Hello, I've enjoyed using this mod, the early game of scrounging up augments and building up your characters is fun, and there is a genuine high from finding legendary mods out of the blue. However I dont think I'd use it for future runs because:
1. the UI does not lend to the easy readjustment of builds, which adds yet another stresser to a modded playthrough that has a lot of ways of wasting time in ship load-outs, some sort of "loadout" feature where you can save a deck and quickly swap out different selections of augmentations would alleviate this a lot.
2. The mod makes gameplay too easy, specifically endgame content. For the most part, the toughest threats in a playthrough, modded or not are AI, who do not at all benefit from augments. This makes it so the extra stats you add to your fleet easily overpower whatever mechanical difficulty that endgame fights would have normally had. I dont know if I like the idea of AI augmentations conceptionally but it may be a needed inclusion in order to bring any kind of semblance of real balance.
Criticism aside. overall its still a very conceptionally cool and fun mod and I hope you continue to building on it in the future! o7