Before crises, I was highly encouraged to bomb all the core worlds off the map (or let the pirates decivilize some of them) because I do not want to babysit colonies. It also felt artificial when the attacks followed a relatively precise schedule; it felt like the game had a quota to send unwanted fleets to harass you. I like to do what I want whenever I want, not play firefighter or superman racing around the world fixing every problem that comes up, and problems are so frequent and/or travel time is long enough that I do not have time to do what I want, whether exploring the fringe, raiding core worlds myself, or farming Ordos. In some previous releases, colony defense included NPCs' core worlds because pirates steamrolled NPC colony worlds' defenses (and they thank me for defending them by raiding my worlds, and I wanted to punish them - see above).
I like crises because I get powerups when I crush them and they stop bothering me, so I do not need to bomb them off the map when I get tired of them. (Though I do want to bomb Diktat for saber-rattling with nukes.) I dislike the League crisis in part because of the lack of useful reward (along with everything else that makes them overbearing). Pathers have a lame reward too because beating their crises has no permanent reward. Just best to either not use items in the first place or hand them the PK to remove item limits. (Increasing the interest required before cells spawn would be a nice reward. Means I can use two items or a hypershunt tap. Or bonus security that has 100% chance of blocking sabotage like old Pather bug, so that the only penalty is -1 stability from pather cell.)