guys... I have a question...
When thinking about SO, are you thinking about SO with s-mods or SO without s-mods?
Cause SO without s-mods is relatively balanced. Just thinking out loud.
Whereas with s-mods, ships that are good with SO can be good too...
ON THE OTHER HAND, I do not like Pathers having ships that have free SO, but are generally crappy in NPC hands cause of Ill-Advised Modifications.
How about instead of nerfing SO we start by making Ill-Advised Modifications not a d-mod, but keep the chance low? That is something I have said like... A few times before...
But focusing back on stuff.
Sure, you can give Fury s-mod along SO. But what if you choose to instead s-mod stuff like Hardened Shields, Unstable Injector, and then keep the additional 45 OP? Now with the incoming PD Laser buffs, that ship ain't half bad. Note that at that point Fury has like 125 speed if it has Helsmanship on top. It generally is then fast enough to retreat. (note 40% range increase is nothing to sneeze at, especially when thinking about SO shortening range to 450 or whatever that number was)
Again, I think you guys are missing the point. It's not the SO that is overpowered. SO is perfectly balanced. Same as Phase Anchor. It's just that we are playing the game from the perspective of infinite s-mod min-maxing fiesta. Which is kinda skewing our perspective.
Generally an Aurora with just SO is probably good or whatever... Just a standard Aurora with a competent build. Now we add 3 s-mods into the mix and a min-max build. Well, generally the thing that is keeping the normal Aurora from being better than SO Aurora is the PD...
I saw a post from the dev stating that PD Laser was planned to be buffed... Now, this is unconfirmed. But the initial statement I saw said that the idea was to give it 3 OP and 500 range. NOTE... Making PD Laser cheaper OP-wise instead of keeping it as OP costly as it is now, but making it more impactful will generally strengthen SO builds. And vice versa
ANOTHER BUFF that could weaken SO for energy-based ships like Aurora or Fury is a buff to Ion Pulser, Ion Cannon, IR Pulse Laser range. Ion Pulser is balanced atm, but we could increase its range for consistency's sake considering the fact that its high spread will cause it to miss a lot of its shots anyway. If we increase these weapon's range to 600... Then they will become more viable in long-ranged ITU High Tech playstyle. Well, mid-ranged. Which will again buff non-SO Fury and Aurora variants.