V2.1: Tested with .54.1a. Added the Prometheus supertanker to all stations.
New version! This version has much cleaner code and is even easier to modify! All the action happens in data/scripts/world/corvus/RestockSpawnPoint.java Add an array of ship names or fighter names, put in a check for the station you want to add them to (by name), and call addShips/addFighters.
Will now keep all weapons stocked - if there are none of a weapon 4 new ones will appear, checked once per day.
Will now keep crew stocked - if none in a category, adds 5/25/100/200 crew to elite/veteran/regular/green. Checked once per day.
[MF Version] - feel free to make a new version for your own mod (if you want), just credit me for the original code if you distribute.
This version is more friendly towards other mods. It will add every ship and every fighter to EVERY station, no matter the name (free trade stations excluded on purpose).
To modify for use in combination with another mod:
In: data/scripts/world/corvus/RestockInit.java and data/scripts/world/corvus/RestockSpawnPoint.java
Modify any line that gets the system from "corvus" to whatever your system's name is in the mod. Should be once in each file. Don't change the folder structure (just leave it corvus).
In: data/scripts/world/corvus/RestockSpawnPoint.java
Scroll to the bottom - there are the lists of ships and wings that are added to every station. Add/remove whatever you'd like.
Old download totals:
2.1: 505
MCWarhammer's UoC: 337
2.0: 128
1.0: 499
mf: 167