A more convincing argument would be that places for general discussion (i.e. about the topic of a Wiki article, not the actual article itself) already exist - it's called the forum/Reddit/Discord/[insert any other social media here].
Personally, I think it's a bit jarring to find opinions and anecdotes of random strangers alongside what is supposed to be a relatively-unbiased, primarily-educational source of information (whether that's the driving goal of the Starsector Wiki or not, that's not for me to say). It also doesn't help that the Fandom UI on desktop has no built-in button to hide comments, so you're forced to see those hot takes (really just cold takes most of the time) if you scroll slightly too far down, just past the Category table that contains actually-useful links to related content (ironically, Fandom on mobile has this toggle and also hides comments by default - one of the few improvements over the desktop version, which isn't saying much considering the Categories section also gets hidden by default too).
(On a related note, BreezeWiki, which basically lets you view Fandom without actually visiting it and experiencing Fandom's ad-infested "features", does not display Fandom's user comments within wiki articles, so this no-user-comments-on-wiki-articles view is certainly not unique to Starsector.)