Just dealt with the blockade for the first time. I had the pather crisis first, so this is my second crisis. I have both colonies in the same system which I believe increases the difficulty. Overall, I can easily smash their fleets. Even if I couldn't, the game makes it clear that there are multiple ways of dealing with it. The intel image right here tells you straight up that it will only last for a year, and my colonies can easily survive the -60% access (just to be clear my system is about as far from the core worlds as physically possible, I have megaports with story point improvements). On top of that, it's also pretty clear that you can aim for the supply fleets or the commanding fleet if you want to shut down the whole operation. This is on top of fleets contacting and specifically telling you that joining the league is an option.
Even if you are really bad at combat, you can just wait it out or join the league. Most players will aim for the supply fleets if they actually read the text for the blockade and are smart enough to put 2 + 2 together. Experienced players may just gather them up to farm bonus xp.
I'm happy with the crisis difficulty, but progress needs to reset a lot lower. After the blockade launched it reset to 300 points which means the next crisis is already about to spawn by the time I finish up this one (I'm pretty sure my blowback was near 0). In the current version it makes sense that you don't want things to be too slow, but next time we will have the option to speed it up by spending a story point. Experienced players will take this option, so I suggest letting the crisis meter drop down around 0 to 100 points to give newer players more breathing room.
Actually, it is a bit weird that the league still contributes crisis points while the blockade is underway. If anything their blockade should make it harder for other factions to exploit the situation, right?