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Author Topic: [Modding Request] Officer Picker Listener  (Read 156 times)


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[Modding Request] Officer Picker Listener
« on: January 21, 2024, 06:58:59 AM »

Having a listener for the officer picker in the refit/fleet window would be quite useful and solve a lot of issues with the existing systems.
At the moment, you can only have officer pickers that either select a human officer within your fleets list of officers, or one that creates AI core people based on the cores in your inventory.

This feels rather limitting, as it restricts the choice to those two systems.
Thus, being able to add a listener that is called when the menu is opened, with the following properties:

1. Has access to the ShipAPI/Variant/Member of the selected ship, making it possible to filter based on ship, hullmods, etc.
2. Is able to add PersonAPIs to the list of selectable officers.
3. Can prevent the basegames & lower priority listeners from adding PersonAPIs to the picker if wanted.

This would allow to create a lot more types of ships that may be possible, but have rather clunky implementations and feel unwieldy for the player.
Some example usecases are:

1. An Automated Ship that can only install certain cores
2. An Automated Ship that could decide between different personalities, having rather a built-in set of cores that you can pick one from.
3. Automated ships that do not rely on the "Automated" Hullmod, or allow for the creation of a custom "Automated" Hullmod through this listener.
4. Ships that could house both humans or ai cores.
5. Human Officers that can only be put in to certain ships (Specialities, etc)
6. Ways to add new types of officers besides ai-cores and humans.

And the list goes on, but needless to say it would open the doors for quite a few things.
None of those things are something that vanilla probably needs, but not having a neat way to handle most of those cases has been a struggle so far.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2024, 07:00:51 AM by Lukas04 »
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