Hey everybody, I joined the forum just to post this idea, but taking a quick look at the FAQ and here in suggestions it seems there's a firm answer to all multiplayer suggestions right now
. As I understand it takes a lot of resources to develop multiplayer for a game, but how much of that is spent working on balance compared to putting in the basic code that would enable multiplayer?
The way I just wrote it might be confusing, I'll quickly describe my idea. I would LOVE-LOVE having a simple co-op mode, where you and as many friends as your server can take share a fleet and go about the usual campaign stuff, controlling a flagship for each person in the battles. In the overworld your fleet would just respond to the last order from any of you (Fighting over control could be entertaining).
It wouldn't be perfect or balanced, but just controlling individual ships with your friends would be good fun. It might be chaotic, and if you've ever played Magicka with your friends, you'll know that can be very fun (Hello friendly fire).
No support for friends lists or server finding would be needed, like in Minecraft it could be 'make server; give ip to friend; friend joins ip'.
So I'm saying that balancing wouldn't be needed to implement a very fun mode like this. If you think, all things considered, it could be worth diverting resources from the singleplayer to put in, then I'd love you for looking into it.
I wouldn't be surprised if you've already thought about and canned a similar idea... But, you know. Just in case.
Oh, and I love your game.
Flying a ship you built yourself into battle, it's very satisfying indeed. You got it hooked.
If the combat was turn based I wouldn't have given it a second look, but real time? Phoooar.