Starsector > Suggestions

Make scanning the gates possible from the start


It always bugs me that I cannot scan the gates from the start, especially when I need to fly to the edge of the map for the academy quests and find systems with gates.

Instead of going through the quest line to get the ability to scan gates, it would be better to follow a "secret" set of instructions. Coureuse could tell you the sequence later in the quest.

A veteran player can scan the gates earlier, while it's still immersive for new players.

This is how it could look like:

The first time you scan a gate you get the options:

* Fly through the gate
* Scan the gate
Pressing Scan the gate prompts you with: How do you want to scan the gate?

* Scan top
* Scan bottom
* Scan left
* Scan right
This repeats four times and the proper code is: Top, Top, Bottom, Bottom, Left, Right, Left, Right.

After you've done it once it becomes the usual "Scan the gate" options without requiring the code again.

Guessing wrong shows the the dialog "Nothing seems to happen, but someone somewhere might know the proper procedure".


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