After playing way more than I should have, I have only one complaint: [Redacted] weapons are so fun. Missiles that use flux instead of munitions? give them to me. But you only get a tiny cache if you know the location, a sample that most likely can't be used to fully make a build. Then you defeat the doritos and its based on luck whether you get the weapons you want in the quantity you want, and by the time you even manage to take them down you are already in the end game with not much time left to have fun with these cool weapons.
It always feels like such a shame. I cheated enough of those weapons to made a build and had a blast with it, its a shame it would never happen in a regular game.
While some of them are truly powerful, other feels like they could have a space in the sector. Missiles in their regular form are extremely low tech, so they fit really well with hegemony and luddites, and the new Persean League missiles truly embodies what a "mid-line" missile would look like. Now, why is tri-tachyon using low tech missiles instead of something more high-tech than what the Persean League uses? doritos missiles still eat huge amount of flux so they seem fairly balanced if not almost underpowered , as they void the true advantage that missiles have of being able to use no flux. So, wouldn't it make sense for the tri-tachyon to make use of some of these high tech "missiles"?