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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Planet Search Overhaul (07/13/24)

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Author Topic: Starsector 0.97a (Released) Patch Notes  (Read 236357 times)


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Re: Starsector 0.96.1a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #30 on: January 01, 2024, 01:17:48 PM »

It has a new way of sorting colony interactions. It's definitely a new number, you've just been staring at it too long to notice.

I'm not actually sure what you mean by "sorting colony interactions", hmm?
I mean consolidating colony alerts into a single intel tab instead of scattered over two and a half and reworking the system. That is significant.


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Re: Starsector 0.96.1a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #31 on: January 01, 2024, 01:19:19 PM »


Thank you, fixed!

See, I thought the dynamic was that Sabot's were more versatile (versions in all slots as opposed to being large only), and could deal much more kinetic damage in bursts. Whereas Squalls do long range shield pressure, something missile focused ships and carriers seem to struggle with otherwise.

That still makes sense! Just, there are other aspects, too; ammo is an absolutely huge consideration for missiles.

Could you also add some kind of tip, for when a player accepts a stealth mission for the first time, that this is an option?

Hmm. Might not be a bad idea, to be honest. It's also kind of fun to have this be something the player can discover for themselves, though, so I'm a bit torn on that.

Escort Package sounds decent as detailed, but I have to ask: does it stack?!

What do you mean? Like, for having multiple capital ships nearby? If so: definitely not!

Can't wait to play through all the different colony crises  ;D


This seems like a good place to ask this, so: Have you considered putting in a 'Check for Updates' and auto update in the main menu?

I know a lot of players don't want it to auto-update because it can break mods, but being able to do it manually from the main menu would be nice.

I've thought about it, but: it's a ton of work that I'd rather put in elsewhere. Having an auto-updater that works on the range of systems it would need to work on (the various Windows versions, people running as different users with different levels of access, and OS X and Linux) would be a nightmare. And especially if Steam is in the future at some point...

Also sounds like you're getting close to releasing this next version! Rough time frame estimate? :)

When it's ready :)

Every single listed change I like, but that Phase Lance buff is somehow sticking out to me. Not to say it's going to break anything but why would a burst anti-armour beam be efficient like that? I understand the range is bad but it just "feels wrong" is what I'm trying to say. And maybe it will feel good using it, who knows. I just can't wait to abuse the hell out of them.

I kind of see what you mean, yeah. I just think it needed something and this is the option that felt best to me out of the possibilites I've considered. Efficiency was always a distinguishing feature of it, so, just leaning into that a lot more.

That escort package amplifying your destroyers is a stroke of genius. Insofar the destroyers are having a slight identity crisis - either too weak to field later on, or simply too expensive to beat frigates that perform the same job. Making it a premier escort ship that is fast, nimble, and dangerous is an incredibly exciting idea. Either they eat up frigates like anteaters, or they can offer ample fire support/point defense against larger threats. I already see a few strategies cooking.

I just find it so thematic and appropriate that we're getting inspiration from IRL naval doctrine where the destroyers are meant to destroy submarines and offer escort duty to carrier fleets. Well done!  :D

Haha, thank you! Let's hope it pans out this way in actual gameplay :D Can always tweak the actual bonuses as needed, of course.

Awesome! I will admit sometimes I spent a good 20 minutes crawling around a system looking for that tiny probe. Having no landmarks to reference to was always a bit painful (similar to the "in the outer reaches of the system" landmark for probe/derelict ships, but it was a bit worse with probes.)

Being totally honest here, I got this mission in my playtest, tried to find the probe, failed miserably, turned off sensors to see where it was, and went "yeeeeah this needs to change" :)

Is this a hyperspace sensor ghost? Or is this an Abyss sensor ghost? Either way, I'm scared.


Finding Sentinel randomly surprised me, I didn't think the game could put a dopey smile on my face even after so many hours but it still did.

That's awesome, makes me so happy to hear!

Very interesting changes and additions across the board! I'm glad to see Reverse Polarity getting added - getting stuck on the wrong side of slipstreams was a frequent issue for me, and I'm happy to have a way to deal with that now. Thank you for this  :)
Also, Cybernetic Augmentation looks very interesting now! Truthfully, that was the one skill I never picked in any of my runs so far, looks like that's about to change. Can't wait!

*thumbs up*

Yeah, can't wait to spend 5 hours flying around the sector map only to realize all the new exoplanets are indeed in the named corner.  :D

(... to save you 5 hours: they are!)

Boo yeah, can't wait to fly headfirst into a pirate armada in a slipstream, both of us going burn 30 in opposite directions.

One niggling annoyance with neural link I've found is every time you swap it changes your strafe to cursor toggle back to whatever the default is. Any easy fix possible for that?


I think this is already changed not to be turned off every time you switch ships.

Can we colonize rogue planets?

You'll have to wait and see!

I mean consolidating colony alerts into a single intel tab instead of scattered over two and a half and reworking the system. That is significant.

Ah, gotcha - thank you for clarifying, that makes sense.


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Re: Starsector 0.96.1a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #32 on: January 01, 2024, 01:36:41 PM »

Escort Package: What's the OP cost on this one? -/8/15/-? I presume there isn't a visual indicator of how close 1000 su is for the effect to kick in. 1000 su isn't that far but clumps of a couple of Cruisers in a Destroyer ball will probably effect most of the Destroyers. On its surface, this seems really powerful because of the range boost. Assuming the Destroyers have ITU, both Destroyers and Cruisers will have Capital-like range when around a parent Capital. You can't squeeze too many ships in 1000 su around the Capital (without getting in each other's way) but whole fleets purposely-built to use this will have a massive range advantage. I guess I'll have to see it in practice.

I'm kind of surprised it doesn't work the other way around: you install Escort Package on the "mothership" and all smaller Cruisers and Destroyers within 1000 su get the buffs. I suppose that centralizes/reduces the OP investment to one ship rather than multiple, making it easier to stack to absurd levels.

+100 to all the QoL additions: ALT transferring inventory being the default is :chef's kiss:

Phase Lance change: It needed something. I'll take the efficiency boost, but I do agree with intrinsic_parity to some degree. The Phase Lance feels like its shots get "wasted" against shields because of the long delay between shots, regardless of efficiency. I know it won't happen, but I sort of wish the Rift Lance and Phase Lance switched their RoF. The Phase Lance (being far more common) could use the faster RoF to make it more general-purpose while the Rift Lance would be this small, highly-effective powerhouse that defies convention.

All Weapon Changes: Light Dual AC being so ludicrously efficient was kind of a no-brainer, so I'm not complaining. Heavy AC and HAG being more efficient is also makes them more competitive within their class. Storm Needler is now the equivalent to - :raises shields: "So you have chosen death" meme. I like the Squall change (they are too hard to kill). Ambivalent to the Locust change. I still don't use the various Laser Missiles to have an opinion on the chose changes. Salamanders being reduced in price is interesting. I figured they were expensive because they were regenerating and they could have dramatic effects on a battle if one happens to hit. Along with Elite Missile Spec, I could see an uptick on Salamander usage. Proximity Mine Launcher getting nerfed was necessary. They are incredibly powerful en masse.
Safety Overrides: I didn't use SO on Monitors but I always knew I could. I can't wait for the SO overhaul :D

Auxiliary Thrusters: Yay! Three things worked against it: two skills that did the same thing, it was too costly, and because it was too costly, it didn't have an S-mod bonus. The new S-mod bonus is a pretty big relative boost for Capitals, who need all the speed they can get. Paired with new Helmsmanship, a Paragon can be cruising at like 105 su/sec instead of the 88 of current!

Story stuff: Not much to say except, I can't wait to try it!  ;D

As an aside, of all the multitude of changes made last patch, the one that overwhelmingly altered my experience for the better is the ambient music in unexplored star systems. The shift in mood going from hyperspace into an unknown system is jarring and eerie...precisely what you want. There's a low-level, palpable unease being in the system because of the background noise (or sometimes lack thereof). All this to say, while new ships, skill changes, weapon tweaks, etc. get the headlines, I'm hoping there are more "atmosphere" additions in the future.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2024, 01:39:30 PM by FooF »


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Re: Starsector 0.96.1a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #33 on: January 01, 2024, 01:47:23 PM »

Escort Package: What's the OP cost on this one? -/8/15/-? I presume there isn't a visual indicator of how close 1000 su is for the effect to kick in. 1000 su isn't that far but clumps of a couple of Cruisers in a Destroyer ball will probably effect most of the Destroyers. On its surface, this seems really powerful because of the range boost. Assuming the Destroyers have ITU, both Destroyers and Cruisers will have Capital-like range when around a parent Capital. You can't squeeze too many ships in 1000 su around the Capital (without getting in each other's way) but whole fleets purposely-built to use this will have a massive range advantage. I guess I'll have to see it in practice.

Close - it's -/7/15-. Also, there's an extra range band where the bonus drops off gradually, so it's not an "oops, you're 1001 units away, no bonus" type of situation. (And, given vanilla weapon ranges, there should not be any situations where moving away from a target and closer to a large ship would actually give you more effective range.)

I'm kind of surprised it doesn't work the other way around: you install Escort Package on the "mothership" and all smaller Cruisers and Destroyers within 1000 su get the buffs. I suppose that centralizes/reduces the OP investment to one ship rather than multiple, making it easier to stack to absurd levels.

The other part of it is, let's say you want an escort destroyer or two in your fleet of larger ships. It would be very unpleasant to have to put this hullmod on all of your large ships.

I know it won't happen, but I sort of wish the Rift Lance and Phase Lance switched their RoF. The Phase Lance (being far more common) could use the faster RoF to make it more general-purpose while the Rift Lance would be this small, highly-effective powerhouse that defies convention.

This is an interesting idea. The PL would have to give up a lot of hit strength to make that work, though, no? Otherwise it seems to be basically a burst PD laser minus the PD.

Salamanders being reduced in price is interesting. I figured they were expensive because they were regenerating and they could have dramatic effects on a battle if one happens to hit. Along with Elite Missile Spec, I could see an uptick on Salamander usage.

Yeah, though their OP cost was set way back, when some of the missiles overall cost more OP and in general had less ammo, so I don't think they kept up very well.
As an aside, of all the multitude of changes made last patch, the one that overwhelmingly altered my experience for the better is the ambient music in unexplored star systems. The shift in mood going from hyperspace into an unknown system is jarring and eerie...precisely what you want. There's a low-level, palpable unease being in the system because of the background noise (or sometimes lack thereof). All this to say, while new ships, skill changes, weapon tweaks, etc. get the headlines, I'm hoping there are more "atmosphere" additions in the future.

(Passed this on to Stian!)


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Re: Starsector 0.96.1a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #34 on: January 01, 2024, 01:48:37 PM »

Could you also add some kind of tip, for when a player accepts a stealth mission for the first time, that this is an option?

Hmm. Might not be a bad idea, to be honest. It's also kind of fun to have this be something the player can discover for themselves, though, so I'm a bit torn on that.

Possible third option: A tip "hidden" in lore/dialogue?
Like the contact saying: "Also it would be a shame, if some array would send out false readings during your approach."

I get that it would be cool, if the player discovers this alone.
But in the current state of the game, does the player have any reason to interact with a sensor array of another faction and so stumble over this option?
« Last Edit: January 01, 2024, 02:30:53 PM by Mortrag »


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Re: Starsector 0.96.1a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #35 on: January 01, 2024, 01:52:32 PM »

The Escort Package seems (feels?) amazing. I always had the problem that the destroyers couldn't support my captial ships effectively as they hide behind them and not secure their flanks.
Even if this behaviour is still present with the extra range they should now be able to support them. Really looking forward to this change.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2024, 02:04:15 PM by Okawal »


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Re: Starsector 0.96.1a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #36 on: January 01, 2024, 02:04:37 PM »

Although I think the squall nerf isn’t entirely unwarranted, I think its HP value might be being nerfed too much. This is because without any hullmods buffing its stats squalls aren’t too hard to deal with. Missile spec’s huge buffs made squalls basically invulnerable though.

I would feel more comfortable with a less severe HP nerf than 50%, but who knows maybe this will be better for everyone at the end of the day. Cool adjustments, thank you for the patch notes!

I'm super excited to see how the other factions new interactions with colony crisis goes. Oh, that brings up another idea.

Now that the Luddic church and hegemony claim two uninhabited systems in the core that have planets to colonize, maybe increasing the weight (if possible) of having a few additional nice traits for the planets in that system would be nice? Nothing spectacular, maybe just like a better chance for a farmable or organics planet in these systems? Food for thought.

« Last Edit: January 01, 2024, 02:43:24 PM by PixiCode »

Hiruma Kai

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Re: Starsector 0.96.1a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #37 on: January 01, 2024, 03:17:59 PM »

Looks like some exciting changes.  Definitely interested to discover what you and David have cooked up Abyss wise.

Penelope's Star is now claimed by the Luddic Church, and Duzahk/Tia-Tax'et by the Hegemony
For the purpose of player colonies getting expeditions sent against them
Can be turned off in settings.json -> factionsClaimUnpopulatedCoreSystems

Interesting.  I suppose if I want a central colony in Duzahk, need to sign on with the Hegemony now.

Officers found in sleeper pods: all of the level 7 ones and some of the level 5 ones now use preset skill selections

This is certainly a nice quality of life improvement.  Although now I really wonder what the themes of the preset skill selections are.  Almost feels like an opportunity for back story on them.

Demand filled through player trade stays filled longer (was: 30 days, now: 120 days)
Black market trade can now fill demand

Interesting tweak to the economics simulation.  Am I correct in reading this as significantly reducing the maximum credits that can be extracted via black market trading out of worlds like Chalcedon and Epiphany in a given 30 day period, making it more like 120 days between going back to make a quick buck?

Derelict Mothership: now always drops one of: Pristine Nanoforge, Synchrotron, Catalytic Core

Feels like a good change so that when players follow the breadcrumbs from probes to survey to mothership, they get a reward for their persistence.

Nice to see the skill tweak blog discussion summarized officially in an easy to find place. :)
Although, did you ever settle on changing elite Impact Mitigation, still a work in progress or staying as is?

In regards to Escort Package, I've already taken to using Enforcers with the escort command on low tech capitals in themed fleets, so Escort Package is going to fit right in on those (and they've got the OP for it).  A couple triple Hypervelocity Driver support Enforcers sound fun.  Although given the escort command itself tends to keep ships to the rear, its more likely just to keep flankers even farther back in that usage case.

Monitor no longer taking safety overrides seems like a good step.  My guess that should reduce effective Monitor tanking peak by about 55-60% (taking into account Elite Field Modulation is now 20% hard flux dissipation).  Peak tanking in the proposed version (including the 15->20% dissipation buff from elite Field Modulation), along with Front Shield s-mod and Flux Distributor s-mod, looks to be around:

(342*0.7-100)/0.465*10 = 2,997 effective shield damage per second with Fortress shield up.  Does require an officer though.  That will still be able to tank a number of non-optimized capitals, but not all capitals.  I'm guessing most Radiants should be able to hit that, at least in some form of burst.

Possible third option: A tip "hidden" in lore/dialogue?
Like the contact saying: "Also it would be a shame, if some array would send out false readings during your approach."

I get that it would be cool, if the player discovers this alone.
But in the current state of the game, does the player have any reason to interact with a sensor array of another faction and so stumble over this option?

I vaguely remember it being a suggestion in discussion text during the main quest where you are forced to do the hacking of the comm relay.  If it isn't, it definitely should be suggested by Gargoyle, being the hacker extraordinaire the player interacts with.


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Re: Starsector 0.96.1a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #38 on: January 01, 2024, 03:23:23 PM »

Really great patch notes

Love the look of all of this. AI avoiding hazards like black holes, Alt for quick transfer, Reverse Polarity and all those skill swaps for hyperspace. MAN, absolutely packed with QoL changes. Really great stuff.

I'm also happy some of the older weapons are getting updates and love. I was wondering what your current thoughts were on missiles. Missile Autoloader seems like a really fun hullmod but simply costs too much unless you happen to land in the ideal bracket. It's really nice for AI so they ACTUALLY pace their missile use rather than busting all their missiles at the start of a fight. I personally love reloading missiles so I'm obviously biased but I feel like that hullmod could be so much more. Certain missiles like the Jackhammer that have insanely low ammo are really hampered by AI usage. With those precious two volleys often getting wasted. It's good to see that frigates won't be such magnets but AI missile / torpedo usage is always a tricky thing to get perfect. Just wondering what you were feeling design wise about the current state of missile / torpedo usage.


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Re: Starsector 0.96.1a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #39 on: January 01, 2024, 03:38:32 PM »

Quote from: Alex
Close - it's -/7/15-. Also, there's an extra range band where the bonus drops off gradually, so it's not an "oops, you're 1001 units away, no bonus" type of situation. (And, given vanilla weapon ranges, there should not be any situations where moving away from a target and closer to a large ship would actually give you more effective range.)

Ah, now that's good idea! If you're piloting a Destroyer/Cruiser, does the Escort Package modifiers appear on the left side of the screen with other info?

Quote from: Alex
I'm kind of surprised it doesn't work the other way around: you install Escort Package on the "mothership" and all smaller Cruisers and Destroyers within 1000 su get the buffs. I suppose that centralizes/reduces the OP investment to one ship rather than multiple, making it easier to stack to absurd levels.

The other part of it is, let's say you want an escort destroyer or two in your fleet of larger ships. It would be very unpleasant to have to put this hullmod on all of your large ships.

Very true. I didn't think of that. :)

Quote from: Alex
I know it won't happen, but I sort of wish the Rift Lance and Phase Lance switched their RoF. The Phase Lance (being far more common) could use the faster RoF to make it more general-purpose while the Rift Lance would be this small, highly-effective powerhouse that defies convention.

This is an interesting idea. The PL would have to give up a lot of hit strength to make that work, though, no? Otherwise it seems to be basically a burst PD laser minus the PD.

I just swapped the weapons data for PL and the Rift Lance and threw a pair of Phase Lances on a very generalist Eagle, no skills. My overall impression is that it gained significant anti-fighter capability (killing Brodswords in one shot) but it was only tickling even moderate armor. I know it does 1000 damage/sec but when it only hits for half a second (including travel time), it doesn't have a lot of time to inflict damage. It was particularly effective against Frigates.

Small sample size and all but it's a lateral move. You give up punching power for being able to kill smaller craft more efficiently. Against the sim Venture, I could hardly tell they were doing anything...which I would then complain about in a Patch Notes thread how the PL is anemic against heavy armor and ask that it's RoF be halved but have double the duration. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Maybe an efficiency buff is fine. :)


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Re: Starsector 0.96.1a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #40 on: January 01, 2024, 03:56:26 PM »

While I like the Hull Restoration CR change I'm also of the opinion that HR needs to be nerfed or otherwise changed to encourage skill build diversity. I'd wager about 80% of player builds involve immediately dumping 5 points in Industry. The free D-mod repairs are just too convenient, basically saving anyone who takes it tens of millions of credits no matter their situation.


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Re: Starsector 0.96.1a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #41 on: January 01, 2024, 03:56:49 PM »

Really great patch notes

Love the look of all of this. AI avoiding hazards like black holes, Alt for quick transfer, Reverse Polarity and all those skill swaps for hyperspace. MAN, absolutely packed with QoL changes. Really great stuff.

I'm also happy some of the older weapons are getting updates and love. I was wondering what your current thoughts were on missiles. Missile Autoloader seems like a really fun hullmod but simply costs too much unless you happen to land in the ideal bracket. It's really nice for AI so they ACTUALLY pace their missile use rather than busting all their missiles at the start of a fight. I personally love reloading missiles so I'm obviously biased but I feel like that hullmod could be so much more. Certain missiles like the Jackhammer that have insanely low ammo are really hampered by AI usage. With those precious two volleys often getting wasted. It's good to see that frigates won't be such magnets but AI missile / torpedo usage is always a tricky thing to get perfect. Just wondering what you were feeling design wise about the current state of missile / torpedo usage.
Yeah fellow missile lover here, i often end up spending a large portion of skills and OP on missile related buffs so getting a stronger missile rack would be amazing. I feel it just needs to be its own feature though where you retreat ships to the back to rearm during long fights then redeploy them again. I imagine a sort of resupply at sea thing going on but in space, gundam thunderbolt had a good scene where they got caught repairing and rearming mid battle in the rear area.

I look forward to testing all the new skills and giving the salamanders a try again seeing as end game was nothing but small missiles due to their large ammo reserves and low OP cost.


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Re: Starsector 0.96.1a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #42 on: January 01, 2024, 04:01:03 PM »

Close - it's -/7/15-. Also, there's an extra range band where the bonus drops off gradually, so it's not an "oops, you're 1001 units away, no bonus" type of situation. (And, given vanilla weapon ranges, there should not be any situations where moving away from a target and closer to a large ship would actually give you more effective range.)
The drop-off happens after 1000 SU, right? Because the range is pretty tight as-is, if the hullmod was only getting 50% value at 750 range or what-have-you, it would be pretty anemic.

Also yes, the stacking thing was multiple capitals nearby. I was just curious, the possibilities if that were the case would be amazing!


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Re: Starsector 0.96.1a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #43 on: January 01, 2024, 04:11:05 PM »

Yaaay! Great news!

Any chance we can get another skill to boost marines? And since we're doing QOL changes, can you consider this suggestion:
I'm not going to check but you should feel bad :( - Alex


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Re: Starsector 0.96.1a (In Development) Patch Notes
« Reply #44 on: January 01, 2024, 04:20:47 PM »

I mean it is pretty consistent - the only thing that doesn't cost you CP is when you just control the ship yourself and do your own things. Everything that involves giving orders for AI pilot to follow, even for your flagship, costs CP. I don't see the problem here, personally.
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