Realistic Combat captured my imagination like no other mod. I love the careful positioning, firing lines and broadsides. I love hulking dreadnaughts shrugging off overwhelming oncoming fire. I love that guns have gun-tier range, rather than knife fighting in space.
In light of all this, please do not take the list below seriously. They are petty grievances exaggerated for dramatic and comic effect.
- This started because I wanted a locust capable of firing its usual 30 missiles per burst.
- The HIL in RC can't penetrate the armor of a lasher past 100 range
- Wings are 10/20x tankier than vanilla
- Frigates get one shot and cannot harm a capital without a few reapers
- The light assault gun cannot harm a single target in the game
- After missiles run dry, fights can take 10 minutes of whittling down the few remaining ships if you lost your hellbore-ship
- Needlers outrange railguns
- I was stuck between the innate RC skills, or quality captains skills that were incompatible or functioned poorly with the reworked damage model
- The requirement to get a perfect 90 degree hit on certain matchups was maddening
- A reaper did no armor damage despite creating a miniature sun on an enemy hull
- Modded beams (especially targeting beams) were wildly op or underpowered
- Armor stripping armaments were extremely op
- The AI could not handle the altered handling on some ships, causing them to zoom around wildly not hitting any shots
- All weapons being innately at perfect accuracy / no spread and perfect auto targeting accuracy
- High explosive damage being worse against armor than kinetics
- Modded and vanilla missile ammo being very odd due to max ammo caps
- (small!) Gorgons literally one shotting an invictus
- Minimum armor, maximum armor, effective armor increases, ablative armor, etc no longer functioning