I think it depends on the cruiser; some have a unique role, others are in a place where if you are going to use one it is better to just jump to a capital, especially when one of the burn 9 capitals will fill the role.
For all the discussion about Eagles, I don't think they are bad ships, but I could use 1 conquest instead of 2 Eagles for an extra 4 fuel/LY and 100 crew more. If I've got the money and access of course. Dominators are legitimately good for 25 DP and their cost/logistics profile, but once I have enough money to not care about that, Onslaughts are better. (Mildly worse at missile spam/DP, but everything else makes up for it).
One nice thing about "light" cruisers is that you can now use them as "destroyer leaders" before ready to make the jump to Burn 8 and put escort package on the destroyers. As an example: a Falcon allows all nearby destroyers to use S mod escort package, which is a fantastic combat boost even at only cruiser level (10% speed, 10% shields, 20% range, 25% maneuverability), and with that boost Hammerheads and Sunders can actually keep up with the Falcon.