Link: tweak of two vanilla skills, Helmsmanship and Automated Ships, first one have Zero Flux Bonus from 091, and Automated Ships have removed limit, and they are now tweakable, like in Quality Captains, like its possible to enable and configure Automated Ship limit, or turn on vanilla 095a Zero Flux Bonus. I just like Helmsmanship bonus from 091 more and Auto Ship limit kinda limiting, so I made quick edit until Quality Captains gets updated or other skill mod comes out.
Also adds new "Extra" altitude with extra skills in in, Improved Hull and Armor, slightly buffs hull and armor, and buffs more when upgraded to Elite, Beam Weaponry Tuning, makes beam on piloted ship deal Hard Flux damage on shields, OP, and makes High Scatter Amp unneeded, (I tried to make it deal hard Flux partially, like 30% of damage went as Hard Flux and rest as soft flux, but right now I was unable to make that, considering how DamageDealtModifier works), and last one, icing on cake, which was first skill, Loadout Design from 091, but tweaked abit, now its just gives OP, since other skills gives you Capacitors and Vents now, and Elite effect makes, I know what its OP now considering built in hullmods, but still, I was kinda lacking it. All effects except Beam skill are tweakable, so if you feel them under\overpowered you can tweak them in settings.json.
Speaking of point creating Extra altitude, it was made because of technical reasons, skill UI isn't scallable, so that Loadout Design won't fit any existing altitude, since skills will go off screen, so I fixed it this way, and added few extras just so it won't be lonely.
Also thanks for
Dal, Quality Captains author, studying his code helped me to figure out how to make skills configurable via settings.json.