Just beat the League in my system. Picked off fleets one at a time until they left. Lured two or three of the tougher ones to battlestations. They were dropping so many ships that I replaced some of my pristine ships with their junk ships and used them. Why throw Glimmers, Tempests, or expensive cruisers that I will have to Restore when I can send Brawlers and their other ships to do their work and scuttle them later? The toughest of the blockade fleets appeared to be on par with 250k+ bounty fleets, so if I want to beat the fleets, I want a fleet powerful enough to kill any human bounty, and my fleet cannot include Ziggurat if I do not want to destroy rep in one go. Speaking of rep, I lost close to 50 rep after fighting numerous fleets until the blockade was broken and they left.
So far, I only got the rep gain from Hegemony and Independence as my immediate reward. I have not visited the archon or Yaribay yet to see if I can get more (like Arroyo with TT). If the rep gain from two factions is it, then that is lame, especially after losing so much rep with the League (went from mid-20s to -24) for defending my worlds from their aggression, and I could not use the fun not-Vindicator, Ziggurat, to do it. The biggest reward so far is replacing my fleet's pristine cruisers with their junk cruisers so Hull Restoration can fix them and become pristine eventually - yes, lame.
I stole the pristine nanoforge shortly after the blockade fleet was launched, but that did not seem to do anything more. I could have stolen the forge much earlier with my overwhelming ground forces instead of waiting for the League to start the blockade. I just might steal the Diktat's synchotron and Hegemony's remaining items will I wait for the level 3 boss with Pirates or Knights.
Without PL blowing up my Hostile Activity fast, it will be slow raising HA points for Pirates or Knights. I definitely do not want High Command to slow HA progress now. If anything, I wish I can remove all of my Military Bases, but I want them for the +2 stability. I have almost all the blueprints now, only things left to raid for now are the stray forges and synchrotorns, and few pirate blueprints for junk ships (did not find pirate bp pack yet). I do not need a bunch of Military Bases anymore for fresh marines.
If my patrols cannot fully defend against big raids spawned by Hostile Activity (cannot take care of themselves), then the only use of Military Base is to give +2 stability instead of +1 from Patrol HQ, and to meet my colonies' demand for marines used by basic Ground Defenses (which is must-have for the +1 stability). I do not need so many Military Bases for that, although I would not hesitate to build military bases if I needed more stability.