Pretty much what the title says. What are the relative/vague sizes of ships in Starsector?
For instance; how large is the Invictus compared to a Paragon? Is it volume (Invictus is one square boi) or is it the longest measurement (so for a Paragon, front to back)? What's the average longest measurement of frigates, the average longest measurement of destroyers, etc. Nothing precise; just some ballpark numbers.
How do those compare to large structures like stations (star fortresses, abandoned stations, Remnant bastions, etc.)? How about cryosleepers or Guardians? How large is a gate in comparison and by extension, how large is the gate hauler relative to the average capital? Does the gate have a smaller diametre while being hauled and deploy into a larger form?
While this may seem like idle thoughts, I have a genuine use for such knowledge. If I want to implement a ship in a mod that throws expectations to the woodchipper, I need to know what sort of sizes would have such an effect on in-game characters. I also know that sizes are intentionally vague in-game so ships are fun to use and confront in battle, but having (vague) info on how sizes differ in-world would also help me determine how large a sprite for a ship I'm making should be given an in-world size of a given order of magnitude, more or less.