line 510 (gamma core):
A gamma-level AI core is capable of supporting most human endeavors, making up for a lack of creativity and problem-solving ability with
prodigous prodigious computational prowess. [...]
line 682 (makeshift sensor array):
Built using the best technology available in the Sector, a
makeshft makeshift sensor array is nonetheless capable [...]
line 715 (ragnar station):
[...] the Ragnar complex stores ship hulks awaiting refurbishing or the haul to Arcadia for
ship-breaking shipbreaking, [...]
*Personally I prefer it hyphenated, but it probably shouldn't, given the hyphenation style the game has established (it tends to do it less often) and that the description of Agreus spells it without a hyphen.
[...] Hidden near the
centre of the shadow armada lies a stack of
hab-rings hab rings populated by civilian contractors, navy crew, marines, and Hegemony administration.
*Not hyphenated everywhere else.
line 729 (tse station):
[...] A Tri-Tachyon
taskforce task force took over the station some decades ago with a (possibly) valid deed and mercenary fleet. [...]
*Separated everywhere else.
line 738 (pirates):
[...] reserving their magnanimity for their
fellow-travelers fellow travelers - other pirates.
*Usually not hyphenated, I believe.
line 757 (planet chicomoztoc):
[...] and a concerning but
managable manageable dusting of actinides. [...]
[...] but so long as the Forges are kept safe and churning out mountains of goods,
machinines machines, tools, and starship hulls, [...]
line 758 (planet eventide):
[...] Leading families of Eventide pool their influence into great combines that sponsor the solar mirrors and shades which maintain islands of
habilitability habitability. [...]
[...] The prevailing ethos of Eventide (or the local
inheritence inheritance laws, depending on who you ask) lends itself to providing a disproportionate number of officers to the Hegemony military.
line 788 (generic, toxic cold planet):
[...] Liquid water erupts bubbling with methane from
cryovolcanos cryovolcanoes driven by tidal heating and decaying radioactive elements deep within the mantle.
*Spelt as volcanoes everywhere else.
line 793 (corona of aka mainyu):
<ost Most ships are not built to withstand prolonged exposure to the extreme heat and radiation and will take damage if they remain within it for any time.
line 807 (kite):
[...] and the two
auxilliary auxiliary jet-pods are replaced with missile systems [...]
line 831 (mudskipper):
[...] but it has been
annointed anointed it with the altogether more humble name ""Mudskipper"". [...]
line 834 (scarab):
The Scarab is a rare, experimental hull developed by the Tri-Tachyon
corporation Corporation. [...]
*Capitalized everywhere else.
line 878 (planet eldfell):
A barren world notable for a cluster of unusually active
hyper-volcanos hyper-volcanoes, [...]
*Spelt as volcanoes everywhere else.
line 880 (planet horn):
A supermassive
terrestial terrestrial world, [...]
line 881 (planet athulf):
[...] Court dress is
extravagent extravagant and the noblesse oblige of kingship is demanding. [...]
line 882 (planet fikenhild):
[...] Most potential excesses of the system are
contrained constrained? or maybe contained by a culture of alternately
racous raucous and sentimental audience participation segments; the King is powerful, yes, but the hearts of the people are mercurial.
line 885 (planet madeira):
[...] Otherwise notable for exotic volatiles captured from its primary and the fluorescing
pseudo-algaes pseudo-algae which live within the cracks of vast storm-swept ice-fields that dominate the surface of Madeira. [...]
line 886 (planet satanazes):
[...] the upper cloud layers of Satanazes are formed of carbon monoxide and
akali alkali metals resulting in a dark, glowering appearance.
line 888 (planet cibola):
[...] An
anamolous anomalous series of icy bodies had impacted the world, leaving it cooler and wetter than its
equillibrium equilibrium state and therefore within the sporeship's colonization parameters. [...]
line 894 (planet epithany):
[...] though a population
sympathic sympathetic to Luddic beliefs lived on. [...]
line 900 (kapteyn station):
This sprawling zero-g industrial station was built to-spec to serve the needs of the Eridani-Utopia Corporation and modified heavily,
tumerously timorously?, in the cycles since. [...]
line 903 (chalcedon station):
[...] Judging by the recent markings of light weapons fire on tactically
insiginiciant insignificant hull sections, the station appears to have been used for target practice. [...]
line 904 (planet chalcedon):
[...] Primitive native xenolife - theorized to be descended from impact-diaspora from Kumari Aru or vice versa - persists in curious
unicelluar-equivalent unicellular equivalent forms in a few obscure ecological niches. [...]
lines 908-929 (remnant ships):
Tri-Tachyon or
Tri-Tach appears as "TriTachyon" or "TriTach".
line 957 (AI cores):
[...] an artifact of
astouding astounding complexity capable of sophisticated thought exceeding the human mind. [...]
line 960 (survey data):
[...] Surveys such as this are an essential element of
sucessful successful military operations, colonization efforts, and corporate ventures.
line 976 (planet ancyra):
[...] and a few
briney briny aquifers tapped and exploited by human settlers.