For the Dragonfires they seem functional, but like you said the overkill was notable.
[Edit] One thing watching this that really stood out is that Dragonfire's take so long to deal damage to a target that even with the AI holding back a bit in launching them vs overloaded/highly vulnerable targets, that trickle of more dragonfires is still way too much.
This is super cool! Not going to lie, I love seeing the Dragonfires in action. The amount of overkill does make me wonder if they'd do alright set on alternating, and possibly even last through a 2-Ordo fight.
So, I tried a few more single Ordo fights, and alternating fire seems to work fine. I can't really see a big difference in the final numbers, but they do seem to be used more sparingly.
Which made me willing to try to answer the 2 Ordo question, and to my embarrassment, I ran out of antimatter blaster charges on my Afflictor. Forgot to put on expanded magazines for such an extended fight, and be a bit choosier in my targets. This left me unable to properly support when the Radiant came out at the end (plus my CR was like 20% when I finally retreated my Afflictor), which meant I couldn't delay it enough before I could reorganize my ships to approach it properly with all the remaining carrier spam. So it rolled up one flank. On the other hand, it did pull it off at the end. See the attached after action reports.
I do really love hardpointed mk9, i tried different weapons on the larges, but kept coming back to those.
Even with buffed hephag i ended up not really liking it on the dom, and went back to 2mk9.
I should check how the 2sec PCL do vs remnants
Yeah, chunks of 200 kinetic damage are just really good, and work fine against most tiers of Remnant armor. Wouldn't want it necessarily against an Invictus, but then again, Dragonfires are really good against Shield Shunt ships.
Personally, I was wishing I had PCLs, even 2 second refire ones, on that double Ordo with carrier spam. 12 Scintillas and 24 fighters wings is just a lot to wade through with just 5 Omens. And it feels like 10 of them were still out when the Radiant came calling.
Nice to see more HIL Executor fans. Thank Pixi for that fit.
Thanks Pixi!
But yeah, I just love that Hypervelocity Driver + High Intensity Laser combo. It just feels good.
Some further thoughts playing around:
I do really like the ensure a kill aspect (plus the laser light show) by linking the Dragonfires together, as a 12000 damage soft spike is quite nice for getting that overload, or at least getting them to drop shield and take some of it on hull. However, the 4.16 (5/0.8/1.5) second refire delay feels almost as short as the time it takes to go from start of firing sequence (pair of red targeting beams) to last tick of damage. I know it is not, but it is like 2 seconds, right, plus 0.5 seconds to deliver all the damage? I guess, it just feels bad watching the firing sequence going on for 2 seconds pointed at a dead husk that just viscerally feels bad. Its like, why not change targets at that point, you've still clearly got tracking capabilities. Where as something like a Harpoon might as least swerve away to another target. Although even those still usually just run into the dead hulk if they're that close.
Counterpoint to that feeling, watching Dragonfires turn like 90 degrees to track a phase skimming Radiant and still connect is kind of cool. Plus, at least from time a fight takes and combat report metrics, it doesn't seem that much more effective than just letting the AI do it's thing selecting how many it wants to fire.
For this very specific application of Dragonfires on Dominators in AI hands, I personally would prefer it if they had a 10-15 second refire delay (closer to Typhoons), but that might impact Persean League negatively. Again personal preference in this particular case.
I think the -20% fire rate on Expanded Missile racks, and the drop to +25% fire rate in the next release for Elite Missile Specializations might actually be a buff for how I want to use them here.
A 10 second base delay, base count of 3 would be about perfect I think. With this setup next patch, that is a minimum of 90 seconds before an AI can fire them all. Compared to the potentially 25 seconds currently in this build. Harpoon pods currently have at least 67 seconds (81 seconds next patch) of fire time (3x3 salvos,9/08/1.5 second refire time). Typhoon Reapers clock in at 225 seconds (270 seconds next patch) before an AI can have fired them all right now.
I also did a couple SO Champion runs (swapping in Champions 1 for 1, Plasma, Cyclone,2x Ion Pulser totally aggressive setup), it has reminded me the difference between a SO fighting style and line fighting style. It is precisely because Dominators are so slow that they make great line ships - they fundamentally can't move quickly off the line without burn drive, and AI tends to be willing to cancel it quite early these days.
An SO fight, due to the extremely short ranges, wants everything to devolve into a bunch of one on ones or two on ones away from each other. An SO ship can't support another SO ship from 1000 units away, while long range cruisers/capitals can. So to avoid DPS concentration by the enemy which you can't replicate, you want the enemy line split up. This makes for a more hectic fighting style. Its not a weak style, as SO ships will win that 1 on 1 fight, but it is different, and you need to approach them differently.
Also, SO Champions really need some faster frigate killer ships with them, since while fast for a cruiser, they are not fast for a frigate, especially something like a beam Glimmer. 100% CR SO + UI Champion with Coordinated Maneuvers and Helmsmanship (base) is 60 + 24 + 20 + 15 + 50 = 169 speed. Elite Helmsmanship beam Glimmer with Coordinated Maneuvers and 85% CR is like speed 130+45+5 = 180 and range 1000 (to 1150). The Omens in my fleet without SO top out at 155+62+5=222 speed, so I don't feel bad sending the after a Glimmer or Lumen with an eliminate order.
This is one of the reasons I prefer Furies and Medusa as fire and forget SO ships. Base speed is higher, plus a manuever system means they will catch and kill frigates, no questions asked. If a frigate "distracts" them, it won't be for very long. Compare Fury's speed of 95+38+20+15+50=218 speed to my Omens or that hypothetical Glimmer, and then throw Plasma burn on top.
Edit: I've got a video loading to Youtube of another Dragonfire Dominator vs double Ordo. Tweaked the fleet some, added 2 mercencary officers to the last two Omens, and grabbed Wolfpack tactics instead of Tactical Drills to get more PPT on the frigates. Turns out I was overestimating my Afflictor compentancy.
Again, not a clean win, and some poor Afflictor play on my part, but the alternating fire fleet does get the job done.