Hey all, thanks for the feedback!

Sorry I've been AWOL...life...happens LOL. It's kinda crazy having to be a real human and not just exist where you can play videogames all the time. But hey!
Neat stuff. Good faction identity in most cases*, and a decent supply of dragons and dragon-adjacent critters. Yep, I'll be using this one.
* Several of the Ludd_F portraits in your preview image look a bit cyborg-y, to me. Which is... probably fine for the Luddic Church knights, but might be a bit much if they're also used for Pathers? Or maybe I'm reading too much into a few pixels on my screen; take this feedback and use or ignore it as you see fit.
I totally agree...but some of those gens were too cool not to use LOL. And plus, I've always in my own mind thought of the Luddites as kinda mystical and mysterious. You're right, they're definitely not high-tech users, but still, there's *something* going on down in those catacombs...I'll keep that in mind though.
I really like these, though I noticed some artifacting on Pers_M_2 and M_3, as well as Sin_M_6. Overall the faction identity works really well, the only things blurring the lines on it being that a fair handful of the Merc portraits have little variance; being desaturated colors with a splash of blue, which reminds me more of Tri-Tach. Or they are High Tech fans.
Only other suggestion, maybe portraits with welding/construction gear? Mining and Salvage can be dangerous work after all.
Definitely keeping an eye on any coming updates. Good stuff.
Ooh...I'll keep that in mind for my next pack! The Merc-pack portraits were kinda intentionally gray...some of both the stock portraits, and the mods I use, have pretty flat color palettes for some of them...life in space isn't always glamorous after all! LOL
Oooh, I like these! Floofy woofers go perfectly in hand with JYD. 
Oooh, I like these! Floofy woofers go perfectly in hand with JYD. 
If it brings you joy, you be you boo 
Thank you for the kind feedback! ^_^

Sneak peek of my next set...hope nobody's got claustrophobia, since they're all of a more closed-off theme...