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Author Topic: The Ox tug gets no love and no one uses it  (Read 3395 times)


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Re: The Ox tug gets no love and no one uses it
« Reply #15 on: January 25, 2025, 03:01:33 PM »

On the thought of logistics and late game ship count maximization, I recently had an idea related to the Ox tangentially. It's about the Revenant, though.

So, the Revenant was unique before s-mod bonuses with how it was both a cargo and fuel ship and also had phase field for the sensor radius bonus. However, I feel like the advent of s-mod logistic bonuses have made Revenant a bit redundant. It's a very rare, interesting logistic ship, it should feel cool to get it and make it a mainstay of your fleet for a combat-minded player, but I never care anymore since if I truly want to remain stealthy, I can s-mod Insulated Engines onto my Ox, Atlas and so on. If I want a bit extra fuel, I can s-mod fuel cargo onto my atlas. Stuff like that. I've even started S-modding in Additional Berthing on my Ox ships if I really need that extra crew space.

That made me think it could be nice if Revenant had something extra to make it stick out. What if Revenant was given the Ox's Drive Field Stabilizer hullmod? It could then be used as a special hybrid logistic ship that Atlas, Ox or Prometheus could never do, even with s-mods!


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Re: The Ox tug gets no love and no one uses it
« Reply #16 on: January 25, 2025, 03:28:20 PM »

But the field stabilizer is a big huge beacon and that's the opposite a revenant wants
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Re: The Ox tug gets no love and no one uses it
« Reply #17 on: January 25, 2025, 03:36:01 PM »

On the thought of logistics and late game ship count maximization, I recently had an idea related to the Ox tangentially. It's about the Revenant, though.

So, the Revenant was unique before s-mod bonuses with how it was both a cargo and fuel ship and also had phase field for the sensor radius bonus. However, I feel like the advent of s-mod logistic bonuses have made Revenant a bit redundant. It's a very rare, interesting logistic ship, it should feel cool to get it and make it a mainstay of your fleet for a combat-minded player, but I never care anymore since if I truly want to remain stealthy, I can s-mod Insulated Engines onto my Ox, Atlas and so on. If I want a bit extra fuel, I can s-mod fuel cargo onto my atlas. Stuff like that. I've even started S-modding in Additional Berthing on my Ox ships if I really need that extra crew space.

That made me think it could be nice if Revenant had something extra to make it stick out. What if Revenant was given the Ox's Drive Field Stabilizer hullmod? It could then be used as a special hybrid logistic ship that Atlas, Ox or Prometheus could never do, even with s-mods!
maybe the actual answer to fixing this issue is nerfing the insulated engine assembly to no longer provide a 90% profile reduction...

And if you want an experimental solution, you can double the specialised logistical stat of every ship in the game. And then apply a logistical hullmod redesign that would make it more effective to actually s-mod into a civie ship.


But instead encourage to s-mod it into a Conquest or something if you are down on your luck. But that is stupid...


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Re: The Ox tug gets no love and no one uses it
« Reply #18 on: January 25, 2025, 03:39:31 PM »

But the field stabilizer is a big huge beacon and that's the opposite a revenant wants

Insulated engines actually fixes this on the Revenant, just like it fixes it on the Ox, but it's doubly so because the phase field reduces your signature by 50%.

Also, we don't always have to nerf something if it's a problem, you can instead buff something else, especially if the buff sounds fun without breaking anything. That said, I don't think the Revenant is bad or anything in its current form, it was just a thought that I had and wanted to share.


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Re: The Ox tug gets no love and no one uses it
« Reply #19 on: January 25, 2025, 10:26:42 PM »

Huh?  I use it in every fleet.  Sometimes two.   Just slap a S-mod Insulated Drive Assembly on it and you're good to go. 


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Re: The Ox tug gets no love and no one uses it
« Reply #20 on: January 25, 2025, 11:10:12 PM »

The ox is used, as I understand it, almost exclusively by min-maxer players who absolutely must have burn 20 even with their fleet of battleships and atlases. This is a category that I am not in, but I know some people on the forum will talk about 'needing' so many tug-boats for a given fleet.

On the one hand, with the 30 ship limit, it wouldn't be at all unreasonable to cut the Ox's logistics costs down.

...On the other hand, I still think the game would be better off going back to a fleet point cost limit rather than a fixed number of ships, and if it did that, the Ox would still need high logistics costs relative to its size.

I also like the idea for fleet point limit. Particularly if it grows with your level. However, I've been told that 200 + ship fleets of 1-2 dp ships isn't enjoyable to play with or play against.  Particularly giving orders to 200 ships individually, and the entry of 200 ships and the mess of each of them trying to go to a different location.  There's also the technical edge case with integers-  Fleet points aren't fractional.  This means for low DP ships, 3 DP might be too strong, and 4 DP unusablely bad. 
My personal suggestion is to have frigate/destroyer wolfpacks. Conceptually, it would work by having you assign up to 4 frigates/destroyers or 20 dp max into the same "ship slot".  After that they act line a single larger combined ship.  In the ship editor, you see and edit all of them at the same time.  During deployment, They all deploy in the same grid location, just a little offset so they are not intersecting.  In combat, they'd stick very close to each other, as well as sharing an officer, and you can only give orders to the greater combined unit of them.  Kind of like how all the fighters in a wing behave as one.  Additionally, in combat, they also stagger which one engages at closer range, so you don't get the spacing crunch issue of 50 frigates trying to surround a battleship.  This would be a bit of work to code up, but it allows the 30 slot fleet limit to stay, re-embrace a fleet point limit, solves the issue where you don't have enough officers for frigates if you go mass frigate, and solves the issue of having too many ships to order around in combat.  They might even share a combined combat rating so they all retreat as one unit too. 

But, people not so interested. 


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Re: The Ox tug gets no love and no one uses it
« Reply #21 on: January 26, 2025, 04:32:30 AM »

The ox is used, as I understand it, almost exclusively by min-maxer players who absolutely must have burn 20 even with their fleet of battleships and atlases. This is a category that I am not in, but I know some people on the forum will talk about 'needing' so many tug-boats for a given fleet.

Well, I'm not much of a min-max player, but I do always bring at least two tugs once I get capitals, and Navigation is a must to me. Crawling at snail's pace isn't particularly fun.
I can't wait to get curb-stomped.

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Re: The Ox tug gets no love and no one uses it
« Reply #22 on: January 26, 2025, 05:41:48 AM »

I'm an Ox user. S-modded Insulated Engines completely negates the sensor penalty and Efficiency Overhaul reduces the maintenance and fuel use. I generally have two if I'm using Capitals routinely. I mean, they're supposed to be a burden to the fleet.

I see no reason to change them.

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Re: The Ox tug gets no love and no one uses it
« Reply #23 on: January 26, 2025, 09:17:00 AM »

The ox is used, as I understand it, almost exclusively by min-maxer players who absolutely must have burn 20 even with their fleet of battleships and atlases. This is a category that I am not in, but I know some people on the forum will talk about 'needing' so many tug-boats for a given fleet.

On the one hand, with the 30 ship limit, it wouldn't be at all unreasonable to cut the Ox's logistics costs down.

...On the other hand, I still think the game would be better off going back to a fleet point cost limit rather than a fixed number of ships, and if it did that, the Ox would still need high logistics costs relative to its size.

I also like the idea for fleet point limit. Particularly if it grows with your level. However, I've been told that 200 + ship fleets of 1-2 dp ships isn't enjoyable to play with or play against.  Particularly giving orders to 200 ships individually, and the entry of 200 ships and the mess of each of them trying to go to a different location.  There's also the technical edge case with integers-  Fleet points aren't fractional.  This means for low DP ships, 3 DP might be too strong, and 4 DP unusablely bad. 
My personal suggestion is to have frigate/destroyer wolfpacks. Conceptually, it would work by having you assign up to 4 frigates/destroyers or 20 dp max into the same "ship slot".  After that they act line a single larger combined ship.  In the ship editor, you see and edit all of them at the same time.  During deployment, They all deploy in the same grid location, just a little offset so they are not intersecting.  In combat, they'd stick very close to each other, as well as sharing an officer, and you can only give orders to the greater combined unit of them.  Kind of like how all the fighters in a wing behave as one.  Additionally, in combat, they also stagger which one engages at closer range, so you don't get the spacing crunch issue of 50 frigates trying to surround a battleship.  This would be a bit of work to code up, but it allows the 30 slot fleet limit to stay, re-embrace a fleet point limit, solves the issue where you don't have enough officers for frigates if you go mass frigate, and solves the issue of having too many ships to order around in combat.  They might even share a combined combat rating so they all retreat as one unit too. 

But, people not so interested.

I could see a synchronized "corvette squadron" ship class as a premium midline frigate option, but creating dynamic ship squadrons would be a lot of excess work.
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Re: The Ox tug gets no love and no one uses it
« Reply #24 on: January 26, 2025, 12:09:16 PM »

I think if you are that late in game money doesn't matter. However the 30 ship limit does. Given the choice I would pick almost any ship over the Ox because fleet speed is less of an issue when 2 armadas clash.

The only time I ever run into the 30 ship limit is when I'm explicitly doing balance testing on the Support Doctrine skill with Command Console.  In my playthroughs, I might hit 20 ships in my fleet at tops.  Given the power boost that officers provide, I'm typically running 9-15 combat ships, sometimes with a few unofficered frigates for capping and light escort duty, or maybe a mercenary or two.  At which point, late game logistics is pretty much solved with 2 Atlas and 2 Prometheus.  Alternatively, 4-5 Revenants and not using low tech fuel guzzling ships.

Are a lot of people running Support Doctrine fleets?  Or trying to make pure frigate spam work late game?  By the time you get into destroyers, you can hit the 240 DP cap with 20-25 of them without too much trouble, and that still leaves 5-10 logistic slots.  Sure it'd be nice to have full freedom with designing fleets, but I really don't find the limit all that restricting.

When I think of the spirit of the tug boat it leans more towards heavy trade fleets trying to get an edge over pirates and hustling to the next big trade. Its about lower income fleets trying to pick up the pace. Not end game battle fleets in deep space

When I think tug boat, I think small boat moving a larger ship or barge very, very slowly because they can't or shouldn't under their own power, such as in a crowded dock where the large ship lacks the maneuverability.

Perhaps we should suggest a name change the name from Ox tug to Ox fleet navigation support ship.  That way we don't confuse the name with the gameplay purpose.  I'm willing to bet the gameplay purpose (spend resources to make capital ship fleets fast enough to catch frigate fleets) came before the name.

The idea is to make it a rational option for anyone not just min maxers. When I watch YouTube videos let's plays most dont mess with them. Sure their are a few weirdos

Since I don't typically watch let's play videos, my impressions come from the forums, and it seems to me based on that measure, there are a lot of people using Ox tugs already.  Not early game, but definitely late game.  How do you know if the majority of players, who don't make videos or comment on forums, use Ox tugs or not?  It is quite possible the ones in the minority are the ones who don't use them.  I don't think we have enough evidence to say either way.

I'm just saying it deserves a look at a rework that's all. Also I don't think you should be able to make your fleet faster than the Ox itself

Can you clarify, what do you mean make your fleet faster than the Ox itself?  The fleet already always moves at the slowest burn speed, so given an Ox is base burn 8, the fastest the fleet can be is 8+number of Ox in fleet, in terms of base burn.  Adding a single Ox to a destroyer fleet with base burn 9 doesn't affect the net base burn, but slows it down to sustained burn 17 from 18, and similarly adding an Ox tug to a frigate fleet with base burn 10, slows it down to a base burn 9, and down to sustained burn 17.

Ox tugs look designed to be used when you have slow cruisers and capitals with base burn 8, 7 and 6 in your fleet.  Not early game when you're using frigate logistic ships, as it takes like 4 to have the same sustained burn speed.

So, the Revenant was unique before s-mod bonuses with how it was both a cargo and fuel ship and also had phase field for the sensor radius bonus. However, I feel like the advent of s-mod logistic bonuses have made Revenant a bit redundant. It's a very rare, interesting logistic ship, it should feel cool to get it and make it a mainstay of your fleet for a combat-minded player, but I never care anymore since if I truly want to remain stealthy, I can s-mod Insulated Engines onto my Ox, Atlas and so on. If I want a bit extra fuel, I can s-mod fuel cargo onto my atlas. Stuff like that. I've even started S-modding in Additional Berthing on my Ox ships if I really need that extra crew space.

That made me think it could be nice if Revenant had something extra to make it stick out. What if Revenant was given the Ox's Drive Field Stabilizer hullmod? It could then be used as a special hybrid logistic ship that Atlas, Ox or Prometheus could never do, even with s-mods!

I still think the Revenant's perk is that it is a non-combat cruiser tier phase ship with Phase Field.  Phase Field is not the same as simply putting s-mod Insulated Engine Assembly on your logistics ships, given that Phase Field affects the entire fleet, including the base 300 signature that all fleets have.  Given only the 5 largest signatures matter, your fleet signature is typically going to be determined by your 5 largest combat ships.  Putting s-modded Insulated Engine Assembly on a combat cruiser or capital is typically a loss of potential combat power.  Running something like a Doom with Phase Coil Tuning and 4 Revenants (which don't eat into the Phase Coil Tuning benefits) along with 5 combat capitals is going to have a significantly lower signature than 2 Atlas and 2 Prometheus with Insulated Engine Assembly and 5 combat capitals.

Although the Phase Field benefit stacks up to your 5 highest sensor strength phase ships, so getting 4-5 Revenants is typically necessary to get the full benefit.


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Re: The Ox tug gets no love and no one uses it
« Reply #25 on: January 26, 2025, 12:58:34 PM »

Yeah, that's why I mentioned that the Revenant is overall not bad in a later post, it's still way more logistically efficient than a combat ship and it provides the phase field hullmod.

But S-mods did still take away the main non-feel (revenant is still cool in concept and appearance) reason I used revenants, them being a hybrid cargo-fuel ship that has less signature than a capital ship, which S-mods made redundant in its entirety. But, there's still the use case you pointed out, which is like good enough, but it would be cool to have a hybrid freighter-tanker-ox that has horrible supply and fuel efficiency but saves you on a ship slot and still has a lot of cargo and fuel space (as in, Revenant’s size of fuel and cargo), it's just credit inefficient.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2025, 01:28:49 PM by PixiCode »

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Re: The Ox tug gets no love and no one uses it
« Reply #26 on: January 30, 2025, 11:18:54 PM »

I'm the opposite of a min/max player, and I will always keep a tug or two around for fitting into a fleet if I have to catch or escape from valuable or mightier fleets.   Especially in the late game when I have money to burn.


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Re: The Ox tug gets no love and no one uses it
« Reply #27 on: January 31, 2025, 10:03:30 AM »

Tug might just be the most commonly used ship lmao.
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