There's only one weapon that desperately needs a rebalance.
Tactical Laser. I don't have a strong opinion on what direction it should be as the weapon role is so ill defined. It's literally "Non-pd small beam weapon". And that in is it's problem. Role should be what part in combat it plays, not what kind of weapon it is.
Here's a few extra suggestions for things that I've noticed need some more help, but isn't at "desperate."
Heavy Mortar should have an 800 range. There's too many posters saying that there should be a 800 range explosive ballistic weapon, then giving a recommendation for a new weapon. Just up Heavy Mortar's range. The weapon needs a buff anyways.
Graviton Beam should hit 50% harder (with a matching 50% increase in flux costs). It doesn't do enough for a medium slot in terms of damage. Nearly everyone takes an IR Autolance over a graviton. Graviton is 100 kinetic. Ion Pulsar is 900 dps + 600 em damage burst. Or perhaps, instead of the damage increase, shrink it to small size.
Astral. Lots of people calling for a buff to this ship as it's not worth the DP. Honestly, I think changing fighter replacement rate to be per bay instead of ship wide, goes a long way.
DEM missiles fall flat. They don't have the staying power for long term engagement, and that's a serious problem. My suggestion is to make them into a hybrid omega missile weapon- Infinite ammo, but require energy to launch. Infact, let's step back one level. Personally, Missiles should respawn like fighters. Have a replacement rate. Perhaps even the replacement consuming Combat rating.
AI fixes.
AI for burn/plasma burn/Orion ships should know to turn away and the system to escape. Not just backpedal.
AI for retreating ships shouldn't activate phase jump (or any system really) that will move the ship towards an enemy ship.
AI chasing a ship should move the ship to be completely in range before firing, not get stuck in a loop of stop at max range, raise shields, then find target ship has moved out of range, drop shield and chase.
AI for Escort Package ship should factor in extra range given by Escort Package.
I should be able to assign a ship to generic Harass duty, like one assigns Search and Destroy. Likewise, I should be able to assign a carrier to guard with fighters another ship (as you can do this as a player if you control the carrier).
Pirate Champion with large ballistic mount. LG Champion with all energy mounts. Hegemony Wolf should have ballistic mounts.
Ability to purchase LG ships and rare weapons. There's a mod for this, but it really should be in core somewhere.
Nose small energy turret of Odyssey changed to a medium. I find the damage just a touch low and this would solve it. Normally, I use the small phase lance omega weapon, but that usually doesn't work when you have more than one Oddyssey.