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Author Topic: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework  (Read 138499 times)


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Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
« Reply #330 on: November 24, 2024, 12:02:23 PM »

First off, I love how this mod works. I can have 2 entirely different fleets, and only have to swap officers around to make each work wonderfully rather than having to respec. It also makes some of the AI fleets a bit more interesting(and difficult when their officers have all the right skills).
However, one of my fleets is an almost entirely automated fleet with mixed ships. Some I only use for small scale battles as to not waste resources, but I generally pilot a cruiser or larger. The problem is, I can't transfer command to an automated ship through the transfer command prompt even though I have the Neural Junction skill on my Automation officer. Not even sure if that's something that can be fixed or not, but just wanted to point that out.
"There's nothing like a trail of blood to find your way back home."


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Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
« Reply #331 on: November 24, 2024, 12:05:10 PM »

First off, I love how this mod works. I can have 2 entirely different fleets, and only have to swap officers around to make each work wonderfully rather than having to respec. It also makes some of the AI fleets a bit more interesting(and difficult when their officers have all the right skills).
However, one of my fleets is an almost entirely automated fleet with mixed ships. Some I only use for small scale battles as to not waste resources, but I generally pilot a cruiser or larger. The problem is, I can't transfer command to an automated ship through the transfer command prompt even though I have the Neural Junction skill on my Automation officer. Not even sure if that's something that can be fixed or not, but just wanted to point that out.

dont really think thats something i can change, sorry. The skill mostly lets you flagship an automated ship.


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Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
« Reply #332 on: November 24, 2024, 12:11:13 PM »

First off, I love how this mod works. I can have 2 entirely different fleets, and only have to swap officers around to make each work wonderfully rather than having to respec. It also makes some of the AI fleets a bit more interesting(and difficult when their officers have all the right skills).
However, one of my fleets is an almost entirely automated fleet with mixed ships. Some I only use for small scale battles as to not waste resources, but I generally pilot a cruiser or larger. The problem is, I can't transfer command to an automated ship through the transfer command prompt even though I have the Neural Junction skill on my Automation officer. Not even sure if that's something that can be fixed or not, but just wanted to point that out.

dont really think thats something i can change, sorry. The skill mostly lets you flagship an automated ship.

That's kind of what I had thought. I know a lot of the smaller pop-up things in the game can't really be messed with via mods.
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Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
« Reply #333 on: November 26, 2024, 02:28:36 AM »

When I start a new game, I go around to stations until I get two executive officers I want i then get the free one from bar... I do this so they level up with me before I even start the game for real, this can take anywhere from a few minutes to nearly a half hour due to RNG.

I would love to have a start where I can pick all 3 executive officers from the start, this would be a massive quality of life start for me and those who do the same as me, which im sure theres a lot.

Due to this start prob breaking some intended gameplay, it could be a "enabled" start in the settings :D.


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Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
« Reply #334 on: November 26, 2024, 02:59:12 AM »

When I start a new game, I go around to stations until I get two executive officers I want i then get the free one from bar... I do this so they level up with me before I even start the game for real, this can take anywhere from a few minutes to nearly a half hour due to RNG.

I would love to have a start where I can pick all 3 executive officers from the start, this would be a massive quality of life start for me and those who do the same as me, which im sure theres a lot.

Due to this start prob breaking some intended gameplay, it could be a "enabled" start in the settings :D.

Considered adding something like it but not sure if i will, plus the effort of adding yet another UI selector which gets a bit messy.
I'd recommend to just look at the options you have in your starting system, then pick whatever from the starting bar encounter and just begin playing. Dont need the perfect mix at the start, and since the starting fleet doesnt gain to much XP yet you dont miss out on to much.


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Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
« Reply #335 on: November 26, 2024, 12:55:31 PM »

Hi, I've been having a lot of fun with how dynamic your build can be with SiC. I found an interesting interaction between this mod and Ship Mastery System. My Songless ship from SOTF has the "The automated ship skill always grants an additional 100% maximum combat readiness regardless of the fleet's automated ship points". This seems like a very broken fun effect to have, however it does not work with any of the skills that grant automated ship points from SiC or it's mod integrations. Apologies if ship mastery system is to blame and i'm bothering the wrong person.
I suppose those are technically different skills, but i'd like to know if this is known or intended. In any case, keep up the great work ;D 


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Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
« Reply #336 on: November 26, 2024, 01:35:01 PM »

Hi, I've been having a lot of fun with how dynamic your build can be with SiC. I found an interesting interaction between this mod and Ship Mastery System. My Songless ship from SOTF has the "The automated ship skill always grants an additional 100% maximum combat readiness regardless of the fleet's automated ship points". This seems like a very broken fun effect to have, however it does not work with any of the skills that grant automated ship points from SiC or it's mod integrations. Apologies if ship mastery system is to blame and i'm bothering the wrong person.
I suppose those are technically different skills, but i'd like to know if this is known or intended. In any case, keep up the great work ;D

Took a quick look at the code of that mod and looks like its an issue on that side, the way they implemented it is to check for the automated ships cr modifier, and change that specific modifier. But since that modifier isnt around in SiC, or rather it has a different ID, it cant attach to that. The author should probably just remove that check and do the effect slightly differently.


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Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
« Reply #337 on: November 26, 2024, 02:03:30 PM »

Hi, I've been having a lot of fun with how dynamic your build can be with SiC. I found an interesting interaction between this mod and Ship Mastery System. My Songless ship from SOTF has the "The automated ship skill always grants an additional 100% maximum combat readiness regardless of the fleet's automated ship points". This seems like a very broken fun effect to have, however it does not work with any of the skills that grant automated ship points from SiC or it's mod integrations. Apologies if ship mastery system is to blame and i'm bothering the wrong person.
I suppose those are technically different skills, but i'd like to know if this is known or intended. In any case, keep up the great work ;D

Took a quick look at the code of that mod and looks like its an issue on that side, the way they implemented it is to check for the automated ships cr modifier, and change that specific modifier. But since that modifier isnt around in SiC, or rather it has a different ID, it cant attach to that. The author should probably just remove that check and do the effect slightly differently.

Ah, i understand. I'll see what can be done on their side. Thank you for the quick reply!


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Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
« Reply #338 on: November 27, 2024, 08:06:55 AM »

Do Ai cores in automated ships count as officers for the green tree?


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Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
« Reply #339 on: November 27, 2024, 08:32:35 AM »

Do Ai cores in automated ships count as officers for the green tree?



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Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
« Reply #340 on: November 27, 2024, 09:48:47 PM »

Sorry if the answer to this is floating around somewhere in the pages before, but is there a way to respec combat skills? Im sure its there (would be odd to be able to respec EO's but not your own skills), but I can't find any kind of tooltip for it.

edit: also, a suggestion that came to me just now: could you reinclude some form of the DP counter on the ship selection screen? obviously, it wouldn't have any relevance to skill thresholds, but it's helpful for eyeballing how much you can actually deploy in a battle; if it could also include the DP reductions from the management and improvisation EO skills then that would be extra helpful. 

« Last Edit: November 27, 2024, 10:15:53 PM by DeusVauly »


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Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
« Reply #341 on: November 28, 2024, 12:18:57 AM »

Sorry if the answer to this is floating around somewhere in the pages before, but is there a way to respec combat skills? Im sure its there (would be odd to be able to respec EO's but not your own skills), but I can't find any kind of tooltip for it.

edit: also, a suggestion that came to me just now: could you reinclude some form of the DP counter on the ship selection screen? obviously, it wouldn't have any relevance to skill thresholds, but it's helpful for eyeballing how much you can actually deploy in a battle; if it could also include the DP reductions from the management and improvisation EO skills then that would be extra helpful.

Respec works the same way as for officers, hover over the combat icon and press R, its a lot cheaper too.

Also theres no simple way to add those UI elements there, could probably do it with some extra jank but id rather not.


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Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
« Reply #342 on: December 01, 2024, 04:39:44 AM »

Henlo  dear dev. Please halp. I have encountered an error that bricks my save. This happened after I promoted an officer after a battle (event that allows you to recruit an officer on the spot using a story point), saved the game, and after restarting the game I found that saved couldnt be loaded  :'(.

heres some stuff that I totally understand and hopefully you will too if you spend a lil time helping me out
---- Debugging information ----
message             : Failed calling method
cause-exception     : java.lang.NullPointerException
cause-message       : null
method              : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.FleetMember.readResolve()
class               : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.FleetMember
required-type       : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.FleetMember
converter-type      : com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.ReflectionConverter
line number         : 83845
class[1]            : java.util.LinkedHashMap
converter-type[1]   : com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.MapConverter
class[2]            : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.util.CollectionView
class[3]            : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.CampaignFleetView
class[4]            : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.CampaignFleet
class[5]            : second_in_command.SCData
class[6]            : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.rules.Memory
class[7]            : boggled.scripts.BoggledTerraformingRequirement$RequirementContext
class[8]            :
class[9]            :
class[10]           : java.util.ArrayList
converter-type[2]   : com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.CollectionConverter
class[11]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.econ.Market
class[12]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CampaignPlanet
class[13]           : com.fs.util.container.repo.ObjectRepository
class[14]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.StarSystem
class[15]           : com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.command.WarSimScript
class[16]           : com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.missions.hub.BaseHubMission$VariableSet
class[17]           : com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.missions.CommodityProductionMission
class[18]           : com.fs.starfarer.rpg.Person
class[19]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CommDirectoryEntry
class[20]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CommDirectory
class[21]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CircularOrbit
class[22]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CircularOrbitPointDown
class[23]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CustomCampaignEntity
class[24]           : java.util.HashMap
class[25]           : exerelin.campaign.ColonyManager
class[26]           : java.util.LinkedHashSet
class[27]           : com.fs.starfarer.loading.specs.FactionProduction
class[28]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.Faction
class[29]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.econ.Submarket
class[30]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.econ.reach.ReachEconomy
class[31]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.econ.reach.ReachEconomyStepper
class[32]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.econ.Economy
class[33]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.StarSystem$UpdateFromHyperspaceLocation
class[34]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.BaseLocation$LocationToken
class[35]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.Hyperspace
class[36]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CampaignEngine
converter-type[3]   :
version             : not available


Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
   at java.util.ArrayList.<init>(Unknown Source)
   at second_in_command.SCData.getAssignedOfficers(SCData.kt:190)
   at second_in_command.SCData.getAllActiveSkillsPlugins(SCData.kt:196)
   at second_in_command.hullmods.SCControllerHullmod.applyEffectsBeforeShipCreation(SCControllerHullmod.kt:86)
   at com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.FleetMember.updateStats(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.FleetMember.readResolve(Unknown Source)
   at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor23.invoke(Unknown Source)
   at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
   at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.util.SerializationMembers.callReadResolve(
   ... 577 more
537188 [Thread-3] INFO  - Loading stage 11
537188 [Thread-3] INFO  - Loading stage 12
887275 [Thread-7] INFO  sound.O  - Cleaning up music with id [miscallenous_main_menu.ogg]
887463 [Thread-10] INFO  sound.O  - Creating streaming player for music with id [miscallenous_main_menu.ogg]
887463 [Thread-10] INFO  sound.OooO  - Playing music with id [miscallenous_main_menu.ogg]

bonus note, after this I updated the mod but that didnt help
« Last Edit: December 01, 2024, 04:45:28 AM by B0SSK3K »


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Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
« Reply #343 on: December 01, 2024, 05:09:10 AM »

Henlo  dear dev. Please halp. I have encountered an error that bricks my save. This happened after I promoted an officer after a battle (event that allows you to recruit an officer on the spot using a story point), saved the game, and after restarting the game I found that saved couldnt be loaded  :'(.

heres some stuff that I totally understand and hopefully you will too if you spend a lil time helping me out
---- Debugging information ----
message             : Failed calling method
cause-exception     : java.lang.NullPointerException
cause-message       : null
method              : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.FleetMember.readResolve()
class               : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.FleetMember
required-type       : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.FleetMember
converter-type      : com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.ReflectionConverter
line number         : 83845
class[1]            : java.util.LinkedHashMap
converter-type[1]   : com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.MapConverter
class[2]            : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.util.CollectionView
class[3]            : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.CampaignFleetView
class[4]            : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.CampaignFleet
class[5]            : second_in_command.SCData
class[6]            : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.rules.Memory
class[7]            : boggled.scripts.BoggledTerraformingRequirement$RequirementContext
class[8]            :
class[9]            :
class[10]           : java.util.ArrayList
converter-type[2]   : com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.CollectionConverter
class[11]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.econ.Market
class[12]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CampaignPlanet
class[13]           : com.fs.util.container.repo.ObjectRepository
class[14]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.StarSystem
class[15]           : com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.command.WarSimScript
class[16]           : com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.missions.hub.BaseHubMission$VariableSet
class[17]           : com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.missions.CommodityProductionMission
class[18]           : com.fs.starfarer.rpg.Person
class[19]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CommDirectoryEntry
class[20]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CommDirectory
class[21]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CircularOrbit
class[22]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CircularOrbitPointDown
class[23]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CustomCampaignEntity
class[24]           : java.util.HashMap
class[25]           : exerelin.campaign.ColonyManager
class[26]           : java.util.LinkedHashSet
class[27]           : com.fs.starfarer.loading.specs.FactionProduction
class[28]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.Faction
class[29]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.econ.Submarket
class[30]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.econ.reach.ReachEconomy
class[31]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.econ.reach.ReachEconomyStepper
class[32]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.econ.Economy
class[33]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.StarSystem$UpdateFromHyperspaceLocation
class[34]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.BaseLocation$LocationToken
class[35]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.Hyperspace
class[36]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CampaignEngine
converter-type[3]   :
version             : not available


Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
   at java.util.ArrayList.<init>(Unknown Source)
   at second_in_command.SCData.getAssignedOfficers(SCData.kt:190)
   at second_in_command.SCData.getAllActiveSkillsPlugins(SCData.kt:196)
   at second_in_command.hullmods.SCControllerHullmod.applyEffectsBeforeShipCreation(SCControllerHullmod.kt:86)
   at com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.FleetMember.updateStats(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.FleetMember.readResolve(Unknown Source)
   at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor23.invoke(Unknown Source)
   at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
   at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.util.SerializationMembers.callReadResolve(
   ... 577 more
537188 [Thread-3] INFO  - Loading stage 11
537188 [Thread-3] INFO  - Loading stage 12
887275 [Thread-7] INFO  sound.O  - Cleaning up music with id [miscallenous_main_menu.ogg]
887463 [Thread-10] INFO  sound.O  - Creating streaming player for music with id [miscallenous_main_menu.ogg]
887463 [Thread-10] INFO  sound.OooO  - Playing music with id [miscallenous_main_menu.ogg]

bonus note, after this I updated the mod but that didnt help

Sorry, but that error looks quite weird, and i cant really intuit how it could ever come to that. Its failing to access something that should not ever be inaccessibe, so im very confused there as well.
Dont think i can fix your save, sadly. At best you may wanna go back to a previous version of that save (asuming you made some save-copy saves) and try continuing to play from there with the updated version. Otherwise you may just have to make a new save together with the new version.

I can probably fix this type of error more easily once Alex releases 0.98, im missing something to make SiC not do anything while the game is loading a save, which is annoyingly a common place for issues, though i havent seen one like the one you posted yet, managed to fix the other ones.


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Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
« Reply #344 on: December 01, 2024, 05:52:51 AM »

Henlo  dear dev. Please halp. I have encountered an error that bricks my save. This happened after I promoted an officer after a battle (event that allows you to recruit an officer on the spot using a story point), saved the game, and after restarting the game I found that saved couldnt be loaded  :'(.

heres some stuff that I totally understand and hopefully you will too if you spend a lil time helping me out
---- Debugging information ----
message             : Failed calling method
cause-exception     : java.lang.NullPointerException
cause-message       : null
method              : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.FleetMember.readResolve()
class               : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.FleetMember
required-type       : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.FleetMember
converter-type      : com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.ReflectionConverter
line number         : 83845
class[1]            : java.util.LinkedHashMap
converter-type[1]   : com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.MapConverter
class[2]            : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.util.CollectionView
class[3]            : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.CampaignFleetView
class[4]            : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.CampaignFleet
class[5]            : second_in_command.SCData
class[6]            : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.rules.Memory
class[7]            : boggled.scripts.BoggledTerraformingRequirement$RequirementContext
class[8]            :
class[9]            :
class[10]           : java.util.ArrayList
converter-type[2]   : com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.CollectionConverter
class[11]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.econ.Market
class[12]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CampaignPlanet
class[13]           : com.fs.util.container.repo.ObjectRepository
class[14]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.StarSystem
class[15]           : com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.command.WarSimScript
class[16]           : com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.missions.hub.BaseHubMission$VariableSet
class[17]           : com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.missions.CommodityProductionMission
class[18]           : com.fs.starfarer.rpg.Person
class[19]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CommDirectoryEntry
class[20]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CommDirectory
class[21]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CircularOrbit
class[22]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CircularOrbitPointDown
class[23]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CustomCampaignEntity
class[24]           : java.util.HashMap
class[25]           : exerelin.campaign.ColonyManager
class[26]           : java.util.LinkedHashSet
class[27]           : com.fs.starfarer.loading.specs.FactionProduction
class[28]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.Faction
class[29]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.econ.Submarket
class[30]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.econ.reach.ReachEconomy
class[31]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.econ.reach.ReachEconomyStepper
class[32]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.econ.Economy
class[33]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.StarSystem$UpdateFromHyperspaceLocation
class[34]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.BaseLocation$LocationToken
class[35]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.Hyperspace
class[36]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CampaignEngine
converter-type[3]   :
version             : not available


Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
   at java.util.ArrayList.<init>(Unknown Source)
   at second_in_command.SCData.getAssignedOfficers(SCData.kt:190)
   at second_in_command.SCData.getAllActiveSkillsPlugins(SCData.kt:196)
   at second_in_command.hullmods.SCControllerHullmod.applyEffectsBeforeShipCreation(SCControllerHullmod.kt:86)
   at com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.FleetMember.updateStats(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.FleetMember.readResolve(Unknown Source)
   at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor23.invoke(Unknown Source)
   at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
   at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.util.SerializationMembers.callReadResolve(
   ... 577 more
537188 [Thread-3] INFO  - Loading stage 11
537188 [Thread-3] INFO  - Loading stage 12
887275 [Thread-7] INFO  sound.O  - Cleaning up music with id [miscallenous_main_menu.ogg]
887463 [Thread-10] INFO  sound.O  - Creating streaming player for music with id [miscallenous_main_menu.ogg]
887463 [Thread-10] INFO  sound.OooO  - Playing music with id [miscallenous_main_menu.ogg]

bonus note, after this I updated the mod but that didnt help

Sorry, but that error looks quite weird, and i cant really intuit how it could ever come to that. Its failing to access something that should not ever be inaccessibe, so im very confused there as well.
Dont think i can fix your save, sadly. At best you may wanna go back to a previous version of that save (asuming you made some save-copy saves) and try continuing to play from there with the updated version. Otherwise you may just have to make a new save together with the new version.

I can probably fix this type of error more easily once Alex releases 0.98, im missing something to make SiC not do anything while the game is loading a save, which is annoyingly a common place for issues, though i havent seen one like the one you posted yet, managed to fix the other ones.

I see, thanks for lookign trhough this at least. unlucky I guess. I will try an older save, but it was a while ago and I'd have to redo the persean blockade.
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