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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: Showerthought Safety Overrides rework  (Read 2515 times)

Lawrence Master-blaster

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Showerthought Safety Overrides rework
« on: October 10, 2024, 11:18:07 PM »

15/30/45/60 (yes, can be on capitals)

Replaces current ship system with "Override Safeties", a toggleable ship system.

When active:
 - Increases speed, maneouverability, non-missile range, damage and fire rate by 10%
 - Decreases PPT by 1% of the ship's base PPT value per second (to avoid issues with larger ships having significantly higher PPT)

When S-modded:
 - PPT drain increased to 1.5%/second


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Re: Showerthought Safety Overrides rework
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2024, 11:46:58 PM »

 SO is the only thing that hold together close combat ships, as it mutigate severe melee disadvantage. If you replace it with a system that increase range and speed you could as well delete half of weapons in the game, as the would serve no purpose.


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Re: Showerthought Safety Overrides rework
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2024, 08:08:00 AM »

I would be surprised if Alex would go so far as to let it replace a ship's entire system.

I realize you're just spitballing but those bonuses would not at all be worth the price either, not even close.

The fact is Alex is going to need to review the hulls that benefit from SO (especially cruiser).  Some of them are propped up entirely by it (Fury) and some ships are just straight up better with it with no downside (Aurora).


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Re: Showerthought Safety Overrides rework
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2024, 08:36:14 AM »

The fact is Alex is going to need to review the hulls that benefit from SO (especially cruiser).  Some of them are propped up entirely by it (Fury) and some ships are just straight up better with it with no downside (Aurora).

It's even MORE extreme than you highlighted. SO Cruisers basically make the entire class of Destroyers worse or straight up obsolete. I barely look at Destroyers these days. My fleet is basically Frigates, Cruisers and Capitals. I would love to see Destroyers occupy a unique role within a fleet that cannot be superseded or otherwise be performed better by a heavier class of ship.


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Re: Showerthought Safety Overrides rework
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2024, 10:03:13 AM »

The fact is Alex is going to need to review the hulls that benefit from SO (especially cruiser).  Some of them are propped up entirely by it (Fury) and some ships are just straight up better with it with no downside (Aurora).

It's even MORE extreme than you highlighted. SO Cruisers basically make the entire class of Destroyers worse or straight up obsolete. I barely look at Destroyers these days. My fleet is basically Frigates, Cruisers and Capitals. I would love to see Destroyers occupy a unique role within a fleet that cannot be superseded or otherwise be performed better by a heavier class of ship.
Escort package. Destroyer role in fleets nowadays is high flux stats per DP with capital range using escort package. Destroyers can get really high shield health and/or dissipation per dp and a lot of them are overgunned for their dp too.
Just as an example, base paragon has 41k shield health. 5 medusas have 50k shield health. Similarly, 5 medusas have 2k total flux dissipation while the paragon only has 1250. While paragon has fortress shield to massively boost its shield health, it can't afford to ever recover that health safely without destroying everything nearby. Medusas on the other hand can phase skim back to safely vent. The opponent can't chase because there is a capital ship right there, and probably another escorting medusa as well. The medusa kind of acts as a second shield for the capital ship that constantly recovers.
For weapon slot comparison, look at the sunder. 1 large energy, 2 medium energies for 11 dp, so 5 and 10 for 5 of them compared to the 4 and 4 (technically 6 but 2 of them are backwards so I don't count them) of the paragon. Plus the sunder has HEF for even more efficiency. Where before sunder would get popped like a balloon because of poor destroyer range, now it can snipe safely as long as it has a capital buddy.
Basically, destroyers are like paying extra DP to make your capital ships even better, at a better price than fielding another capital would be.


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Re: Showerthought Safety Overrides rework
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2024, 12:51:22 PM »

Yeah, Escort Package Sunders, Manticores and Medusas are extremely good. 

Cruisers are the ships that are in a weird place.


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Re: Showerthought Safety Overrides rework
« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2024, 01:51:04 PM »

Yeah, Escort Package Sunders, Manticores and Medusas are extremely good. 

Cruisers are the ships that are in a weird place.

I think that this is a product of AI rather than ship class. Cruisers concentrate near-capital firepower into a small package that can reliably move around the battlefield and, to a degree, deal with flanking enemies. In player hands, this is devastating, but the AI prefers to fight line battles in which ships largely stay close to a single target until it's destroyed or they're given other orders, and aren't quite as capable when outnumbered or surrounded. They also only retreat when things are a bit too bad to recover from (generally, you want to flee a bad situation before taking any hits at all), which negates some of cruisers' maneuverability advantage.


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Re: Showerthought Safety Overrides rework
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2024, 03:16:25 PM »

I think it depends on the cruiser; some have a unique role, others are in a place where if you are going to use one it is better to just jump to a capital, especially when one of the burn 9 capitals will fill the role.

For all the discussion about Eagles, I don't think they are bad ships, but I could use 1 conquest instead of 2 Eagles for an extra 4 fuel/LY and 100 crew more. If I've got the money and access of course. Dominators are legitimately good for 25 DP and their cost/logistics profile, but once I have enough money to not care about that, Onslaughts are better. (Mildly worse at missile spam/DP, but everything else makes up for it).

One nice thing about "light" cruisers is that you can now use them as "destroyer leaders" before ready to make the jump to Burn 8 and put escort package on the destroyers. As an example: a Falcon allows all nearby destroyers to use S mod escort package, which is a fantastic combat boost even at only cruiser level (10% speed, 10% shields, 20% range, 25% maneuverability), and with that boost Hammerheads and Sunders can actually keep up with the Falcon.


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Re: Showerthought Safety Overrides rework
« Reply #8 on: October 12, 2024, 01:08:42 AM »

I think it depends on the cruiser; some have a unique role, others are in a place where if you are going to use one it is better to just jump to a capital, especially when one of the burn 9 capitals will fill the role.

For all the discussion about Eagles, I don't think they are bad ships, but I could use 1 conquest instead of 2 Eagles for an extra 4 fuel/LY and 100 crew more. If I've got the money and access of course. Dominators are legitimately good for 25 DP and their cost/logistics profile, but once I have enough money to not care about that, Onslaughts are better. (Mildly worse at missile spam/DP, but everything else makes up for it).

One nice thing about "light" cruisers is that you can now use them as "destroyer leaders" before ready to make the jump to Burn 8 and put escort package on the destroyers. As an example: a Falcon allows all nearby destroyers to use S mod escort package, which is a fantastic combat boost even at only cruiser level (10% speed, 10% shields, 20% range, 25% maneuverability), and with that boost Hammerheads and Sunders can actually keep up with the Falcon.
Non-So eagles are better that SO ones, the same is true for Dominator and iradicator. SO is only good on high tech ships, but i guess its working as intended.


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Re: Showerthought Safety Overrides rework
« Reply #9 on: October 12, 2024, 01:59:09 AM »

Leave the mechanics of Safety Overrides unchanged, and instead add a DP cost to fitting it.
Whether that's a flat cost per size class, or basing it off something like how much total dissipation the ship has. Or maybe something else entirely.

Regardless of how SO is handled, I don't think needing it to be actively managed by the player in battle is the right choice.


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Re: Showerthought Safety Overrides rework
« Reply #10 on: October 12, 2024, 02:56:52 AM »

Maybe SO can stay as is... For now.


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Re: Showerthought Safety Overrides rework
« Reply #11 on: October 12, 2024, 10:37:00 PM »

SO is the only thing that hold together close combat ships, as it mutigate severe melee disadvantage. If you replace it with a system that increase range and speed you could as well delete half of weapons in the game, as the would serve no purpose.

I'm not saying it should be removed in this theoretical example I'm going to talk about, I actually have no idea what to do with SO (the short of it is I'm not a big fan of how SO interacts with high tech ships) but Starsector could completely remove Safety Overrides right this moment in 0.97 and many energy close combat ship builds would remain entirely viable without SO. Not that close combat fleets (with or without) SO are as effective as capital ship spam or missile spam, but people really overstate just how 'bad' close combat builds are without SO. I'm not as confident about lowtech or midline close combat ships without SO, but this is more due to neither of them being as fast as high tech ships by default.

In particular; Monitor, Wolf, Hyperion, Shade, Afflictor, Harbinger, (AI is suspect) Doom, Scarab, Tri-Tachyon Brawler, Tempest, Omen, Medusa, Aurora and Odyssey are all very good at making close combat fleets without using any SO ships at all. All those above ships can also work well with slower ships being mixed in, especially carriers with bombers.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2024, 10:16:48 AM by PixiCode »


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Re: Showerthought Safety Overrides rework
« Reply #12 on: October 12, 2024, 10:59:53 PM »

Notice how the Fury was left out of the list  :'(


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Re: Showerthought Safety Overrides rework
« Reply #13 on: October 13, 2024, 07:45:06 AM »

Notice how the Fury was left out of the list  :'(
Wolf and Hyperion too.

While I generally avoid Safety Overrides, I will use it if the ship is dependent on it to pull its weight.  NPC Fury needs SO to backpedal fast enough to escape when flux gets high.  Without it, it does not matter how I outfit the Fury, if it does not overwhelm and kill the target before flux gets high, it backpedals away from target, enemy pursues and snipes Fury, Fury burns down too much PPT doing nothing but take damage or dies.

NPC Hyperion loves to backpedal away from enemies when it should teleport to escape quickly.  If I do not use SO on NPC Hyperion, I see it burn almost all of its PPT away backpedaling away from some enemy.  I put SO on it, and it escapes faster and backpedals less.  Hyperion has so little PPT that it has nothing to lose to use SO.  SO also gives Hyperion the flux it needs to support stronger loadouts.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2024, 07:48:37 AM by Megas »


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Re: Showerthought Safety Overrides rework
« Reply #14 on: October 13, 2024, 10:16:07 AM »

Ok I’m going to be real I totally forgot about wolf and hyperion and added them to my own list there. Fury is great in the early game but I feel like it falls off too hard, same with the shrike. almost all of those high tech ships are better with SO, but they are way more than functional without SO, they’re good for winning. Won’t earn any awards for most DP killed or fastest kills, but it wins tough battles. Even modded nonsense boss battles!

Non-SO wolf works because phase skimmer is an amazing system and it isn’t too expensive of a ship, so it can get some value out of it. Whether you officer it and give it HSA phase Lance or don’t officer it and give it ion pulser for lucky shots.

Non-SO hyperion works in very small numbers. Like Megas said it’s got some ai issues that SO helps sidestep, but if you only have 1-4 hyperions in a swarm of ships they’ll be able to get some good value
« Last Edit: October 13, 2024, 10:20:28 AM by PixiCode »
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