I love asymetric ships! And the ship looks great. But will this ship win a place in my fleet, or are there others that will still do its role better. Can't wait to try it out.
I'll be interesting to see

Why not take the experimental vibe further to make it the experiment to remotely time affect its fighter
It's a neat idea! I'm not sure offhand that having temporal shell wouldn't break some kind of fighter ship system (perhaps a modded one), and it might not be so good for performance, but a neat idea nonetheless.
I dunno, man. You want this to be "the ship you put Paladins on" but then ya slap it with one of the worst debuff hullmods in the game and a built-in no less. People are already gonna be majorly turned off by how bad the debuff is and now they'll associate it with Paladins in the back of their minds. That is just how people be.
Ah, but you're missing one major point - it's not a d-mod, so the ship has no orange stripe next to it

Seems awfully convoluted compared to just not having the arcs of the side larges converge with the hardpoints.
I talked about this pretty early in the blog post! The tl;dr is it felt terrible and doesn't even work anyway, unless the arcs are so poor that no pair of arcs overlaps at all, since 2x TL is enough to make it ridiculously OP.
"Scythian" -- Extremely fast dedicated Pilum launcher next. 
Not going to lie, kind of love the name and the vibe.
I also think it's a few too many lines of text just to make paladin OK on 1 ship.
Not even sure it'll be that attractive here, stats+mounts+temporal shell = gigacannons+reapers+some PD fighter to me.
Have to try ofc, and making gigacannon decent on something is also a win.
So it's my fault for over-focusing on the Paladin, perhaps, but I did mention that other weapons with similar profiles (e.g. the Gigacannon) also factor in here. So if that build works well: mission accomplished.
So, will WEAPON FLUX/SEC reflect the actual FLUX produced by the weapon now?
In the past, modifications to weapon firing rate and direct to weapon FLUX will not be reflected in this number, which is weird.
It won't, or at least it doesn't now. And I realize that's considerably more awkward in this case than it normally is.
I don’t know if this is useful information, but in 0.97 ive been using Paladin in only two not-joke ways,
Paladin Sunder bruiser, Paladin Sunder support for paragon tachyon spam and the companion to a plasma cannon on the Prometheus2.
For the Sunder, I find it’s really potent to fit it with paladin, 2 light needlers and 2 phase lances. Its still not a particularly durable destroyer but it’s a very cheap to setup independent build (no smods or officer needed)for the early game which also severely bullies any and all frigates, destroyers and shieldless ships. And then for paragon beam spam it’s just nice to have a whole lot of paladins focus on 1 flanking frigate and see it evaporate.
For the prometheus2, it’s got a surprisingly high top speed so it can be built with a plasma cannon playstyle. Paladin just happens to suit it nicely in that case, it gets the same EWM bonuses (if any) and it’s not like the prometheus2 can afford much else at that point.
I’m not sure the paladin will be used for a true PD role in any further cases with the 0.25 buff - it might see some new hybrid uses, such as a fun HSA SO Champion and heavy blasters? Goofy idea, idk. Either way, it’ll make builds that enjoy the paladin feel even better, which is nice. And obviously it’ll fit the Anubis very well. Interested to see how it plays out.
That was an interesting read, thank you! Not sure I would've thought to put a Paladin on the Sunder if I had anything else available, but in the early game context, that does sound like it'd be effective.
I’ll echo that this does feel like a convoluted way to showcase Paladins but I’m not sure how else you can do that without making them built-in. That said, this is a unique design that obviously doesn’t overlap with anything else. Oddly enough, despite all the one-off modifications, immediately struck me as a jack-of-all-trades. Excellent PD, kinetic pressure via ballistics, some Large Energy that is either a generalist or HE and a fighter bay? Temporal Shell also acts as a damage multiplier. Dare I say this a high tech Eagle? 
(Obbligatory comment about the post perhaps over-focusing on the Paladin.)
Let's hope it generates at least half as much controversy

Maybe I missed it: what’s the DP cost for this? Please don’t say 20.
It's 18! Right now, anyway.
Put your bets in now, I'm guessing 18 DP!
Ding ding ding.
But the picture for the hullmod says "the rate of fire for missile weapons is reduced by 50%", with similar wording as the one for EMR's S-Mod penalty ("Reduces rate of fire of missiles by 20%"). In other words, it's just increasing the refire delay for missiles weapons by 50%, not 100% - which is what "halving" would presumably mean in the context of nerfing. Is it intended to be a 50% penalty (i.e. 50% longer refire delay) or a 100% penalty?
Like the EMR s-mod penalty, it's a multiplier to the rate of fire, so a "50% reduction" is in fact halving the rate of fire.
Unless you've changed how the script works, then the paladins explosion doesn't. The script (at least currently) specifically doesn't do any damage to the target of the beams, so a paladin is only a hardflux source if you install High Scatter Amplifier, and that feels more like a "meme build" than something standard/serious to me.
Ahhh, thank you for the correction! I'm mixing it up with a few weapons (including some new ones) that *do* work this way, but you're totally right about this.
I think if the goal is "make people use the paladin more" then rather than cutting flux/damage from 0.75 to 0.25, it might be better to only go down to 0.4-0.5, but increase the damage it deals by somewhere from 20-50%.
Well, the goal (or, rather, one of the goals) is to do that without turning it into more of an assault weapon, right.
One thing I'm a little worried about that other people address is that Xyphos is almost always going to be a more appealing option, since it's such a fast ship. Bombers would theoretically work for a dedicated support build, though - it'll be interesting to see whether anyone builds it as a 'super Sunder', escorting capital ships with a set of HILs and Advanced Optics to force shields up and finish off fluxed-out targets, with a Paladin and TS mitigating its usual vulnerabilities.
I don't know if it's *that* fast; it's just fast for a cruiser.
I would love to see an option for it to get another bay (eg, adding a line to design compromises that allows it to use converted hangar to take it from 1->2, similar to how the invictus has vast hangar) so it could *potentially* function as a light carrier or a defensive targeting array skirmisher. I'd also love to see some support fighters that actually wield gravitons.
That's a really interesting idea! Hmm. I'm going to take a look at that tomorrow.
You also have to consider that the Temporal Shell system generates 25% of base flux capacity as soft-flux every time it is used. At the Anubis' base flux capacity stat of 12000, each system use is 3000 flux, which translates to it using a little over 40% of the Anubis' 7200 nerfed flux capacity. And due to the Anubis also having a 40% penalty in flux dissipation, it has a harder time dissipating off the soft-flux burst from Temporal Shell, limiting the burst potential further.
(It actually only generates 25% of its *reduced* based capacity in this specific case; as you note the increased generation was too much.)
I’m on the camp of the ship trying to push paladins/gigacannons so much that it ends up becoming limited in the number of fits in the attempt to not just spam 3 tactys.
I been thinking on a possible alt way of getting the same result without limiting it so heavily
I think lowering the OP of Large Energy with the Point-Defense tag by 5-10 and raising the OP of other Large Energies by 10 with reducing the flux generation from double to 50% while keeping the other 2 debuffs would get the same result
Though you would have to reduce the amount of op it has because idk if 170 is the final amount but that’s an awful lot with so few slots
I'm not sure about the 170 OP; we'll see! And I mean, arguably it'd be *more* limited in the number of fits if being able to spam 2-3 TL is possible? Since that'd be the thing to do if you at all care about making your fleet stronger.
I did think about almost this exact thing - reducing the OP cost of large energy PD weapons - but that actually feels too much like being directed at the Paladin even for this ship

And I'm not sure this would do the job. Thinking about it this way - if it succeeds and you can't support 2 TL's (which is enough to make the ship very OP), then it's not actually any more variety than the current case. And if it's not enough and you *can* do a 2-TL build, then that's obviously a problem, too.
And also there are modded aspect for synergy missile weapons like from VIC that can really benefit from this ship.
Missile expertise with temporal shell and you have a small dorito in your disposal
Oh wow, that would get a little crazy, wouldn't it.
This thread: https://fractalsoftworks.com/forum/index.php?topic=28594.0
Discussion about ship ideas starts around the end of page 3.
Basic issue is that pirate cruisers tend to be too strong on average compared to the rest of their fleets, so having more low quality cruisers would help fix the problem. We discussed adding more combat freighters to the game in the cruiser category that the pirates could have a converted version of to add to their fleets. The design that got the most attention/work was a midline asteroid miner / ice hauler with lots of small nose missiles, broadside medium energy mounts, and a salvage gantry. The name I gave it was the Harpy. The civilian ship system was a missile autoforge that slowly trickled missile ammo back while it was on at the cost of hard flux. Pirate conversions were suggested that they could swap the missile forge for a termination drone forge, a single fighter bay with rapid rearming for bombers, or have a single large missile slot. Something to make it dangerous in one specific role but that folds under pressure from a solid fleet composition.
Thank you! That rings a bell and I actually have a note about this, to have another look at some point.