemony or tri-tachyon? Is the hegemony actually doing Exar a favor by taking it out of the incompetent hands of the Exar High Command (Does Exar High Command even exist?)
-Are the Ludii a major threat to the military? or are civilian targets all they go for?
-Are their systems with multiple "jewel worlds"? (jewel worlds being places suitable for human life without assistance, so like Jungle or Terran) If so, how common?
-Has anyone ever cracked an UAC since the collapse? Has anyone ever?
-How are planets named? On one hand Exar seems to use actual names (Exar Prime, Exar Secundus), on the other many seem to simply use numbers (Corvus I, Corvus II). Hastaeus Prime was also mentioned... Is Prime simply what they call the best planet in a system? The first planet?