I hung out with my starship captains recently, and indeed the Tri-Tachyon (aka the TT) corporate fleet did indeed come up in their discussion. They talked about:
a) TT having the flash, but not the meanness, against the Hegemony and their flying blocks of iron. Especially the ones with the bad attitude (but which they usually meant the being on the receiving end of the Accelerated Ammo Feeder system).
b) The best time to be a TT captain is off the the port quarter of a Paragon or a high tech Star Fortress.
c) The worst time is when there are a lot of squadrons on the other side, and not theirs. On cue, a mid-career washout captain appeared in the lounge, lamenting her failed expedition to the periphery that ended in a massive "blue" cloud of fighters. She didn't specify exactly what that meant but we didn't need much further explanation than "cloud of fighters". Every captain knows that PD is good only against fighters and missiles and cannot roam to where it is needed in concentration. Yet squadrons are good against everything and can concentrate until a target is dead.
One captain mentioned a rumor that TT had an "expansion" in the works to add more big boys to their fleet lineup. It might help TT corporate enlistment to know that there would a large ship to buddy up with. Or rather, run back to when the fighter death ball was incoming.
d) They talked further about: relative lack of anti-armor or anti-shield in small and medium energy mounts. Running dry on missiles being a bad time to be on the TT payroll. Or perhaps my officers aren't partial to "generalist" weapons.
e) Finally, after enough drinks, they admit to me that the reason that they signed on to my private fleet is that I was very clear in the contract that the ship roster will ALWAYS have enough fast carriers for @12 squadron equivalents when the time comes for the big battles.
f) So I returned to my cabin to consider signing our little squadron onto the TT payroll. Because I knew for certain that there was a Tri-Tachyon expansion and that there might even be a big bad ship for me to helm some day if fortune favored our foolish idea of scavenging in the very edge of the sector as a way to make a living...and any carrier I scavenge is usually going to fly with us...
...unless a great mod idea comes along to force me to try a different fleet composition. So sure, I will try a truly doctrinal non-carrier TT start and see how far I can go! It's going to be very strange to not have carrier decks full of hate on my side. However I will insist upon 360 degree shielding to avoid "flameout" against emp fighters...