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Author Topic: Bringing the simulator up to date  (Read 408 times)

Dread Pirate Robots

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Bringing the simulator up to date
« on: February 03, 2024, 02:44:00 PM »

I know I'm not the first to suggest this, but with the new update just out I think it would be good time to revisit it. I think the simulator is starting to noticeably show its age relative to how polished the rest of the game has become, especially since there are now many ships, weapons, and entire factions you can't face in the simulator at all.

I know that I personally spend a decent amount of my play time testing stuff out in the simulator, and I think a lot of other players do as well so I think it makes sense to make improvements to it a pretty high priority. So that said, my suggestions are as follows:

-Have ships unlock in the simulator as you fight them

It probably doesn't make sense to have every ship in the game available right away, that's a lot of choices and it would spoil the novelty of new ships, especially the redacted and ultra redacted, but having some starting default ships unlocked, and then unlocking the ships you fight seems like a good way to expand the selection gradually without spoiling anything. You could also unlock ships you have blueprints for. It really does feel unfortunate right now that you can't fight every ship in the simulator, and it would definitely be fun to be able to train against redacted and ultra redacted ships in the late game.

-Let the player choose any number of any type of ship, and randomize their equipment

Currently the simulator only has a small number of each type of ship with a predefined loadout. I think it would be better if you could just pick, say, two paragons, or four manticores, and the simulator randomly generates the ship's loadout.

-Let the player choose if the enemy ships have officers

Currently there's no way to fight ships with skills in the simulator, so it would be good if you could try out opponents with and without officers.


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Re: Bringing the simulator up to date
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2024, 02:48:19 PM »

Funny, me and David were just talking the other day about what a simulator update would entail :) No promises, but it's very much something we're thinking about!


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Re: Bringing the simulator up to date
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2024, 01:01:00 AM »

Once again the hotfixes do a little trolling since I have to keep manually adding sim opponents, so I'll just link my previous posts about the topic.

And these are just the ones that I started, there's probably a ton more of rambling that came from me. Either way it's hilarious to see the person that replied first 3 years ago is now bringing up the same suggestion. Although suggestions of that kind go even further back.

I know you said no promises Alex, but some parts of the game truly need a makeover. I should probably make a separate thread about UI at some point when I get all thoughts together.
Please don't take me too seriously.


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Re: Bringing the simulator up to date
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2024, 10:37:44 AM »

While we are throwing in ideas, it would be very nice if the simulator also allowed adding and removing S-mods and officer skills at will.
(Maybe have officer skills unlock like mods and ships: Some officer in your fleet had to have them at some point, to unlock them permanently.)

... Currently if a fleet build does not work out, it is often faster to start a new game than to respec what you have. Or at least it feels that way. I think that this is pretty bad and - simulator or other - some QoL tool should be provided to test compositions out on the fly, without sinking several evenings of real time into the endeavour.