Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Anubis-class Cruiser (12/20/24)
Great addition! If you're looking for any suggestions, I would like to put forward the ability/command to add faction/mod-specific items en-mass. For example, the Tahlan Shipwarks mod has all items beginning with "tahlan_". So a command like, "AddAllSpecificWeapons "Tahlan_" 10;". This would add 10 of each weapon that contains the string "tahlan_". Same could be applied for ships "AddAllSpecificShips "Tahlan_" 1;"
Is there a commmand to list hull mods and there id's?AddPermaMod/RemovePermaMod is in an ackward spot without that.
does the colony items command add modded colony items too?
Hey, Just Curious if the addskill command could be expanded to work on Admins as well. atleast to my knowledge it doesn't seem to work on the admins you can pick up on colonies. amazing move thou. I used to runcommand all my skill adding desires for story-like characters I pick up for roleplay purposes this makes it SO MUCH easier lmao.