Say you're a shoot-em-up fan without saying you're a shoot-em-up fan.
Anyway, in addition to what everyone else has said:
Holy Covenant of Kemet's Safflower line of ships - they're yellow and green, really distinct. Four of the five range from light frigate to heavy destroyer, have mostly front-facing firepower, and a maneuverability system that runs off of multiple charges so you can get in, out, around, and other prepositions.
Machina Void Shipyards has the Ascalon, which I would describe as a Brawler and Scarab mashed together: Two medium hardpoints of the former and a Temporal Shell analogue from the latter. MVS ships have higher than average PPTs so it's entirely possible to get a SO build going on it that can stick around as long as non-SO ships while still buzzing around at a top speed of 260 and hosing down targets with twin Assault Chainguns without choking on flux.
Gensokyo Manufacture's Miko. A phase skimming player bait destroyer with a bursty main gun that just throws out
homing amulets micro-missiles whenever any of its shots hit home.
FSF Military Corporation may have an applicable ship but it's spoiler territory. Hint: Do the mission line for Lili Yang.
Arma Armatura's Valkazard. Or a lot of the mod's ships in general, since they tend to be agile glass cannon mechs.
Honorable mentions that don't quite fit the bill but come close:
Amazigh's Ship Foundry's Henki and Pneuma, two destroyers (Pneuma's an early bounty) with a system that you just hold a direction and press a button and it
goes. Firepower is sort of standard for midline destroyers, since it's the mobility which is the focus.
Nes' Ship and Weapon Pack's Fluorspar. A very pretty-looking crystalline ship with a bizarre intertialess drive ship system. Nothing outside of the ordinary in terms of weapon capability for a high tech destroyer, but I seem to recall that there are Fun interactions with the ship system and beam weapons.
Foundation of Borken ship design as a general rule is very nimble - instead of shields or a phase cloak, they have something called a "deepspace dive," which is mechanically a short phase dive with multiple charges. This does mean that frigates are mobile and can riposte with the best of them, but even the cruisers have the potential to be mobile flankers.
Amazigh ships also has some super frigates and destroyers, but I don't know how to access them without the console.
You posted this just as I was typing. How'd I remember the Pneuma but not the
four supership starts from ASF?