Released a new Update, tiny but has some new stuff.
Theres also new mods with interactions for Second-in-Command, namely
Emergent Threats with its Synthesis aptitude, and
Dustkeeper XO, which adds an XO for crossmod interactions with Secrets of the Frontiers
Great mod idea and very professional execution! I already checked but wasnt able to find a full list of XOs with their respective skills. Would you be able to provide one? Thanks a bunch!
I still need to make some external documentation of it, but il do that when the mod is more mature and isnt changing to often. I kind of want to avoid adding another in-game view of all aptitudes as theres already to much UI screens to maintain in the mod.
So here to report something odd.
Using 1.1.6. double checked it.
Privateering might be bugged. It says 400c per ship destroyed, scaling up. I just destroyed around 40 ships in a single fleet of non-modded and modded ships. Among them, there were at least 3 ventures (which I could recover), 1 Mule, 1 Wayfarer, and 1 Kite for vanilla ships. Rest were modded.
I got 797c at the end of it. I even calculated how much I had before the fight and after. It all lined up. I only got 797c from the skill.
I tried this multiple times, and the result was all the same.
Except when I fought space stations.
Space stations always netted me 4k c, no matter their rating.
Edit: also fought artillery station with derelict op. destroyed 6x cruisers, 8x destroyers, 13x frigates, and the artillery station, and got 16k.
Havent included the fix in this patch, but as i said on the discord il look in to it soon.
Erm... what? Every mod has to be configurable, do i to need explain this? 
Is there any justification to gatekeeping players from accessing basic settings (something that literally every other mod creator allows) and going powertrip mode?
Modders actually do this all the time, i do it a lot in RAT and people dont really complain. Theres Configs that make sense out of the modders perspective, and some they think that dont.
In this case it just makes more sense to have a consistent version of the core aspects of the mod, makes feedback consistent and i personaly think it makes for more fun community interactions.
SiC already lets you powertrip quite a bit, just by its skill count alone (you can get up to 26 skills), and the choice of skills, which tend to stack more than what they do in vanilla. You can also disable NPC fleets having skills in the config, or turn on Easy Mode.