V0.42 UpdatesLightly tested for save compatibility, should work, new planet/industry for faction need new game to take effect.Adding two new ships for the evil sunz
With "Phase" ship that achieves time dilitation just by having an oversized engine.
Agressive destroyer that lobbs bomb and rocket in dash, but a lot more mobile than the mega bommer.
Added Military Base/Defense to Mekkaslag
Added Fungob to the Deffhead system
Built in Weapon Tag fix
Shoota Skippa Weapon fix
Grotzooka damage type/damage change
Burna Range 200 - 300
Skorcha Range 300 -350
Mega Bommer Bomb Bay Spread out onto wings
Added Weapon Description for various fighter weapons.
Setting Changed for BP Graphics
BP package reorganization. (Also less Ork ship in pirate fleets)
Diplomacy Adjustment to improve faction survival.