Good day Ontheheavens! 
To be honest with you this should be in base vanilla when you mine asteroids for raw resources for those who want to be space nomads.
Im still kinda curious why Alex still doesn't implement a simple asteroid mining mechanic to this day since we have salvage rigs and mining lasers in the game?
That is all and Thank you This should be featured in the mod index !
Haha, thanks! Yeah, Alex has a lot of untapped development room in this department, for sure.
How does one use this mid? Do I need certain equipment for the option to appear?
I believe you can just plug-and-play this one; there's code in place so that ability would be added to the player if they do not have it already. Only thing you would need to do then would be to place the ability on the quickbar.
I had a brief thought about doing some quick quest introduction for this, but space mining seems like an activitiy awfully close to salvaging, at least in-universe. It follows that, since heavy machinery and crew is very well enough to deal with wrecks and salvage, shouldn't it be enough to cover mining activities as well? That was my reasoning, more or less.