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Author Topic: End-Game incredibly annoying. Colony Crisis annoying. Deployment pts too.  (Read 1537 times)


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So I've been playing this game since 2017. It's come a long way and the first half of the game I think is pretty solid at this point.

I have established dozens colonies, many with military high commands. I'm banking more than a million credits a month. My empire dwarfs that of the core worlds. Yet, somehow the pirate armadas can keep up. To support my fleet I needed to establish multiple worlds and a robust logistics network. For a game that takes logistics some-what seriously (which is something I really enjoy) having the game just be so "oh sure lets magic some massive pirate fleets that could not possibly be supported by rock-sucking void breeders" really just takes me out of it. It diminishes the time and effort I've spent getting to this point. This is after I've laid waste to every pirate base I can find.

Then we have Colony crisises. At the very least It needs to be tuned down. I'm long past the point where I could not deal with any sort of crisis, but it seems like the game is no longer fun, its just an endless series of wack-a-mole to make number go down when the player should be enjoying a more sandbox empire building experience to reward their efforts in reaching the end game.

I believe the base-game could do with more robust diplomacy system that takes into account your empires strength vs. that of other factions. Peace treaties that keep opposing factions out of your space due to better diplomacy options or just from the fear of your military might. I'm wasting tons of story points just so I don't have to bother with yet another encounter from a doomed hedgeomony fleet or pirate armada or etc...

Deployment pts have changed since the last time I played. Having more deployment pts for # of officers you have is a nice touch, but I also feel like you should be able to deploy more ships if you have the supplies. Let it grow linearlly or something in combination with the number supplies you are willing to use. Getting 40% of the deployment pts per encounter with pirate armadas that can not possibly be as well supplied as my fleet is incredibly annoying.

This last play-through I've probably spent 40 hours (at least) , and I'm at a point where I don't even want to continue because of how annoying the end-game is.

I am aware there are mods to tweak the experience, but relying on modders to fix the core experience isn't something that should be relied on, and if anything lends credence the fact that things should be improved.

This being said, Love this game. So much potential to give people a modern EV Nova experience and more.


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You can solve all crises, once solved they stop happening. -> All solved and you are done with the crisis system.
The easiest way to get rid of (most) pirates: Go to Kanta in Kantas Den. (Or beat the huge pirate onslaught if you trigger it by filling the bar and after that go to Kanta.)

>story points vs Hegies
I think they stop happening if you beat them 3 times... (maybe you could have a chat with Daud after trashing the Hegemony)

Well, I myself am not sure how I feel about the crisis mechanic thing...
« Last Edit: July 19, 2024, 07:48:52 AM by Dadada »


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Then we have Colony crisises. At the very least It needs to be tuned down. I'm long past the point where I could not deal with any sort of crisis, but it seems like the game is no longer fun, its just an endless series of wack-a-mole to make number go down when the player should be enjoying a more sandbox empire building experience to reward their efforts in reaching the end game.

Let them come! A maxed-out crisis meter means that the resulting faction will send an actual fleet out to fight, and once that's defeated, you get massive bonuses.


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I have established dozens colonies, many with military high commands. I'm banking more than a million credits a month. My empire dwarfs that of the core worlds.

Hi, and welcome to the forum! I appreciate your feedback, and just want to say one thing - the point at the game where you're at right now is well past where I'd consider a playthrough to be "over" given the current state of the game, and balancing it at that point is not something I've spent any time on. The game will have proper a endgame at some point, so effort making this stage "fun" would be pretty much wasted until it's clear exactly what the real endgame looks like, if that makes sense - and chances are it's not going to lean into empire-building. It's a natural thing to do now given there's nothing else, though, so I get it.

And, thank you for your kind words! I'm glad you've enjoyed the game overall :)


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The crises actually permanently stop once you resolve all of them, and there are a limited amount of them. Then after that, there's no more "wack a mole" and the colony crises interface loses its purpose. That said, I'm probably in the minority wanting an optional way to trigger endless colony crises at endgame.


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Then there is me who think there is not enough colony crisis. Seriously. Colony is end game contents, not easy cash source. Consider it as your retirement home rather than your start up business. When you make a colony, you basically paint yourself a huge target. I do think this should be better communicated by the developer.

You start your colony after you scanned a large portion of the galaxy, and has a fleet that can protect your journey. After all, this is how you find suitable planet in first place. If you are capable of doing that, it means you have at least couple cruisers, level 10+, and a couple millions just from loot hauling.

Once you start your colony, rush star fort as quick as you can. It is a incredibly powerful defense tool, but slow to build. You can defeat a capital invasion fleet just with star fort + couple cruisers keeping spams out of the way. The fort can face tank 2 capital ships and win. All you need is keep small ships away from spamming torpedos.

Killer of Fate

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I have established dozens colonies, many with military high commands. I'm banking more than a million credits a month. My empire dwarfs that of the core worlds.

Hi, and welcome to the forum! I appreciate your feedback, and just want to say one thing - the point at the game where you're at right now is well past where I'd consider a playthrough to be "over" given the current state of the game, and balancing it at that point is not something I've spent any time on. The game will have proper a endgame at some point, so effort making this stage "fun" would be pretty much wasted until it's clear exactly what the real endgame looks like, if that makes sense - and chances are it's not going to lean into empire-building. It's a natural thing to do now given there's nothing else, though, so I get it.

And, thank you for your kind words! I'm glad you've enjoyed the game overall :)
gates open
tentacle monsters and 250th Legion flood the galaxy. Giant rat brain eats Chicomoztoc.


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gates open
tentacle monsters and 250th Legion flood the galaxy.
That's what I am expecting... And in between is Omega trying to shut it all down. My body may or may not be ready for the challenge, but my spirit is. My childlike brain wants it all NOW! :D
E: Also new domain battleships to grab :D


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To be honest, I agree on the individual little fleets that materialize within the player's systems out of thin air. It'd be a lot more interesting, and less annoying, if they launched from ports every X days while the crisis is unresolved, did X bad thing upon arrival for Y time unless destroyed before that point, and then went home. As it is, the system works as follows:

  • A fleet materializes into your system, from nowhere, even if there are no undisrupted bases to launch from.
  • If you ever travel to your system, it will attack trade fleets until you kill it, establishing months-long disruptions.
  • If you do kill it, you get -5 reputation with its source faction, you gain nothing, the meter that lets you solve the crisis goes down, and another one will spawn in and do the same thing the next time you visit your colony.

Under this system, the best thing to do is to just stay away from your colonies and make no effort to defend them until the meter fills, avoiding investment in military buildings unless necessary for stability. It's unsatisfying, but it's also very counterintuitive, and I've seen it confusing people. As OP said, the game usually cares about logistics, and the idea that these enemy fleets only exist when you can see them doesn't naturally come to mind.


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To be honest, I agree on the individual little fleets that materialize within the player's systems out of thin air. It'd be a lot more interesting, and less annoying, if they launched from ports every X days while the crisis is unresolved, did X bad thing upon arrival for Y time unless destroyed before that point, and then went home. As it is, the system works as follows:

  • A fleet materializes into your system, from nowhere, even if there are no undisrupted bases to launch from.
  • If you ever travel to your system, it will attack trade fleets until you kill it, establishing months-long disruptions.
  • If you do kill it, you get -5 reputation with its source faction, you gain nothing, the meter that lets you solve the crisis goes down, and another one will spawn in and do the same thing the next time you visit your colony.

Under this system, the best thing to do is to just stay away from your colonies and make no effort to defend them until the meter fills, avoiding investment in military buildings unless necessary for stability. It's unsatisfying, but it's also very counterintuitive, and I've seen it confusing people. As OP said, the game usually cares about logistics, and the idea that these enemy fleets only exist when you can see them doesn't naturally come to mind.
People don't want to be forced to stay near the colonies. They don't need to currently as you pointed out but you don't fix that by actually giving a reason to need to.


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Before crises, I was highly encouraged to bomb all the core worlds off the map (or let the pirates decivilize some of them) because I do not want to babysit colonies.  It also felt artificial when the attacks followed a relatively precise schedule; it felt like the game had a quota to send unwanted fleets to harass you.  I like to do what I want whenever I want, not play firefighter or superman racing around the world fixing every problem that comes up, and problems are so frequent and/or travel time is long enough that I do not have time to do what I want, whether exploring the fringe, raiding core worlds myself, or farming Ordos.  In some previous releases, colony defense included NPCs' core worlds because pirates steamrolled NPC colony worlds' defenses (and they thank me for defending them by raiding my worlds, and I wanted to punish them - see above).

I like crises because I get powerups when I crush them and they stop bothering me, so I do not need to bomb them off the map when I get tired of them.  (Though I do want to bomb Diktat for saber-rattling with nukes.)  I dislike the League crisis in part because of the lack of useful reward (along with everything else that makes them overbearing).  Pathers have a lame reward too because beating their crises has no permanent reward.  Just best to either not use items in the first place or hand them the PK to remove item limits.  (Increasing the interest required before cells spawn would be a nice reward.  Means I can use two items or a hypershunt tap.  Or bonus security that has 100% chance of blocking sabotage like old Pather bug, so that the only penalty is -1 stability from pather cell.)
« Last Edit: July 20, 2024, 06:42:13 AM by Megas »