Should the default console hotkey be changed? Pressing Backspace in combat in dev mode ends the engagement instantly with a player victory.
Early versions of the console used to be summoned with tilde, but that caused issues with certain international keyboard layouts so was changed to a more universally available keystroke. If you have a better default in mind, let me know!

For now, you can change it to whichever key you like using the Settings command once you get into the campaign layer. That setting will be retained forever (it will persist between saves and survive Starsector updates) so this only has to be done once.
Yeah, not being able to scroll is a hassle when you list ships and those that you are looking for are out of the screen.
This one's frustrating for me too, because scrolling is a feature I intended to add months ago but my computer died before I could get around to it. The overlay was built with scrolling in mind so it should only take a couple lines of code to add it. The problem is making sure it looks perfect (scrolls smoothly, stops and starts where you'd expect, scrollbar is positioned and sized correctly), which requires a lot of testing and tweaking.
For the time being I'm doing all my hobbyist programming on a Raspberry Pi, which is a $35 computer that's about as powerful as a low-end smartphone. I was
able to get Starsector running on it after recompiling the native libraries for ARM, but it takes around six minutes to get into a mission refit battle, the game runs at two frames per second, and the 1GB of RAM on the Pi means I can't have my IDE open at the same time as the game, meaning I can't debug or change code while testing. Modding is an exercise in frustration when it takes several minutes to test every minor edit I make, and I'm also limited to working on non-campaign features as there's absolutely no way this machine could handle the campaign layer.
Since scrolling support is theoretically such a simple change, I'll see about adding it and releasing another WIP with that as the only addition. I can't promise my sanity will still be intact afterwards, though.