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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Author Topic: [0.97a] Tri-Tachyon Expansion - V0.7 01/10/25  (Read 47968 times)


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Re: [0.97a] Tri-Tachyon Expansion - V0.7 01/10/25
« Reply #60 on: January 19, 2025, 01:37:06 AM »

Pretty sure it translates to:  "Could you make a version with only the logistics ships? Mods other than yours may add midline and high tech warships, but rarely do they add new logistics options to go along with them."
Hey there Haineko, thanks for weighing in. I *think* that is what was meant but before I went into it I just wanted to be sure. The mod does have hightech versions of the "standard Dram/Phaeton/Prometheus/Atlas/etc." To be honest it would be a bit of a chore to make a mod with just a few ships because they are all armed with TTE weapons so I would essentially have to make all new ship and variant files so before I commit to anything I wanted some clarity.


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Re: [0.97a] Tri-Tachyon Expansion - V0.7 01/10/25
« Reply #61 on: January 19, 2025, 01:33:06 PM »

Yes, that's what I meant. TTE has a lot of ships and they're only available to TriTachyon, it would be cool if there was a version that had only the logistics ships and made them available to other factions that also use some hightech ships, where appropriate. Or even if the main mod did that. I refuse to believe that people stopped designing new bulk tankers and cargo ships after the Prometheus and Atlas, or that even if TriTachyon were the only ones to make them they never sold them to anyone else.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2025, 01:52:51 PM by PreConceptor »


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Re: [0.97a] Tri-Tachyon Expansion - V0.7 01/10/25
« Reply #62 on: January 19, 2025, 02:29:37 PM »

Yes, that's what I meant. TTE has a lot of ships and they're only available to TriTachyon, it would be cool if there was a version that had only the logistics ships and made them available to other factions that also use some hightech ships, where appropriate. Or even if the main mod did that.
Welcome back PreConceptor and thank you for the clarification. Originally I had their ships on the hightech blueprint but I received several complaints from players that they did not like seeing the ships being used by factions that also use that blueprint but are enemies of tri-tac. Thematically I agreed that made no sense as this is a mod dedicated to the buffing of tri-tac exclusively. So I changed the blueprint to one that is exclusive to Tri-Tac.
I refuse to believe that people stopped designing new bulk tankers and cargo ships after the Prometheus and Atlas, or that even if TriTachyon were the only ones to make them they never sold them to anyone else.
All of my faction mods have good logistics ships, Carter's Freetraders has the best freighters and some players only install it for that. Junk Yard Dogs has logistics built into many of their ships with the goal of being able to use one ship instead of several to cover all the bases and thus free up room for more combat ships.

I apprecaite what you are asking for but I am all about lore and theme in my mods and it just does not make sense to me for Tri-Tac to sell blueprints that are exclusive to them to other factions to sell. It makes more sense based on Tri-Tac established lore for them to keep these ships as an exclusive sell for their own profits and ensure only their allies can obtain them. Plus there are so many faction mods and ship pack mods out there that already offer alternate versions of vanilla logistics ships I feel it would be redundant. 

I realize that is probably not the answer you were looking for and for that I apologize. I just feel that for me to make a mod I have to believe it is offering something that is lacking in the game or it is not worth the time and effort to do it.


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Re: [0.97a] Tri-Tachyon Expansion - V0.7 01/10/25
« Reply #63 on: January 19, 2025, 04:05:49 PM »

That's ok, I ended up modifying the mod to do most of what I wanted anyway.


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Re: [0.97a] Tri-Tachyon Expansion - V0.7 01/10/25
« Reply #64 on: January 19, 2025, 05:14:48 PM »

That's ok, I ended up modifying the mod to do most of what I wanted anyway.
Sounds good. I keep my mods uncompressed and open source so players can look over the code and maybe learn to mod like I did by looking over some mods myself when I started.



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Re: [0.97a] Tri-Tachyon Expansion - V0.7 01/10/25
« Reply #65 on: January 19, 2025, 06:19:48 PM »

Although I will say, the PD Pulse Laser seems like just a Pulse Laser, but PD and faster proj and for less OP. Kinda overpowered. Almost the same deal with the IR PD Pulse Laser.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2025, 06:26:24 PM by PreConceptor »


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Re: [0.97a] Tri-Tachyon Expansion - V0.7 01/10/25
« Reply #66 on: January 19, 2025, 06:57:48 PM »

Although I will say, the PD Pulse Laser seems like just a Pulse Laser, but PD and faster proj and for less OP. Kinda overpowered. Almost the same deal with the IR PD Pulse Laser.
I adjusted that weapon in the latest patch to bring it more in line:
 - IR PD pulse laser: Lowered to damage from 50 to 45 and flux per shot from 40 to 38 - TY KalHirol for pointing out it was the same as the IR Pulse with 1 less OP

As you have already adjusted the mod to your liking, feel free to change anything on your end that makes your game in line with your sensibilities. I try to do my best to offer mods that works for anyone but I am never upset if a player adjusts them for their own use. I only want to make content that makes the game better for anyone interested.


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Re: [0.97a] Tri-Tachyon Expansion - V0.7 01/10/25
« Reply #67 on: January 19, 2025, 07:37:59 PM »

I hung out with my starship captains recently, and indeed the Tri-Tachyon (aka the TT) corporate fleet did indeed come up in their discussion.  They talked about:

a) TT having the flash, but not the meanness, against the Hegemony and their flying blocks of iron.  Especially the ones with the bad attitude (but which they usually meant the being on the receiving end of the Accelerated Ammo Feeder system).

b) The best time to be a TT captain is off the the port quarter of a Paragon or a high tech Star Fortress. 

c) The worst time is when there are a lot of squadrons on the other side, and not theirs.  On cue, a mid-career washout captain appeared in the lounge, lamenting her failed expedition to the periphery that ended in a massive "blue" cloud of fighters.  She didn't specify exactly what that meant but we didn't need much further explanation than "cloud of fighters".  Every captain knows that PD is good only against fighters and missiles and cannot roam to where it is needed in concentration.  Yet squadrons are good against everything and can concentrate until a target is dead.

One captain mentioned a rumor that TT had an "expansion" in the works to add more big boys to their fleet lineup.  It might help TT corporate enlistment to know that there would a large ship to buddy up with.  Or rather, run back to when the fighter death ball was incoming.

d) They talked further about:  relative lack of anti-armor or anti-shield in small and medium energy mounts.  Running dry on missiles being a bad time to be on the TT payroll.  Or perhaps my officers aren't partial to "generalist" weapons.

e) Finally, after enough drinks, they admit to me that the reason that they signed on to my private fleet is that I was very clear in the contract that the ship roster will ALWAYS have enough fast carriers for @12 squadron equivalents when the time comes for the big battles.

f) So I returned to my cabin to consider signing our little squadron onto the TT payroll.  Because I knew for certain that there was a Tri-Tachyon expansion and that there might even be a big bad ship for me to helm some day if fortune favored our foolish idea of scavenging in the very edge of the sector as a way to make a living...and any carrier I scavenge is usually going to fly with us...


...unless a great mod idea comes along to force me to try a different fleet composition.  So sure, I will try a truly doctrinal non-carrier TT start and see how far I can go!  It's going to be very strange to not have carrier decks full of hate on my side.  However I will insist upon 360 degree shielding to avoid "flameout" against emp fighters...
« Last Edit: January 19, 2025, 08:56:21 PM by eidolad »


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Re: [0.97a] Tri-Tachyon Expansion - V0.7 01/10/25
« Reply #68 on: January 20, 2025, 01:20:55 AM »

I hung out with my starship captains recently, and indeed the Tri-Tachyon (aka the TT) corporate fleet did indeed come up in their discussion.  They talked about:

a) TT having the flash, but not the meanness, against the Hegemony and their flying blocks of iron.  Especially the ones with the bad attitude (but which they usually meant the being on the receiving end of the Accelerated Ammo Feeder system).

b) The best time to be a TT captain is off the the port quarter of a Paragon or a high tech Star Fortress. 

c) The worst time is when there are a lot of squadrons on the other side, and not theirs.  On cue, a mid-career washout captain appeared in the lounge, lamenting her failed expedition to the periphery that ended in a massive "blue" cloud of fighters.  She didn't specify exactly what that meant but we didn't need much further explanation than "cloud of fighters".  Every captain knows that PD is good only against fighters and missiles and cannot roam to where it is needed in concentration.  Yet squadrons are good against everything and can concentrate until a target is dead.

One captain mentioned a rumor that TT had an "expansion" in the works to add more big boys to their fleet lineup.  It might help TT corporate enlistment to know that there would a large ship to buddy up with.  Or rather, run back to when the fighter death ball was incoming.

d) They talked further about:  relative lack of anti-armor or anti-shield in small and medium energy mounts.  Running dry on missiles being a bad time to be on the TT payroll.  Or perhaps my officers aren't partial to "generalist" weapons.

e) Finally, after enough drinks, they admit to me that the reason that they signed on to my private fleet is that I was very clear in the contract that the ship roster will ALWAYS have enough fast carriers for @12 squadron equivalents when the time comes for the big battles.

f) So I returned to my cabin to consider signing our little squadron onto the TT payroll.  Because I knew for certain that there was a Tri-Tachyon expansion and that there might even be a big bad ship for me to helm some day if fortune favored our foolish idea of scavenging in the very edge of the sector as a way to make a living...and any carrier I scavenge is usually going to fly with us...


...unless a great mod idea comes along to force me to try a different fleet composition.  So sure, I will try a truly doctrinal non-carrier TT start and see how far I can go!  It's going to be very strange to not have carrier decks full of hate on my side.  However I will insist upon 360 degree shielding to avoid "flameout" against emp fighters...
Hello again eidolad, Gold Star for this little story! One of the things I struggle with is descriptions and I sort of phoned it in with the mod. As much as I enjoy reading lore in the game, I sort of struggle adding it myself. You have inspired me to take another pass at them in the next update. Know that you brightened what is and otherwise gray snowy morning. Well that and coffee  :D


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Re: [0.97a] Tri-Tachyon Expansion - V0.7 01/10/25
« Reply #69 on: February 04, 2025, 10:29:37 AM »

Hello Hello, I am havingan issue with one of this mods ship (but it may not be 100% from this mod, or this ship only)

Whenever I try to refit the Azadian,be it enter the refit window or simply remove / add guns my game freeze for about 20 seconds.

I have a few other ships in my fleet from otgher mods and they do not have this issue, I have not aquired another ship from this mod yet to see if this happens too.

I will let you know if I ind another ship and if yes or no it has the issue.


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Re: [0.97a] Tri-Tachyon Expansion - V0.7 01/10/25
« Reply #70 on: February 04, 2025, 10:39:53 AM »

Hello Hello, I am havingan issue with one of this mods ship (but it may not be 100% from this mod, or this ship only)

Whenever I try to refit the Azadian,be it enter the refit window or simply remove / add guns my game freeze for about 20 seconds.

I have a few other ships in my fleet from otgher mods and they do not have this issue, I have not aquired another ship from this mod yet to see if this happens too.

I will let you know if I ind another ship and if yes or no it has the issue.
Hello there thank you for letting me know. I am currently working on a CFT update for later today but when I get a chance I will look into this. If you could let me know your testing results that would be helpful.


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Re: [0.97a] Tri-Tachyon Expansion - V0.7 01/10/25
« Reply #71 on: February 04, 2025, 10:55:29 AM »

I have tried Buying another Tri-Tac expansion ship and it, didn't join my fleet? It was the "frigate tanker", it might be an issue of compat with a few mods I have but it shouldn't act like this

when I opened te battleship the first time I saw the spright 90° on the right, ill se if I can get any weird screenshot

edit : I have a screenshot of the ship going 90° in refit mode

edit 2 : The vavatch tanker has no freeze or lag whenever I refit it

edit 3 :The ship seems fine in missions, but in my current save it is not, it' either my save being bricked, or it cannot handle campaign, it seems just interacting with anything in it's refit windows makes the game freeze
« Last Edit: February 04, 2025, 12:01:10 PM by Bald_Greg »


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Re: [0.97a] Tri-Tachyon Expansion - V0.7 01/10/25
« Reply #72 on: February 04, 2025, 11:23:48 AM »

Tried to re-install the mod but it still does it


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Re: [0.97a] Tri-Tachyon Expansion - V0.7 01/10/25
« Reply #73 on: Today at 04:27:22 AM »

Tried to re-install the mod but it still does it
I've been looking into your issue but I cannot re-create it. My guess it is either a mod conflict or you are using Linux and I have capitilization mismatch and it is kicking you out. I am working on a TTE update today so if you could either let me know you are running the game under Linux and if not then post your mod list, I can better look into this.
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