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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Anubis-class Cruiser (12/20/24)

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Author Topic: [0.97a] Post Your Endgame Fleets Here!  (Read 11069 times)


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[0.97a] Post Your Endgame Fleets Here!
« on: February 19, 2024, 04:26:21 PM »

At the time of writing, it has been a little over two weeks since 0.97a first released, so I think that would a good time to hear about what kinds of fleets you all are running against current endgame content, including Remnant Ordos, Colony Crisis expedition fleets, and/or max-difficulty contact bounties. I'll start off with the fleet that I ultimately settled with for my 0.97a playthrough.

My Endgame Fleet

Onslaught (XIV) Loadout

Omen Loadout

Character Skills

I originally planned to go SD/DO carrier spam for my endgame fleet when I first started my playthrough. However, because Remnant ships - mostly Apexes and Brilliants - now sometimes get the Point Defense skill (which I figured would further dampen how well carrier spam does for Ordo farming), and since I ended up finding 2 Level 7 officers with skills perfectly suited for Low Tech ships, I decided to instead field a Low Tech capital spam fleet supported by frigates. The Onslaught (XIV) loadouts are essentially modified versions of those found in CapnHector's Onslaught (XIV) fleet here - but updated for 0.97a changes and tailored towards 2 or 3 Ordos rather than 5 or 6 Ordos. Originally, I had 4 Wolf (H)'s to go for a Hegemony-themed fleet, but I later switched to 3 Omens and 1 Kite (H) for their superior support and defensive capabilities - with the Kite providing Operations Center to better support order micro.

I could go on talking about this fleet, but I'd rather just show these two videos to demonstrate just how well this fleet does against very difficult fights:

5 Hegemony Inspection Fleets

I was still experimenting with Omen loadouts here, as those had S-Mod Missile Autoloader then (first combined with Gazers, then with Breaches before I ditched the missile investment in favor of more survivability).

3 Remnant Ordos (1369 DP)

I only had recently learned that Rally Civlian Craft order actually forces assigned ships to remain completely in-place on the order location, which proved to be really handy for maintaining Onslaught formations. Even with that information, I'm not really sure if there is still any 240 DP or less fleet that can reliably handle 5+ Ordos in 0.97a, but 2 or 3 Ordos still seems to be a reasonable target for such fleets looking to maximize the bonus XP percentage.

Overall, I really enjoyed using this fleet for my vanilla 0.97a playthrough. Despite the nerfs to PCL, LDAC, and Ordnance Expertise, I found the Onslaught to still hold up well against the buffed Remnant Ordos, especially given the flux efficiency buffs to HAG and Thumper. Also, Omen feels like a more useful Monitor nowdays; sure, they don't have Fortress Shield, but Omens still have a really powerful shield to back up their smaller hitbox, superior mobility, and better support abilities via built-in ECM and EMP Emitter.

(Maybe next vanilla playthrough, I will actually commit to SD/DO carrier spam and see how far I can go with it.)
« Last Edit: February 19, 2024, 04:33:31 PM by Tranquility »


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Re: [0.97a] Post Your Endgame Fleets Here!
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2024, 07:10:27 PM »

For a fleet without leadership skills this one has done pretty well against double ordos.
Player Skills

It's not really an optimized fleet, and even if you make it through without losses their is heavy damage and crew... uh... "early retirement." CR is also running out by the end, even with combat endurance on everything!
Post-Battle Report

It is pretty fun, though, and there are some quirks that make it interesting. For starters, those lashers would normally be unable to get the capture points fast enough to deploy the full fleet, but with the EW skill they're actually very reliable. They can then stick around at the flanks, forcing the enemy to deal with them by harassing frigates and contesting points.

A big part of the fleet's design is the moras being fully focused on durability. They just need to huddle together in an unbreakable block, and while don't kill anything quick they can survive long enough for the invictus to whip around and blast whatever is giving them trouble. This is probably why their CR is running out by the end, and they may be better off investing in harpoons or PCLs so they can score faster kills. That being said, pilum spam is funny and my fleet has them on every ship except the lashers.
Fighters: warthog x2 and claw x1 (although I'm torn between claw and broadsword here).

The manticores have made for pretty excellent escorts, having a noticeable improvement in capital ship longevity when escorted by one of these. Only real complaint is that they can and will try to pick a fight with a radiant unless you manually order them back, which burns through command points that I do not have. I used to use railguns + hellbore, but found that with the extra range from escort package a hellbore can't hit anything at max range even with elite ballistic mastery.

Lastly we have the capital ships. For the legion I've been pretty happy even without any armor bonuses, instead relying on elite combat endurance and elite damage control with reinforced bulkheads and repair unit built-in.
Fighters: broadsword x4.

Also my first time using the invictus. This does pretty well, but does anyone have a better idea on how to build it?
Fighters: Sarissa x2.
TL;DR deez nuts


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Re: [0.97a] Post Your Endgame Fleets Here!
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2024, 07:15:51 PM »

is it ok to still have, like, two hammeheads and a condor in an endgame
one apogee though
nex request fleet option makes me think about my life decisions now
will change this message to make it a post about their loadouts soon:tm:
« Last Edit: February 19, 2024, 07:19:52 PM by Nick9 »

Hiruma Kai

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Re: [0.97a] Post Your Endgame Fleets Here!
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2024, 07:19:22 PM »

1st run: Neural Link Radiant
Neural linked Radiant, neural linked Medusa, Legion XIV, 2 Dominator XIV, Eagle XIV, 3 Medusa, Omen, 2 Alpha core Glimmers.
Combat 5 (Combat Endurance, Impact Mitigation, Field Modulation, Target Analysis, Systems Expertise)
Leadership 2 (Coordinated Maneuvers, Crew Training)
Technology 8 (All but Sensors and Phase Coil Tuning)

Was a bit rough start, trying to make a Nova work, going with too many heavy cruisers, and eventually switching to a wider build.  Also switched from Afflictor to Medusa so I could change Phase Coil Tuning for Electronic Warfare.  I was running into issues with contact bounty enemy fleets with that skill (it was RC8 I think), and just wasn't getting enough of my other ships out.  Radiant eventually made it work, and then some Tesseract weapons upped the Radiant a notch (2x Rift Torpedoes, 2 Plasma Cannons, 1 Paladin PD, 4 Sabot Pods, 2 Ion cannons, 2 Burst PD)

2nd run: Hegemony Officer build.  When the game throws two Legion XIV at you early on, you just go capital heavy early on.
Afflictor, 2 Onslaught XIV, 2 Legion XIV, 2 safety override Eagle XIV, 3 escort package Enforcers
Combat 4 (Combat Endurance, Impact Mitigation, Field Modulation, Target Analysis)
Leadership 6 (Tactical Drill, Crew Training, Carrier Group, Officer Management, Officer Training, Best of the Best)
Technology 5 (Navigation, Energy Weapon Mastery, Flux Regulation, Phase Coil Tuning, Cybernetic Augmentation)

Felt like the strongest run of the 3 I've done in 0.97, although that might be the luck of the two Legion XIVs early on, and deciding to make it a Hegemony theme, so took a commission so a short run.  Onslaughts and Legions hold the line, SO Eagles for hunting down flankers, and Enforcers kind of scattered in between the capitals.  Afflictor for cheap battle influence across the map.  Was planning on respecing and turning one of the level 6, 3 elite officers into a mercenary, but just couldn't be bothered and just kind of ended the run.  Those 4 capitals just chewed through everything in front of them.  55% damage bonus on capital ballistics is quite nice.

3rd run: Support Doctrine test
1 Doom, 1 Onslaught XIV (officered), 12 Medusa (support doctrine), 7 Monitors (officered), 1 Kite (LP).
Combat 5 (Combat Endurance, Impact Mitigation, Field Modulation, Target Analysis, Systems Expertise)
Leadership 5 (Tactical Drills, Coordinated Maneuvers, Crew Training, Officer Training, Support Doctrine)
Technology 5 (Navigation, Energy Weapon Mastery, Flux Regulation, Phase Coil Tuning, Cybernetic Augmentation)

I think I put in too many monitors to be honest.  Also, a lot more work at the combat map level than I prefer.  To leverage the monitors, I needed to be aware and issue eliminate orders with them to make sure they're actually distracting the big bad ships as needed.  As long as you're not up against Harbingers, they're survivable enough.  0.44 base efficiency (0.8*0.90.8*0.95*0.85*0.95=0.442) plus s-mod Stabilized Shields.  Works out to be about 2,200 shield DPS tanking capacity plus a little bit from Stabilized Shields.  (312 flux/second - 30 flux/second shields)*0.7 = 197.4-100 hard flux/second = 97.4 flux/second.  (1/0.1/0.442)*97.4 = 2,203 shield DPS tanked.  Its not SO tier, but two of them will basically tank any capital in the game, and usually only need one.

Collecting the Medusa and Monitors ended up being pretty easy just running through Persean League and Tri-tachyon worlds after each bounty round.  A high level Military contact offered me the Onslaught XIV for only 300,000 so slapped it in for some DPS.  In hindsight, I'd probably go for more like Afflictor, 2 Onslaughts (or maybe 1 Onslaught and 2 Gryphons), 12 support doctrine Medusa and 5 Monitors.  Probably should have done aggressive/reckless SO Medusa instead of steady ITU Medusa.  It was not fast, but if I was paying attention, relatively safe.


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Re: [0.97a] Post Your Endgame Fleets Here!
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2024, 07:29:59 PM »

How don't you develop epilepsy from those frequent noisy transition animations? (like the static what you get on older TVs if there is no signal)
They're there at opening the tactical combat map, opening your inventory, salvaging a derelict, surveying a planet, going into the bar... at literally every freaking aspect of the game.
Is it possible to make these go away?

edit: Tranquility answered my question: it is indeed an in-game option since 0.97, setting it in settings.json does not work anymore. Thanks a lot for this revelation!
« Last Edit: February 20, 2024, 05:49:41 AM by Szasz »


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Re: [0.97a] Post Your Endgame Fleets Here!
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2024, 11:10:30 PM »

Well I think it might still be a bit early, since players are still trying things out, but thus far at least, it looks like Gryphon (linked Squall + Harpoon Pod + Harpoon) spam still works, but only up to double Ordos. Basically depending on how the fight goes, the Gryphons might be out of Harpoons by the end. If the enemy happens to deploy the large ships earlier (while there's a lot of Harpoon spam), then the fight is over quickly, but if the large ships don't deploy until later, then by that point some of the Gryphons are already out and there's not a lot of concentrated anti-armor/hull damage to take them down quickly. I might experiment with putting some other longer-lasting missile as a spoiler so that the Gryphons don't autoforge the Harpoons so quickly.

It looks like my flagship Onslaught XIV + 2 Gryphons + 3 Conquests still works well. Still able to beat double Ordos in less than 4 minutes (to be fair, so can Gryphon spam still). If anything nowadays I'm experimenting with putting a Pulse Laser on the forward medium for the Conquests just to get them to close in more often so that they'd fire more, to increase their DPS. My setup is basically Missile Spec + BotB + CA, with Neural Link along the way so that I can use one less officer. One fewer officer means I gain around 7% more XP (i.e. if I would've gotten +400% XP bonus, now I get +435% XP bonus instead). That plus CA giving each ship +6% damage, -6% damage taken, double that for me and the Neural Link Conquest, means the fleet can still put out a lot of damage even though it's quite reliant on missiles which were nerfed. Screenshot below. (I know it says 96.x, it's actually 0.97a-RC10 though, I just typed that for my character name out of habit.)

The PCL nerf did hit my flagship Onslaught XIV hard. I went from around 1600-1800 DPS to around 1200-1500 DPS now. Biggest issue is that I'm used to enemy ships just melting in the face of the PCLs, but they take a lot longer to die, so I end up overfluxing a lot. Whenever I overflux the [REDACTED] ships get much more aggressive, which makes it harder to find an opening to vent, etc. So it takes a lot of discipline to say "yes there's an overloaded enemy ship right in front of me but I should vent instead to prevent the next ship from trying to ram me". Pre-nerf, with Missile Spec the Onslaught launched 6 PCL per second; post-nerf, it only launches 2.5 per second. That's a lot less burst damage now. Maybe I should look into Reapers or something.

I only had recently learned that Rally Civlian Craft order actually forces assigned ships to remain completely in-place on the order location, which proved to be really handy for maintaining Onslaught formations. Even with that information, I'm not really sure if there is still any 240 DP or less fleet that can reliably handle 5+ Ordos in 0.97a, but 2 or 3 Ordos still seems to be a reasonable target for such fleets looking to maximize the bonus XP percentage.

Haha that's pretty wild! I knew that civilian ships tend to stand right on top of the RCC, but never bothered to try that with combat ships. If that feature exists, don't know why the ships don't do that for the general waypoint command. But guess that's something to experiment with for better fleet formations.


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Re: [0.97a] Post Your Endgame Fleets Here!
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2024, 11:35:43 PM »

Thank you for sharing your fleets, Hiruma Kai and BigBrainEnergy! I find it a bit fascinating that, from what I can find, Low Tech capitals are getting used a lot more than I remember before (although I wouldn't go so far as to say that they are over-represented in most fleets; it's probably too early to conclude for now). It would be cool to see an endgame fleet using something like a Odyssey or an Astral and see how a fleet built around them would hold up in most battles. A non-capital fleet would be interesting to see too, especially if the destroyers used Escort Package despite the lack of a capital to provide the extra bonus.

How don't you develop epilepsy from those frequent noisy transition animations? (like the static what you get on older TVs if there is no signal)
They're there at opening the tactical combat map, opening your inventory, salvaging a derelict, surverying a planet, going into the bar... at literally every freaking aspect of the game.
Is it possible to make these go away?

I think I just got used to the static transitions, to be honest. You did made me remember that "Enable UI noise overlay" setting does indeed exist in the in-game Settings menu, which 0.97a just added recently as a toggleable button (instead of being hidden away in settings.json) and does exactly what you were looking for!

Well I think it might still be a bit early, since players are still trying things out, but thus far at least, it looks like Gryphon (linked Squall + Harpoon Pod + Harpoon) spam still works, but only up to double Ordos. Basically depending on how the fight goes, the Gryphons might be out of Harpoons by the end. If the enemy happens to deploy the large ships earlier (while there's a lot of Harpoon spam), then the fight is over quickly, but if the large ships don't deploy until later, then by that point some of the Gryphons are already out and there's not a lot of concentrated anti-armor/hull damage to take them down quickly. I might experiment with putting some other longer-lasting missile as a spoiler so that the Gryphons don't autoforge the Harpoons so quickly.

It looks like my flagship Onslaught XIV + 2 Gryphons + 3 Conquests still works well. Still able to beat double Ordos in less than 4 minutes (to be fair, so can Gryphon spam still). If anything nowadays I'm experimenting with putting a Pulse Laser on the forward medium for the Conquests just to get them to close in more often so that they'd fire more, to increase their DPS. My setup is basically Missile Spec + BotB + CA, with Neural Link along the way so that I can use one less officer. One fewer officer means I gain around 7% more XP (i.e. if I would've gotten +400% XP bonus, now I get +435% XP bonus instead). That plus CA giving each ship +6% damage, -6% damage taken, double that for me and the Neural Link Conquest, means the fleet can still put out a lot of damage even though it's quite reliant on missiles which were nerfed. Screenshot below. (I know it says 96.x, it's actually 0.97a-RC10 though, I just typed that for my character name out of habit.)

The PCL nerf did hit my flagship Onslaught XIV hard. I went from around 1600-1800 DPS to around 1200-1500 DPS now. Biggest issue is that I'm used to enemy ships just melting in the face of the PCLs, but they take a lot longer to die, so I end up overfluxing a lot. Whenever I overflux the [REDACTED] ships get much more aggressive, which makes it harder to find an opening to vent, etc. So it takes a lot of discipline to say "yes there's an overloaded enemy ship right in front of me but I should vent instead to prevent the next ship from trying to ram me". Pre-nerf, with Missile Spec the Onslaught launched 6 PCL per second; post-nerf, it only launches 2.5 per second. That's a lot less burst damage now. Maybe I should look into Reapers or something.


Yeah, I'm not terribly surprised that fleets leveraging heavy missile firepower and/or long-range ballistics are still capable of overpowering Ordos, even despite some AI-core Remnant ships now using the Point Defense skill and Squalls/PCLs getting nerfed badly. Squall HP being nerfed to 150 HP does mean that, without Missile Spec, it will get one-shot by uninvested (Dual) Flak Cannons and Heavy Burst Laser PDs now, which is a boon if fighting against human fleets (although Squalls don't really appear in Remnant - barring the occassional Squall Radiant autofit - or Persean League fleets). I do want to look more comprehensively at missile HP and PD damage thresholds later, but I'll probably save that for another thread or something.

The PCL nerf, on the other hand, did hit quite hard, although it was kinda bittersweet for my Onslaught fleet. Yeah, the DPS loss is terrible for securing kills, but it did mean that, since PCLs now stay active in-battle for longer, I could forgo EMR in favor of RFC and Solar Shielding against 2 to 3 Ordos and still have PCL ammo remaining. Although I considered using other medium missile options for the Onslaught, I stuck with PCLs just because those continue to provide additional survivability if/when the Onslaughts start getting threatened by missiles like Breaches or Reapers - which was fairly common!


Haha that's pretty wild! I knew that civilian ships tend to stand right on top of the RCC, but never bothered to try that with combat ships. If that feature exists, don't know why the ships don't do that for the general waypoint command. But guess that's something to experiment with for better fleet formations.

Right? I previously thought that the general Rally order had the shortest leash possible for positioning ships and, thus, was suited for keeping a strict formation (in contrast, the Defend order has the longest possible leash and is more suited for a fluid battle line), but Rally Civilian Craft is on a whole 'nother level entirely simply by just telling ships to maintain their position even in the face of death! Makes me wonder if actual civilian ships would do that too and let themselves get killed if they got caught out, but that's nothing compared to making line ships actually maintain their line for once - and not have to use multiple Retreat or Rally orders to just keep that line!
« Last Edit: February 20, 2024, 12:05:31 AM by Tranquility »


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Re: [0.97a] Post Your Endgame Fleets Here!
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2024, 01:50:55 AM »

Here's my humble fleet

Still not completely done with it, as you can see with the missing s-mods, and a few of my officers don't have maxed elite skills (max is 2 for me). But I can comfortably fight versus Remnants, end game bounties, stations and so on. Never went with a missile heavy fleet so this was a fresh experience. I still need to check out the Abyss, and kill the 1 mil bounty. I'll try and get footage of that once I get to it since I don't have anything right now except screenshots.

My character:
The joke is my name is Wolfgang but I didn't use a single Wolf whole playthrough, devious I know. Really wanted to try Cybernetic Augmentation this run so I went hard with combat skills. There's was a decision between Combat Endurance and Electronic Warfare for the last skill point but I caved in for less hassle at the start of battles.

And now for the ship builds:

Conquest (flagship)
After a long break from piloting it, I went back to my original favourite flagship and decided to spice it up with Dragonfires. Works surprisingly ok but I have to wiggle my ship and shields a bit when I fire them to shield them from incoming fire. Without that they usually can't connect unless the ship I'm firing at is isolated. I know, I apologize for leaving medium missiles empty but I really had no leftover OP. Dragonfires just cost too much. And the reason for so many Burst PDs is because I usually have double Locusts, so I needed something to get fighters off of me.

Pretty standard Pegasus except the Dragonfires. And don't talk to me about built-in ADF, I'm not slowing my whole fleet down because of a single ship. When I have multiple, then I manage in other ways.

Initially had a Locust in front, this imo is a straight upgrade since it fries fighters and everything else in front of it. Not much kinetic DPS but I wanted a long range build that plays safe.

The two of them are identical, just more missiles to fill the screen. Both missing an s-mod, not sure what to do here except the ol' boring just more flux stats.

Grendel #1 (long range)
This is essentially a phase Eradicator, it has every possible range boosting skill plus elite Helmsmanship. I'm satisfied with it for 18 DP. And once again shame to leave those missile slots empty but oh well.

Grendel #2 (the tank)
This one is meant more for distraction and buying time for other ships. Still decent firepower but is obviously more focused on defense and lower range.

It's an Eradicator.

Naturally I wanted to try out Escort Package and bonus points for using buffed Phase Lances. Pretty reliable build I'd say.

Pretty standard Omen. I have to remember to s-mod those free built-in hullmods.

I'm probably the only person using a Vigilance in a final fleet but I'm very happy with this build. Unstable Injector is mandatory on them though, the ship is way too slow.

EDIT: I get FMR is bad with Resonators but before I had Pilums on it, and that also eventually slows down. The best thing for it would be a Salamander Pod, I just don't care for it.

Poor thing didn't get a chance to have a single s-mod yet, but your time will come my ol' reliable.

EDIT 2: Note to Alex: It really is a giant pain having to manually crop every screenshot I take because the game's UI has so much dead space around, that for the sake of readability on this forum I have to trim it all down so the image don't look horrible. Surely we won't see a 1.0 version that still has these windows utilising not even 50% of the screen. This is especially silly in dialogs, scrolling text when there's so much empty space is a sin.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2024, 12:15:39 PM by Grievous69 »
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Re: [0.97a] Post Your Endgame Fleets Here!
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2024, 09:37:38 AM »

Going more for an experimental unconventional fleet rather than an optimal one, but it can still do endgame bounties and some ordos. Still deciding what's good, so you'll see all the ships and most officers are slightly different from each other. Some might say the different ranges of the guns on the capital ships might be an issue, but I haven't had too much of a problem with it so far. That said, I'm really liking the new storm needler, escort package, and slight hephastus buff.

Video of the builds & 750,000 credit bounty

One of the builds


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Re: [0.97a] Post Your Endgame Fleets Here!
« Reply #9 on: February 21, 2024, 10:38:29 AM »

I love me some fleet advice ;)
Word of warning: slightly modded run, but the ships and weapons I use are all vanilla:

I fell in love with the conquest in my last run (0.96) but am somewhat disenchanted with the results compared to an executor - see results.

The fleet:
Yes - I know that is quite a bit more than 240dp - I mix and match.
For fast (smaller) fights I use the aurora (SO)
For hard fights one of the Executors



The Ships:


The results:

I used to run two conquests and one executor but noticed that while the conquest is equivalent on shield damage it is consistently 1/3 or worse on hull damage.
BTW: I had my best lvl 7 officer on the conquest in some of those fights.

With this fleet I had 2 fights where I tried a second time:
1) Tri tachion Fighter spam with the Paragon pushing overfluxed executors and flanking auroras was not nice
2) Persian League total Hydra MDEM spam - SO MUCH GREEN it overfluxes a "hold-fire" SO aurora with 5 elite combat skills.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2024, 10:44:30 AM by u3r »


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Re: [0.97a] Post Your Endgame Fleets Here!
« Reply #10 on: February 21, 2024, 10:51:30 AM »

Here's my humble fleet

Still not completely done with it, as you can see with the missing s-mods, and a few of my officers don't have maxed elite skills (max is 2 for me). But I can comfortably fight versus Remnants, end game bounties, stations and so on. Never went with a missile heavy fleet so this was a fresh experience. I still need to check out the Abyss, and kill the 1 mil bounty. I'll try and get footage of that once I get to it since I don't have anything right now except screenshots.

Conquest (flagship)
After a long break from piloting it, I went back to my original favourite flagship and decided to spice it up with Dragonfires. Works surprisingly ok but I have to wiggle my ship and shields a bit when I fire them to shield them from incoming fire. Without that they usually can't connect unless the ship I'm firing at is isolated. I know, I apologize for leaving medium missiles empty but I really had no leftover OP. Dragonfires just cost too much. And the reason for so many Burst PDs is because I usually have double Locusts, so I needed something to get fighters off of me.

How does wiggling the ship work to increase missile accuracy?


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Re: [0.97a] Post Your Endgame Fleets Here!
« Reply #11 on: February 21, 2024, 10:53:22 AM »

Here's my humble fleet

Still not completely done with it, as you can see with the missing s-mods, and a few of my officers don't have maxed elite skills (max is 2 for me). But I can comfortably fight versus Remnants, end game bounties, stations and so on. Never went with a missile heavy fleet so this was a fresh experience. I still need to check out the Abyss, and kill the 1 mil bounty. I'll try and get footage of that once I get to it since I don't have anything right now except screenshots.

Conquest (flagship)
After a long break from piloting it, I went back to my original favourite flagship and decided to spice it up with Dragonfires. Works surprisingly ok but I have to wiggle my ship and shields a bit when I fire them to shield them from incoming fire. Without that they usually can't connect unless the ship I'm firing at is isolated. I know, I apologize for leaving medium missiles empty but I really had no leftover OP. Dragonfires just cost too much. And the reason for so many Burst PDs is because I usually have double Locusts, so I needed something to get fighters off of me.

How does wiggling the ship work to increase missile accuracy?
Because I use my shield to protect the Dragonfire until they fire, that is if I'm close enough to the enemy.
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Re: [0.97a] Post Your Endgame Fleets Here!
« Reply #12 on: February 21, 2024, 11:07:01 AM »

Hey guys,

Wanted to share a flash bomber fleet I've been working on that could be good for Ordo farming. This uses no officers and SD (Support Doctrine) as well as DO (Derelict Operations) and is under AI control. To get +500% XP you only need 2 ordos since there are no officers.

This managed to beat 4 ordos worth 1706 DP without taking any loses thanks to the zoning capabilities of the flash bombers and the huge range bonus of scintillas tactical lasers thanks to escort package. Minimal micro is required here, main thing is to keep the battle line full.

Video here:

1. First cap 3 points with the frigates, I use 2 omens and 2 pirate afflictors for maximum speed. Once the initial 2 points on your side are capped send both afflictors and omens to another point (omens kill the enemy frigate and afflictors cap point)
2. Launch entire fleet and corner camp while you wait for Remnants to come in.
3. First part is the trickiest since if a Nova rushes at the right time it can catch one of your scintillas off.
4. Keep your frigates on the corner of the map to prevent their CR from running out.
5. Once enemy Radiants start coming, you can assign the afflictors to your Radiants to get that sweet 50% damage bonus - this will help them brawl with enemy capitals more easily.


21 Scintillas: Escort Package (Built In) + Advanced Optics (Built In) + Integrated Targeting Unit + Hardened Subsystem. Weapons - 4 tac lasers, a pilum launcher and 2 flash bombers. For D-Mods anything is fine so long as you don't get the one which reduces your peak performance time. The perfect amount of D-Mods is 4 since they then cost only 7DP (as you can see my fleet is not fully optimised for 7DP).

With Escort Package and ITU as well as Advanced Optics each Scintilla can apply soft flux pressure with capital grade range and stay out of enemy fire well. The flash bombers can do good hard flux damage to shields given that each bomber has 4 bombs worth 500 HE damage each. Assuming each bomb connects thats 4K shield damage per wing. This is a good combo with the tactical lasers.

2 Radiants: Advanced Turret Gyros (Built In) + Integrated Targeting Unit (Built In) + Hardened Shields + Advanced Optics + Stabilised Shields + Flux Distributor. Weapons - 5 High Intensity Lasers, 4 tac lasers, 4 graviton beams. For D-Mods again anything is fine so long as you don't get the one which reduces peak performance time or weapon range. If you have Omega weapons feel free to use them - Rift Cascade Emitter or Reality Disruptor are both great on central mount.

These Radiants can chase down lone ships well due to the phase skimmer and apply great high explosive damage thanks to the High Intensity Lasers once shields are down. Another benefit of this is that I've found the Radiant to be much less aggressive when you put all beams onto it, so whenever it gets overfluxed it can just skimmer back in the scintilla line. Make sure you set your fleet doctrine to cautious.

2 Afflictor (P): Heavy Armor (Built In) + Hardened Subsystem (Built In) + Integrated Targeting Unit + Advanced Optics. 1 Tac laser for weapons. Main role of Afflictor (P) is to cap initial points and then towards the end support the Radiants when enemy capitals come in. The 50% damage buff makes a huge impact (although technically you can do without it).

2 Omens : Hardened Shields (Built In) + Hardened Subsystems (Built In) + Unstable Injector. 1 Shock Repeater, 1 Minipulser, 1 Antimatter SRM Launcher (if you have). If not, 2 PD lasers and a missile of your choice are fine too. These are mainly just for capping and killing the first enemy frigate. For D-Mods, try and avoid the one which reduces your speed as well as the one which reduces peak performance time. I use these mainly to kill any lone Scintillas which usually kite our fleet at range and drain our CR.

1 Kite: Operation Center (Built In). Weapons put whatever you want, I just use this as my command fleet to generate points. D-Mods - just get as many as possible, since we won't be fighting in this.

1 Atlas + 1 Prometheus. S-Mod whatever you want in here, these are just for storage and fuel and not used in combat.


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Re: [0.97a] Post Your Endgame Fleets Here!
« Reply #13 on: February 21, 2024, 08:27:46 PM »

Here's my "High tech basic b- , but with a little spice" fleet.
I know what some will think. "Oh, a flagship Paragon, and an Astral behind it? How original. And a couple Omens too!? Daring today, aren't we." And I'd be inclined to agree. However, there is beauty in simplicity, and for someone who's played the game a lot before but sucks at piloting this fleet was really neat to play around with. Oh, and also, escort package Doom.

In general I'm very happy how it turned out. There were multiple things I wanted from it:
1. Complete any and all content in the game. Doritos, ordos, ziggurat, stations, bounties from all factions, the new colony crisis fleets from all factions, everything.
2. To test out new things, such as escort package, cybernetic augmentation and changed weapons and skills.
3. Player pilot a ship that doesn't rely on speed.
4. Require little micro/be easy to play.
5. Be able to easily change into a stealth fleet.
6. Have ships that are effective as part of the fleet as well as with limited teammates. (Meaning I don't want to deploy my whole fleet for every fight)
7. Have ships that are available from the early game (In this case Medusas and Omens)
8. Have multiple different kinds of ships in it. Monofleets (or really anything with more than 5 of the same thing) are incredibly boring.

It delivered. I struggled a little before my officers started leveling up and getting system expertise. After that everything became a cakewalk.
In battle the main strategy is this: Right at the start, escort order on the Paragon for both Dooms and the Astral. Capture order on each control point. Search and destroy on Medusas. Every ship will be doing roughly what they're supposed to do, leaving the player to focus on piloting the Paragon. Omens, Medusas and the Afflictor will mostly be doing their own thing - dueling and destroying anything their size or smaller, while capturing points and ganging up on bigger targets.

Player skills
Flagship Paragon
The player piloted Paragon leads the Astral and Dooms into battle. The build itself is quite basic, the most spicy thing about it probably the IR autolances. But there was actually a surprisingly satisfying amount of skill expression for a bad/middling pilot such as myself. Venting and armor/hull tanking at the correct time, focusing a vulnerable target with tachyon lances and IR autolances by pressing R while shooting another with hardpoint plasma cannons, maximizing value from Energy Weapon Mastery by getting close to tougher targets while not overloading, timing attacks together with Doom's mines or Astral's bombers, using the shield to protect said bombers, actually learning to use an omni shield properly (It's much easier to use on a slow battleship with good firing arcs unlike on a, say, Aurora), and of course flicking fortress shield on and off to safely vent soft flux and avoid damage.
The Astral build is also very standard I think, nothing special. Some kinetic pressure from squalls and longbows, great damage from triple tridents, some beams. The medium pd lasers in the back probably aren't necessary, but oh well.
The Doom build is something that required quite a bit of cooking. It went through multiple iterations and tests, as well as more than a couple hours spent in the refit screen. The first question mark has got to be the kinetic damage dealer: why light autocannons? At first I tried dual light autocannons, but quickly moved away from them. 100 less range hurts - especially since it's base range and I wanted to use range boosters and phase lances. (I also tried Ion beams, but they did not convince me.) Not to mention the DLAC is still horribly inaccurate even in a hardpoint, and costs an ordnance point more. I then tried light needlers, the usual go-to. It didn't feel bad, but it didn't feel particularly good either. They're for sure better for a more classic doom build, but I wanted something different. Also, they're very expensive. I then tried railguns, and moved away from them even quicker than I did from DLACs. The difference in flux was extremely noticeable, and the Doom can use both its flux and its OP for better things. The result was regular light autocannons. They actually surprised me with how accurate and cost efficient they were, and I was satisfied.

Then came the hullmods. I wanted Escort Package, that's the whole thing I built the ship around. I also wanted to test the buffed phase lances. To capitalise on Escort Package, I decided to run Advanced Optics and Integrated Targeting unit. Heavy armor is something I'm a big fan of on the Doom, especially when S-modded and paired with an Impact Mitigation officer and some maneuverability buffs. I also wanted to get Adaptive Phase Coils, as I believe it's too good to drop due to how much safer it makes the ship, and then as many capacitors as possible. All these hullmods left me unable to get Resistant Flux Conduits (though I still wonder if it would be worth it to drop some caps for it), and basically meant I'd have no support for missiles. At first I tried some Gorgons - the AI just spammed all of them at the first target without need. Left were Salamanders and Pilums. I tested both, and Pilums were the winner, easily. They have a surprising amount of synergy with this build, even. Their ability to create space and EMP engines and weapons through shields can make ships prime targets for some mine spam, or devastating firepower from the flagship Paragon. Also, salamanders kinda just suck.
The Medusa build is very strong. Ever since the chance to S-modded extended shields, the Medusa has been my favorite destroyer, and now it's even stronger. I think this build does everything. It now has insane 0.3 flux/damage 360 degree shields to protect it's fragile armor and hull from fighters (the main weakness it had in the past) and chip damage when flanked or when diving to eliminate targets. It's high base speed and the phase skimmer system with systems expertise means it can chase and kill all kinds of opposing ships, while also being very difficult to kill. It's got great burst damage with kinetic, energy and anti armor, lots of EMP, lots of OP, and amazing base flux stats almost fitting for a light cruiser.
The Omen is an amazing multipurpose frigate, and if you just max capacitors and give it an antimatter blaster you're set. My version also has the Missile Autoloader mod - I'm not quite certain if it's optimal, but it sure is fun. Wolfpack tactics + Target Analysis + Cybernetic Augmentation means those Reapers HURT. It can do multiple things, duel and beat other frigates and capture points, EMP and shove a reaper up some poor low tech ship's behind, or quickly come to help the main force if needed.

The Omen is, frankly, just overpowered. It has just one weakness, and that's Harbingers. Everything else it's good or at least okay against. It never dies due to it's strong shield and deep flux pool, it's too quick to be chased, it's small so it dodges a lot of damage (tachyon lances could be dangerous, but I've never, ever seen my omens actually hit by that weapon, because it turns so slowly), It can't be ignored due to EMP emitter, it wins duels because EMP emitter is flux free hard flux damage... And unlike every other frigate, it also doesn't die to fighters, thanks to EMP emitter.

The Afflictor is there to act as a force multiplier. Just a single Afflictor makes something like an Invictus much faster to take down. With Helmsmanship, Coordinated Maneuvers and Phase Coil Tuning it's also comically fast. Perfect for capturing that third control point at the start of a battle. The build is, again, very simple. Max caps, Adaptive Phase Coils, Hardened Subsystems. In hindsight I should've given it a steady personality officer, and probably switched the EWM skill for something else.


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Re: [0.97a] Post Your Endgame Fleets Here!
« Reply #14 on: February 22, 2024, 02:51:10 PM »

Hey tseikk1,

have you tested the medusa with Smod expanded magazines vs. Smod SC-Front?
Or is it just preference?
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