In this case I might call into question the validity of the conclusion based on the test conditions.
Do you think Ziggurat can kill these two ordos faster, because it can can solo ordos or something? My experience with soloing tells me it takes longer than fleet combat - which is pretty bad, when I'm looking for a way to beat 2 ordos as quick as possible.
With some play I did before, I see cases where the player could solo 3+ Ordos with omega weapons with Odyssey, Radiant and Doom, too.
For Doom, I've seen other players tell some really tall tales about how to solo with it using AMSRMs, Typhoons, S-mod Reinforced Flux Conduit for more rapid active venting and all your other various skill buffs.
Last time I did it (in 0.96), I could defeat 2 ordos with AMSRMs, Resonators and Ion Pulsers. With cyber aug, I could probably do better now.
Harbinger and Afflictor might be able to if they didn't have lower PPT, but rip.
Just double/triple dip, you have PCT points to spare.
Radiant, at worst, you can just corner camp, skim forward to kill, retreat back to corner. Cheesy, but map boundaries sure are powerful.
It appears I lost this footage, but I know for certain I did actually fight... Uh, an indeterminate number of ordos with a Radiant and a Paragon, camping in the corner. It might have actually been 5, as I remember retreating and re-deploying, but without proof I can't be sure.
I wonder how much Zig can solo without omega weapons? I tried it a few times and wasn't particularly impressed, but I also didn't try very hard either.
Probably quite a few if you are corner camping. I think the loadout would have to be 2 APL or 2 tachlances, 4 HVDs, 6 AMBs or something like that, to get some long-range bite to finish ships off or to force them to drop their shields. Rift cascade emitters can get away without long range hard flux partially because they ARE the long range hard flux, and partially because they can just bypass shields entirely sometimes.
I don't expect Iggy Ziggy to be able to handle that, especially not under these specific conditions OP established. I feel like they would have a better chance using a Radiant.
It is fairly difficult to fight 5 ordos while fighting only 2 ordos, yes...
Edit: I slightly regret not naming this thread "Furies suck so badly, holy crap"